There are many reasons these days negative. We are steadily going to climate disaster, and major changes have not yet happened. Although the democracy in the United States has been rescued in the past, there are still some denominations and incompetent personal power within the government. The rich continued to become richer and hoarded their money instead of taking measures to help people.

This list has been continuing, it may be very frustrating. However, we do not allow these things. Once we mention the word "depression", people will think that we have depression.

We were told to "cheer up" or "things will become better."

If we feel sad, angry, anxious or depressed, the case is the same. In fact, whenever we look unhappy, this situation often happens.

I do think that things will improve in time, but the instant response to those who seem unhappy to say these words shows how enthusiasm is our minds.

This is a default emotion we should always feel. We are destined to laugh more. If we do not, then there must be any big problems. Maintaining happiness is correct in morality.

This is where the problem lies

Driven by the self -service industry, several masters have practiced the benefits of positive emotions. There is a power behind the smile, which can cause the ripple effect. They tend to smile and positive the essence of addiction.

However, they ignored obvious flaws.

In the process of one day, we will all experience emotions. Some are those happy emotions. But we have also experienced negative. It is unhealthy to suppress them in this way to suppress them in this way. Any psychologist or a person with low emotions in the past will tell you that this is not a good idea.

These strategies that only feel positive emotions destroy our ability to deal with emotions correctly, and then destroy daily life and the entire world. We are in a fantasy world, hoping that the world is like this, not what it is actually.

I hope this fantasy world -everyone is happy, you have always been happy -related to the lower level of willpower and happiness, but it is also related to the higher level of depression and anxiety. All of this helps us solve problems and growth.

The self -help master should know this very well. They have lived for a while, and from experience -even trauma experience -knowing that happiness and positiveness should not be our default emotions. However, they don't talk about it.

Whenever there is negative news, they usually associate them with their successful stories. They always overcome some things. The foils of their personality development only exist in several chapters of their lives.

We need to do better

For a while, I have been talking about the danger of this way of thinking. Of course, it is suitable for rich and powerful people. They are rich and powerful, and in most cases, any setbacks are slight inconvenience. But people like you and me are not strong, and we are not rich.

Shower your shoulders, and the idea of ​​singing everything will not be reduced. We need some more realistic and practical things.

The first step is not to put aside our daily emotions, and always forced only one default emotion, but began to label the emotions we feel every day.

What is your happiness?

What is your sadness?

What is your neutrality?

Stress -one kind of negative emotions -is another solid start. We believe that stress is black and white, but there are different types of pressure.

The pressure that really brings is different from the pressure caused by something disappointed. Or feel pressured because you are in the wrong industry, work or relationship.

When we start to mark all the emotions we have experienced and correct them, we start to understand the source of these emotions. As many self -help masters said before, we became emotional.

But this strategy exceeds the so -called "preparation potential". When you know your emotions and prepare, you can set better goals and make specific changes.

We need to treat emotions with more sympathy

Sympathy is another widely used term. Although it is good, not all self -help masters will practice it. Deep in our hearts, we think that sympathy is a manifestation of weakness and laziness, or you are just deceiving yourself when you try.

Sympathy takes time to cultivate. In my opinion, this is a form of self -care that we don't often pay attention to. We will soon meditate, take a warm bubble bath, or smell the fragrance of candles, and then do some simple things, such as showing a certain degree of compassion.

Sympathy is powerful, because when it is effectively used, we are creating and expanding the security space that our thoughts can go, and we can take more risks there. We can explore the world and improve the effectiveness of our way of interaction and participation.

After all, sympathy means that even if things become very bad, you will still like yourself and treat yourself well.

We need to change the statement

Finally, dealing with emotions and sympathy for it means first to practice a new story about our emotions. According to the two previous steps, this step is easier to execute, because each step is based on another step.

When telling your emotional story, our response is blurted out. I'm sad, I'm angry, I am angry, I am disappointed.

These are helpful because you are admitting this emotion, but it does not have much effect except placing it first and center. You want to expand this story.

As "I noticed that I feel [inserting emotion here]", it started a better start. What's better is to connect it with that emotion that makes you want to do, whether you leave the room, yell, cry, cry, or anything else.

This method is better because it brings other parts of your own into the screen. Your values ​​and your intentions are brought into that phrase, which is important because it has more controls from changing your emotions to your emotions you feel.

At that time, whether you feel negative or thought to make you frustrated, you will not always indulge in them. This will affect your behavior and interacting with surrounding things.

Development emotional intelligence is a difficult skill. Emotions are complicated, and people's misunderstanding will be so misleading. Just like people think Elon Musk is full of emotional intelligence. His Twitter's treatment did not suggest this at all.

Things like this are the obstacles to understanding and dealing with our emotions correctly. However, the most important thing at the beginning is people's obsession with enthusiasm. This enthusiasm is the norm, and we need to always show it. We should not do this. Experience other emotions is to become humans. Refusing or forcing a specific emotional result is to refuse to be a person.

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