When you enter a house, a place, or even a town, you will get that invisible feeling. A kind of atmosphere, whether good or bad. You can't say why you feel this, but you will definitely.

It turns out that your body may know more than the brain -science indicates that resonance is real .

It's not just that you are strange.

People have left more than you think

The following is the study of juju:

Studies have shown that chemical signals -chemicals that emit emotional signals in sweat and tears — the time in the environment is longer than we think.

This is a rough but good example study .

Let men watch horrible or disgusting movies. Collect their sweat. Let a woman smell sweat and track their facial expressions and eyes.

Smell terrible sweat = terrible facial expression. Smell the disgusting sweat = disgusting facial expression.

In other words, chemical signals are important, and our noses can receive them. We are more like animals than we imagine.

When it comes to JUJU, more studies have shown that these chemical signals can change our perception of physical space. Our nervous system can truly feel the emotional residue left by its previous occupants. If they are happy, we will feel happy. If they are painful, we can feel it.

What a scientist does not know how long this emotional residue can last. So there may be other factors here to play a role. To this end, we need to help Grades , the king of social sciences.

Your brain judges the atmosphere of a place faster than your consciousness

Blink of Malcom Gradwell 's book Open a brand new group that makes them realize that what happened in human mind is more than what we realize.

In Blink, GLADWELL believes that we are consciously aware of what we deal with in subconsciousness. Our brain may not know why we feel uneasy or weird, but our bodies know and send signals to the outside:

"Our brain uses two very different strategies to understand Sutation. The first is what we are most familiar with. This is a conscious strategy. We think about what we have learned, and we finally get an answer.


But there is a second strategy. It runs faster ... it runs -at least at the beginning -completely under the surface of consciousness. It sends information through strange indirect channels, such as the sweat glands in our palms -blinking

When I grew up in a Christian family, I might attribute this information to God to speak to me. Later, I will attribute it to the mysterious atmosphere from the universe -the glory of JUJU.

It seems that this may be just because your brain is very smart and can collect more things than you know. If juju is actually true, you can explain why you already feel it before you know your feelings.

This is why science is not important anyway

The day I walked into the house I was going to live in the next five years was that I stopped thinking about JUJU science and made it a real day.

This house is a house that loses the right to redemption, which requires a lot of work to make it faintly suitable for living. Everything is broken, everything becomes a mess.

But the atmosphere of this place -they are incredible.

As soon as we moved in, we began to hear the story about what happened in the predecessor.

There was no front door because he tried to break in after being expelled by the bank. The neighbors told us how annoying this guy is, how he let them get out of the way, how he carnivated day by day and regardless of anyone.

Then I noticed the scratches on the inside of the cabinet under the stairs. It was almost chewed. Neighbors told us that he had a big dog and howl all day. You can figure out where the dog is located without a rocket scientist.

If you want to believe in JUJU's science, this place should emit all bad atmosphere, but this is not the case.

It has a great juju. If the poor guy and his dog are excreting their poor chemical signals, why is only happy and satisfied?

This kind of thing happened again and again in me -I believe you have also happened -you can feel that kind of atmosphere (maybe good or bad), but they do not match your understanding of this place.

In the final analysis, no matter how interesting is science -I like our intangible human experience -if it does not match your experience, then science is not important.

What's more important is how you handle your feelings.

Too many people ignore intuition for convenience

Which person who gives you all bad feelings? It is easier to keep them from telling them where to go.

That town that is not suitable for you? Moving is too troublesome -it is best to stay there in the next 20 years.

We are taught to ignore feelings, intuition, and resonance in exchange for specific evidence. The house may bring you the feeling of Heebie-Jeebies, but if you do not buy it because of "feeling", then you are stupid, for example, when it is so cheap (my mother has done so and said she In the 10 years she lived, she never had a guest who lived there).

Better choice? As much as possible to obey your intuition, choose places and people with a good atmosphere. Choose people who make you feel good. Choose a "good" home.

Whether the vibration is scientifically verified is not important. You must live with them and the feelings they bring to you.

So choose wisely.

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