Chapter 25: Mei Cai Ding Meat

I don't know if I will make "Mei Cai Ding Meat", I just feel delicious and meals, and I heard that eating more fat can beauty and beauty, so I learn to do it.

Mei Cai is also called Gongcai. In the north, it is not easy to buy fresh plums. This is also a good thing. It is not necessary to marinate by yourself, and it also eliminates the long waiting time and goes to the market to buy ready -made ones. But then again, if you really marinate yourself, on the one hand, the craftsmanship is definitely not as authentic as the locals. On the other hand, I really have to marinate, and do you want to eat this dish, that you have to say it. However, when it comes to pickles, in principle, I do n’t encourage more. I always feel that it is terrible to have a chemical reaction during the marinating process. This may also be a bad chemical grade during school. There is no sequelae left by the teacher's scolding. Anyway, whenever you see pickled products, there is a sense of fear. Even in the cooking learning, I made up some knowledge about the fermentation of ingredients, but she still had no interest in pickled food.

After speaking of plum vegetables, let's talk about another main ingredients in this dish -meat and cooking method. This is what I like.

Buy fat and thin pork belly. You do n’t need to cut it. After washing, you can simmer in the pot and simmer in the pot. Then, cook another pot of water until it is cooked. Wipe the old soy sauce on the skin while it is hot, and when it is absorbed, apply a layer, and repeat it a few times until the skin becomes dark brown. Don't forget to add some cooking wine when you cook meat, and remember to use hot water. This wave of operation is very basic, so our problem is.

first question:

How to judge whether a whole piece of meat is cooked?

Boil oil from the pan. This time, it is not important not to be hot oil. The oil that needs to be noted is more dosage than usual. After the oil temperature is fired 80 % of the heat, put the skin of the skin into the pot and fry it. After the meat is fixed, put the whole piece of meat into the pot and fry it. If you want the meat to fry more uniformly at this step, you can keep the cut surface neatly after cooking and cooling.

second question:

Why is the skin fried too much?

After frying the meat, remove and drain the oil, cool it, and then cut it into a uniform thick piece and spread it on the bottom of the bowl. Try to cover the bowl with the meat slices as much as possible. Occasionally, there are some meat on the outer edge.

This step, my principle is, if you want to eat more meat, find a big bowl and spread more meat slices. vice versa. If you are not worried about the selling of the product, it is actually okay to spread a few layers of meat. The meat is paved with backup.

Here is the method of making filling.

Speaking of filling, in fact, after the plums are chopped, mix with tempeh, garlic, milk, milk, ginger slices, old soy sauce, peppercorns, and sugar. But this step, I prefer to use the method of frying.

In fact, whether it is mixed or fried, I usually wash the plum vegetables with water several times before making. On the one hand, it is to wash away other microorganisms produced when marinated and stored. On the other hand, I always feel that the large large plums I bought can not be eaten directly, and it is more at ease. However, if the plums bought are canned products, you don't need to wash it. Several times, if you want to eat this dish and you ca n’t buy plum food, I will use olive dishes sold in the supermarket to replace it. It is not unpalatable to make it.

Below, I will introduce the process of stir -fry plum vegetables.

Boil the oil in the hot pot, first make the green onion ginger and garlic, the peppercorns are fragrant and pour into the plums cut into pieces. Generally marinated plum vegetables, but it does not affect the salt again. Adding milk and tempeh will taste more. Occasionally I add some oyster sauce, but the taste of oyster sauce is not particularly colorful, and most of them forget it. In the meantime, some old soy sauce and white sugar are added evenly. In this process, the plum vegetables will get out of the water, so simmer for a while, until the soup is almost exhausted. Taste the taste in the process, and the taste is slightly salty. It is basically seven or eight minutes. It doesn't matter how big the pieces of the plums are cut into. Just as smaller as possible, it doesn't matter if it is uneven. Anyway, you can't see it during the stewing process.

The third question:

What is the proportion of plums and meat?

Pour the fried plum vegetables into the bowl of the meat slices and cover the plum vegetables with excess meat slices. Usually the restaurant does not add this layer of meat. I think it is mainly to consider cost issues, but I do n’t take care of it so much at home. Try to compact the filling in the bowl. Put the entire bowl of plums with meat and meat in the cage drawer, and steam for 45 minutes to an hour.

There is a skill:

Another larger bowl outside the steamed vegetable bowl is to prevent the soup from overflowing from the steaming process.

Why did I say the last step? It is because the reason why this dish is called Mei Cai Din meat is on the "buckle".

Taking advantage of the steaming time, it is enough to clean the pool and the case table, and it is comfortable to look at it. Or cut the refreshing fruits and seal it in the refrigerator with plastic wrap. When you eat it for a while, you can also solve your greasy.

The things in the pot are almost steaming, and take a beautiful plate for later use. After the plum vegetables and meat are steamed, I will turn off the heat and simmer for another five or six minutes (guess why?), Put it in the plate, remove the bowl used when the previous steaming The semi -finished plums are ready.

The second technique:

First buckle the plate on the steamed bowl, and then suddenly buckle the steamed bowl. This kind of production is more complete and beautiful.

Usually my approach is to remove the steamed bowl from the cage drawer first. The left hand is under the bottom of the bowl wearing the insulation glove; the right hand is on the top, buckle the plate on the bowl of the left hand, and the right hand moves the center of the bottom of the plate, pressing tightly. Suddenly, the steamed bowl was buckled into the product. At this time, be sure to put the plate in a clean place first, and then remove the steam bowl above. Because the plate has been in hand for a long time, it is very hot. It also affects the next operation.

At this step, some friends will overflow in the process of falling. The reason is that the speed is not fast enough and the soup is too much. Both aspects are easy to solve, let's start your mind. I'm not tired.

In principle, the plums at this time can be dinner. But in order to sell it, it looks good. I will cut some coriander and sprinkle, or boil a spoonful of oil. Looks more oily. It can also be poured first and then sprinkled with coriander. It doesn't matter, depending on your preferences.

After reading the above operation process, I wonder if I have introduced it clearly? If there are unprofessional places, please forgive me. In the final analysis, most of the dishes I make are mostly editions of family, and they pay more attention to personal preferences. Change the fashion point: ** private house dishes!

Next, it's a step we like to hear the most. The well -made "Mei Cai Duck" was put on the dining table. The previously prepared fruits also picked the plastic wrap and put on the dining table, and then put on a bowl of hot rice to open it.

Although many people say that eating fruits while eating is not good for the stomach, I personally feel purely nonsense. Do n’t we also pay attention to the matching of vegetarian food when we are making other dishes? If you have to be more true, why do you want to add sin? There are also some personal stomachs and stomachs that are strange foods. For this kind of person, I can only say that they love to eat or not for you!

Before making this dish, I went to see the legends about "Mei Cai Duck" again. Sighing: cooking is the crystallization of the wisdom of the people. Several ordinary ingredients can become delicious on the table with simple cooking methods.


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