Chapter Twenty -1: Chicken Sympaver Noodle

Perhaps because of being a northerner, I love and hate noodles, but after I went to Sichuan, I had a soft spot for chicken silk. I do n’t know if it ’s not authentic, and I do n’t know if it’ s not tradition. Perhaps with the change of the times, there is no so -called famous decent, only the craftsmanship along the long -term long -term. From this perspective, I agree with the traditional statement. The same is true of going out for dinner. Whenever the shop hangs out of the authentic Moto, I will definitely not patronize.

Usually, the method of making chicken silk for myself is this:

Buy two pieces of chicken breasts, cold water pots, add green onion ginger, garlic and cooking wine. After cooking until it is cooked, cool water cools and peel. Then watch the TV, or tear the chicken shreds with a little hand while listening to the book. This is a fine work, maybe there are other more time -saving methods, but I would rather tear up a little bit. The reason for buying two pieces is because in the process of tearing, almost one piece has been eliminated.

I always feel that cooking is not very related to filling my stomach. If it is not hospitable or urged, I enjoy the process of cooking. For example, make a soup in a few hours and mash various spices with a little tincture of garlic. In this quiet and rhythmic process, the impetuous mood will slowly silence.

Therefore, I have a habit until now, and whenever I feel bad, I cook. I remember that I had cut the potato shreds that had been cut for more than seven hours in a row. I unknowingly tingled my feet and the arms became more and more useless. Finally, I was evacuated by anger. However, the consequences are that when I see potato shreds in more than half a year, the stomach is pantrotic. Later, a friend greets me again, and I must speak: Is there a good dinner? It is also rare to remember: as long as I can afford the kitchen knife, the state is not too bad.

I don't remember where I saw the saying that cooking can guide emotions. Tell me personally, use it! As a result, it gradually became a habit. If you are in a bad mood, you can comfort yourself and comfort yourself.

Almost a few hours, the two chicken breasts were torn. I think a trace is so thin that I can wear a needle, but the chicken noodles made so are not delicious. After being explored several times, it is best to sum up the width of almost half centimeters.

Use chili oil, rattan oil, salt, chicken essence, sugar, oyster sauce and other seasonings to mix chicken shredded.

Boil the hot water again, cook the noodles, remove the cold water, drain the water and find a beautiful plate to install it. Use the hot water in the pot to simmer a handful of mung bean sprouts, just a few seconds. Drill the water after the same cold water and place it on the cooked noodles. If you want to be more refreshing, then cut some cucumber shreds, and finally put the chicken shreds that are only mixed on top, sprinkle a few white sesame seeds and crushed some green onions.

Usually in the last step, I prefer to do so.

After the chicken code goes up, chop some onions, garlic and dried peppers. Boil the oil in the pan, a spoonful of thermal oil first and down. Instantly, the fragrance was tangy. Later, this approach was said to be pirated with oily noodles. Regardless of him, it's delicious.

After all this is done, you can mix well and eat. When I mixed chicken shreds before, I like to eat more, and the taste is slightly heavier. Now the noodles are balanced and the taste is just right.

In the same way, it is not impossible to stir the chicken noodles or screw noodles. Thinking about it this way, the noodle noodles that parents always did when they were young seemed to be the most convenient to eat. Unfortunately, they were really not delicious, and I left me a deep psychological shadow, and it was not to be seen with the opposite food.

However, it is also mixed noodles. I am also very popular with the noodles of the large plates of Xinjiang, perhaps because it is "carnivores".

But then again, why is it called cool noodles? Is it just because of cold water to cool the noodles? It may not be so simple. After the noodles are in boiling water, it cannot be cooked too soft. Put it on the chopping board and mix well with cooked vegetable oil. This is an explanation given by the Internet, but when I do it myself, I prefer to spend cold water first before mixing with oil. Or if you are eaten now, the noodles are still mixed with the soup before the adhesion.

Speaking of this, I suddenly remembered that it was empty and then refined some vine pepper oil. I always felt unsafe when I bought it online. Since I like to cook, most of the seasoning products can do it by themselves. It is too complicated, I will weigh whether it is necessary to weigh it. It is said that salt is the king of all flavors, and it is enough to have it.

However, since this period of writing chicken noodles is written, it still has to go back to the theme. I personally think that chicken legs are more flexible than chicken breast meat, and they are more suitable for chicken noodles. I do n’t know if it ’s because of the breeding of the large manufacturers. I always feel that the chicken breasts are water. It may also be related to the length of my cooked. Basically, before cooking, I will cut the chicken breasts into thin slices, and remove the water after the water. Because if the whole piece is thrown in, it is easy to turn the surface when the surface is torn. What I mentioned earlier, peeling is actually the same, but a lazy approach. It depends on personal preferences and moods.

In the final analysis, it is still: instead of treating cooking as a task, it is better to enjoy the process. I remember that a well -known chef once said: The best rice in this world is a meal made by mother, because it has poured all the love. I want to steal a concept here, and I have to learn to love myself. No matter whether you want or not, he is the oldest person who accompanies himself. So get along well and treat yourself well.


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