When I was about 9 or 10 years old, my mother pulled me aside for an important talk. She explained that people might tease me because of my name, and I had to be prepared.

“If someone makes fun of you, just ignore them,” she told me. “You have to let it roll off your back, learn not to care, and move on.”

I acknowledged this and understood what she was saying. I turned to my mother and asked her, “Mom, what about Drew?”

She wasn’t talking about Drew. She was talking about our last name, Fagot. The saying engraved as “fagit.”

Some people claim its pronunciation is “fuh-go,” although that’s not entirely wrong, the name often changes to fit the culture they are in.

Like many surnames, my origin. It comes from the French word for firewood gatherer. According to records, only 372 people in the U.S. share this surname, and about 3,000 worldwide. So yes, I guess you could say I’m one in a million.

FOOTBALL is my first love. In tryouts, it’s common practice for the coach to give each player their last...

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