The original name of Hawaii is actually Australian nuts. Australian nuts are the real scientific name of Hawaii. Australian Nut Alias, also known as Queensland, Australian Ho Tao, Hawaii fruit, and Queensland.

However, the fruit of Hawaii has become the main name of Australian nuts. In this case, everyone thinks that this thing is pure American specialty, and it will not think that the country is Australia. Something is a bit of the meaning of Yangzhou fried rice, Hainan chicken rice, and Mexican bags. Ha ha ha ha.

Hawaii is the most expensive nuts in the world. In fact, the price of Hawaii we bought has continued to be civilian in recent years because we buy it in China. In most parts of the world, Shawi is one of the most expensive nuts.

Australian nuts are the only Australian native plants that have been widely planted as economics crops. They belong to the Australian Nuts of Shanlong Ophthalmology. There are 18 species, of which 10 species are produced in Australia.

However, there are only two types of commercial cultivation value. Both are light shell species, both of which are the same as we usually buy.

Since Australian nuts were first planted in large -scale business in Hawaii and gradually moved to the world, everyone called Australian nuts as Hawaii.

Hawaii is native to northeast Australia. In the lives of Aboriginal people, Hawaii has always been their common food. However, Australia's tribes were mainly picked wild fruits at that time. The process of transforming from wild plants to fruit tree cultivation is only about 100 years of history.

It originated in European immigrants that came to Australia in the early 19th world. They noticed that this kind of nuts on the island was the favorite nut of the aboriginal people on the island. Planting.

In 1857, German Australian botanologist Ferdinander von Mueller and his friends were officially named Macadamia Nuts for Australian Nuts. In the early days of limited needs, the scale of Australia's nut planting gardens was very small. Until the end of the 19th century, Australian nuts were introduced into Hawaii, and it began to carry forward.

At the earliest, it was planted as sugarcane wind -proof forest. Although there were not many species, they thought that the characteristics of high yields would also have a lot of gains, and they were snapped up every time. Since then, the farmers have discovered the business opportunities contained in this product, and they have begun to plant large -scale planting in Hawaii. With the increase in production and business promotion, the fruit of the Xiawei Yi quickly captured the US market and became a popular business planting variety for everyone.

All the nuts of the Hawaii fruit are the highest fat content, up to 70%, and the result of high fat content is to make the nuts contain milk flavor. Don't think that high fat content means that it will affect health. The fat of Hawaii is almost completely no cholesterol. At the same time, it also contains rich palmic acid, which has a low sugar content, only 4%. It is a proper health food.

The most important thing is that it is really delicious. The old people always feel that these things can make children hot and lively. In fact, it makes no sense. For decades, Hawaii has been the largest Australian nut producing place. It was not until 1997 that Australia achieved surpassing the United States as a native country, and became the main supply country of Hawaii in the global supply. Helplessly, the name could no longer be changed.

In terms of price, Hawaii has always been expensive. I remember when I used to do part -time jobs in the cake shop, there was a product that was made of nougat made of Hawaii. 48 pieces were only 7-8 capsules. It is said that it was caused by the expensive viewing price of Hawaii.

The growth rate of Hawaii is extremely slow on the one hand, from planting to the first fruit collection, which takes 7 years or more. On the other hand, although the results of each tree have high results, it has bloomed many times a year, so that some flowers will be seen in the same orchard. It is not much different to see the appearance of different maturity, which exacerbates the cost of manual selection.

The growth of fruit trees requires a warm, rainy environment and fertile soil, which leads to not many choices. The origin of Hawaii is currently limited to some areas of Hawaii, Australia, South Africa and South America. If there is a small place of production, it will inevitably lead to the rise in the price of goods, especially in Asia, because there is no planting area, the transportation cost alone is higher than other places.

However, with China's entry, the price of Hawaii will decrease significantly at any time. China and the United States have always been the largest importer of Hawaii, and the increase in demand has also pushed up the purchase price. The rise in import prices means that the development of the Shawi planting industry is very high, and the history of planting Hawaii in China is actually not a recent thing.

In 1910, Taiwan began to introduce Hawaiian fruit planting during the Republic of China. In 1940, Lingnan University was introduced in Guangzhou. After the reform and opening up, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Hainan and other places have begun to promote pilot planting. In recent years, it has become a popular fruit species, and the planting scale has also continued to increase. The Hawaii produced in China currently only accounts for 80%of the country in a province in Yunnan, but it only accounts for only 3%of the world's worldwide.

It is hoped that in the near future, the output of Hawy can increase with the development of planting technology. The fruit of Hawaii is the only nut I want to buy the nuts that I eat. Of course, I don't mean that I will not buy nut products at all. I have also bought three squirrels and Kirkland those shell -shell nuts, but they are all mixed. I just want to buy Hawaii fruit with a weight. I hope this day will come soon.

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