Chapter 29: "Survance Assorted"

In my impression, Susakus Assorted is not much different from the three freshness of the earth, or this is a way of cooking, not a single dish. In the same way, Di San may not have to be potatoes, eggplant and green peppers. In my superficial cognition, cooking is the creativity after knowing the principle, and the chef is similar to designer -like existence.

For a long time, I have been self -contained with "meat animals", and even dogs who occasionally coming to my house to stay at my house can make me liberate. But somehow, when the kitchen was cleaned a year ago, I suddenly wanted to make a sacrifice assorted. Maybe it was to deal with the old things in the cabinet. Thinking about it this way, I can't help but think of the original legend of "Laba porridge", which is also caused by the cleanup of Chen Gu's old rice. It seems that the wonderfulness of food originally came from the wisdom of life itself.

Turn out a few "landing into pit" shiitake mushrooms, a few crispy and easy to break, plus the wrinkled carrots in the refrigerator and a few dried and grievable potatoes under the wall. But I dare not guarantee whether I will remember the rest of the cucumber and fungus one day in the process of making. Let's follow.

Boil the pot and swallow the water into the basin, cover the shiitake mushrooms and yuba that are put in first, and slowly send it. Taking advantage of this kung fu to cut the potatoes and carrots. Although there are more throwing more, fortunately, I have excavated some surplus value, and my heart is better.

I wonder if anyone has tried to put the broccoli bought in the flower pot again? I don't remember what I was in my heart when I did this. Anyway, I looked up to see the broccoli on the window sill without eating food poisoning? As a result, the main ingredients of this dish have another more. I remember that someone had taught me. Chezhua flowers started from the roots, layer by layer, and cut down with a rhizome. The broccoli cut out of this way is scum while retaining the integrity of the flower. In the same way, the same is true of cutting cauliflower.

Boil a pot of water, and put some salt and oil in the pot. As for how much, look at it yourself. Then put the cut broccoli in the pot and simmer. I like to deliberately cut a little bit when I cut it, so the process of simmering in the water basically does not exceed ten seconds. Then remove it quickly and put it in ice water. This is to re -split the cells of broccoli to achieve a more crispy effect. In the same way, celery, cabbage, cabbage, rapeseed can also be made in the same way. Don't ask me any dishes. I said that I am a "carnivore", and eating vegetables is limited to these. Anyway, I have said the methods and principles that interested friends can try themselves.

I almost forgot the key issues. After the mushrooms are soaked, wash and cut into pieces. As for how big the cut, Ren Jun is casual. If you are troublesome, you can continue to cook shiitake mushrooms with the water just Zi Zonghua. Doing this is to further remove the impurities left by the mushrooms. On the other hand, to be honest, the ingredients of the fungus are not cooked. I really haven't eaten the courage. But fortunately, don't worry about the taste, because the smell of shiitake mushroom itself is enough to overwhelm the broccoli.

Cut into sections for later use. It doesn't matter if you want to simmer the water first. In fact, the original sacrifice of the sacrifice is not let go of it. I am purely a personal hobby.

After the preparation is completed, boil the oil in the pan, stir -fry the ginger and garlic, first put the potatoes and carrots in stir fry until six or seven cooked. Pay attention, fry it frequently to prevent the pan from the pan. Then add shiitake mushrooms, broccoli and yuba, and seasonings such as salt and monosodium glutamate, stir -fry evenly. Basically, this dish has been completed. The next step is to find a beautiful plate. The whole process does not exceed 3 minutes after the stir -fry, is it easy?

Maybe the kind of cooking often said on the Internet for two hours, and eating five minutes means me like me. Starting from ink and ink, it is almost the same to wash the dishes in the end. But strangely, I used a dish for a dish and the soup for four dishes and one soup. It seems that the logic is involved here. In short, the more the dishes are made, the easier I am. The prerequisite is that the kitchen equipment can keep up. Sometimes, I only want to make a lotus root burning pork ribs simply, and I will unknowingly be full of various dishes. This really thanks to my full refrigerator at all times. Perhaps this is also a way to get a sense of security.

In short, take care of himself when you are alone!


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