Part 1: Prepare to clean the mold

1. Wear rubber gloves, safe goggles and masks. Mold spores are harmful to the body, especially when they are inhaled into the lungs more harmful. Therefore, every time you clean up the mold, you have to wear masks, rubber gloves and safe goggles at places without ventilation.

  • Because the mold spores are very lethal to the lungs, you'd better wear N95 masks, and most hardware shops can be bought.
  • If you are allergic to mold, try not to expose your skin outside, and you can wear long -sleeved shirts and workers.

2. In order to prevent the spread of mold spores, furniture can be cleaned outdoors. It really doesn't work, just clean up indoors, but be sure to open the window in advance. During the cleanup process, you may still accidentally spread the mold spores. In order to prevent mold falling to other parts of other furniture or other places, you'd better clean up outdoors.

  • If you want to move the furniture outside, you have to tear one or two garbage bags first, and then stretch them on the furniture to prevent the spores from falling elsewhere in the process of moving the furniture.
  • Many cleaner, such as bleach, will emit harmful gases, so you better clean up the furniture in a ventilated place.

3. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the places with mold. Gently suck the vacuum cleaner in a moldy place several times. It is best to use the vacuum cleaner with handle and high -efficiency particle filter to suck the suspended spores and dust.

  • Clean the dust collector's dust bag or dust barrel outdoors, pour the garbage into the garbage bag, seal the bag tightly, and then throw it away.

Part two: Clear mild mold spots

1. Mild mold spots can be placed under the sun. After dew in the morning, you can put mild and moldy or moldy furniture outdoors to bask in the sun. After the sun falls, the furniture will be taken back. If necessary, take a few more days of the sun.

  • Mild mold spots can also produce harmful spores, so you also need to bring gloves, masks and goggles when dealing with.
  • Mold will grow in a humid environment. If your home is more humid, a dehumidifier can be placed to achieve a similar effect as the sun.
  • In order to achieve better results, mixing water and white vinegar in the morning can be mixed at a ratio of 1: 1, and then sprayed on the furniture.

2. Mild mold spots can be sprayed with vodka to remove. If the sun is not effective, the vodka wine can be sprayed on the mold. After spraying it in the sun, the effect will be better.

  • If the furniture is painted, the mold is unlikely to penetrate the surface. At this time, a mild cleaner can be used.

3. Wipe off the more severe mildew spots with dishwashing and soft brush. The mildew spots that can be removed with sunshine or vodka can also be removed with mild home cleaner. You can put the detergent in a bucket of warm water, and then gently brush the mold spots with a soft brush.

  • After brushing, wipe the surface of the furniture with a wet towel. If there is no mildew on the surface, wipe it with a dry rag. If there is a mildew on the surface, brush it again.
  • Before the brush, you can use a brush to dip the cleaners to test on the surface of the furniture. Some brushes will damage the polishing agent on the furniture.

4. If the detergent is not useful, you can choose to distilled white vinegar and try again. It is very effective to remove the mildew to remove the mildew. If it does not work with detergent, you can add some white vinegar to the cannon, and then spray the furniture thoroughly. After waiting for an hour, wipe the surface with a wet rag.

  • If necessary, spray white vinegar again, after the mold spots are removed, and wipe it with a dry cloth again.

Part three: Remove the stubborn mold spots

1. Mixed bleach to remove stubborn moldy spots. Mix 60 ml of cleaner, 600 ml bleach and 1.2 liters of water in the bucket, and then mix the solution evenly.

  • Only the mildew on the surface of the wooden furniture can be removed only by bleach. The mildew spots that are rooted on the wood need to add a cleaner containing a surfactant to remove it.
  • The bleaching agent will fade or even white on the color of the clothes or blankets, so when you use it, you must put on your work clothes or you can throw away clothes.

2. Apply the bleach solution to the surface of the furniture. Immerse the hard brush or sponge in the bleach solution, and then wipe it on the surface of the furniture slightly, and then blow dry naturally after cleaning the moldy places. If necessary, repeat this process again.

  • It is best to move the furniture outside, and use a bleach solution to clean it in the sun according to the above requirements.
  • The hard brush may destroy the surface of the furniture, and then you have to polish the furniture again.
  • If the bleach solution cannot completely remove the mold, it may be because the mold has already rooted in the furniture. At this time, it is not effective to use a detergent.

3. When the bleach does not work, it can be polished with sandpaper. Gently polish the moldy place with 120-200 destinations. Follow the furniture when the furniture is wet to avoid spores. Clean and polish with bleach, and then blow the furniture.

  • Sanded with sandpaper on the surface of the furniture that has been thrown out may cause damage. After removing the mildew spots, it needs to be polished again.


  • Mold spores are harmful to people, so wearing safety equipment when cleaning, such as gloves, goggles and masks.
  • When the mold has severely invaded the furniture and cannot be removed, the furniture may be thrown away.

You may need

  • Mask (N95 or better)
  • bleach
  • Clean rag
  • Detergent
  • Distilled white vinegar
  • The vacuum cleaner with high -efficiency particle filter (preferably with hose)
  • Rubber gloves
  • Safe goggle
  • Sand paper (non -required)
  • Soft brush
  • sponge
  • watering can
  • Hard brush
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