When it comes to Thai cuisine, I believe that many people think of Dong Yin merit as soon as possible. When it comes to curry, I believe many people will think of Indian curry, Japanese curry, Thai curry. In Thai cuisine, Thai curry is very famous. Thai curry is divided into yellow curry and green curry and red curry. Red curry is a red dried peppers in Thailand. Add other spices to mix a mud village together. The color is red, and the taste is the hottest of all curry.

Based on the red curry, the green curry eats fresh green peppers instead of a sweet and sour curry with a sweet and sour flavor. It appears blue green in color, and the taste is sour, spicy, and sweet. The yellow curry is the softest of all curry. The ginger is added, the color is yellow, and the taste is slightly spicy.

那一天我逛超市,经过调味区的时候无意中看到有一款的咖喱正在促销,但是招牌写的很吸引:泰国原装进口。我看了看原来是雄鸡标的泰式黄咖喱,雄鸡标是亚洲历史最悠久的罐头品牌之一,我查了查在淘宝上的价钱都不便宜,对比我在超市买到的更加便宜, So despite buying it, try it.

一般人煮咖喱会用鸡中翅一起煮,因为家里已经没有鸡中翅,所以我把整只鸡砍块来煮,配料就跟其他差不多,一个洋葱,几个红萝卜,加几个薯仔。 Because the whole chicken is used, the taste will be more fishy than the wings in the chicken. If it is not handled well, the curry taste will not be able to get in, and there is a fishy smell.

一开始我先将鸡用料酒腌制一下,初步将腥味撇除一部分,然后再开火,将鸡肉炒香,把鸡油炒出来,然后再加入洋葱翻炒,把洋葱炒软炒香,到了At this step, the fishy smell of the chicken has been removed further. When the carrots and potatoes are cut into pieces, they should be soaked with salt water to prevent oxidation and discoloration.

After frying the chicken, you can add curry to continue stir -fry. The Japanese curry block I bought is not the generally bought. On the contrary, the curry sauce contains soybean oil. Essence Although it is produced in Malaysia, this Thai curry sauce is the same as the main ingredients used in Thailand brands in terms of ingredients, which restores authentic Thai flavor.

When I asked the curry fragrance, I would boil it with water. If it is cooked, there will be a burnt. Then add carrots and potatoes to simmer together. Slowly cook in medium and small heat. The water is not used. When the boiled is almost dried, you can add dried chili or chili oil, and then you can add coconut milk to cook.

Don't be afraid that the pepper is very spicy. Coconut milk can neutralize most spicy. The addition of coconut milk makes the flavor and flavor of the curry a level. I use Jinda coconut milk, which is a whole can. In the end, buy three hundred milliliters of the most suitable. I finally added some fish eggs. I think the fish eggs with curry are simply perfectly matched.开大火一直搅拌,直到咖喱汁变得浓稠,如果水分太多,可以试下加入淀粉水,因为我煮到薯仔都软烂了,所以汁很浓稠。 Finally, add lemon leaves, the Thai flavor logo is completed.

After serving, my friends praised and said, "It is already very appetizing without eating, very fragrant, very fragrant coconut flavor and spice." Curry is simply giving meals and gods. I can eat with this juice. , I do n’t even eat vegetables. The addition of pure coconut milk is very different than the coconut juice we drink. The enthusiasm of Southeast Asians is brought out. Although it is not as authentic as Thailand, at least 70 % of them are similar to similar. Essence The method is very different from making Japanese curry, so you can try it if you are interested.

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