I don't know if you are like me, but my favorite type of lipstick is matte lipstick. It looks modern and sexy. Especially in the year-round hot weather in Saigon, matte lipstick looks cool and light. Generally, in hot weather, if you encounter shiny things, it will be hotter. But matte lipstick has its slightly difficult points, if your lips are dry and have many lip lines, applying matte lipstick can make it dry and cracked.

Therefore, today I will bring you 6 very easy tips to always make your matte lipstick smooth, beautiful, cute, and sexy. This article will be accompanied by the 6 latest matte lipstick colors from the Lip on Lip Charm line. And I swear to you that you will definitely like at least one color.

1. Exfoliate your lips

The first and very important tip for beautiful lips is that you have to exfoliate your lips. If your lips have dead skin, when you apply lipstick, it will look flaky and sometimes you may think it's because of the uneven texture of the lipstick. It's not. It's because your lips have some flaky patches, so the lipstick clings to those areas, making it look rough. Exfoliate your lips 1-2 times a week, and your lip surface will be smooth and even, making the lipstick look much smoother. After exfoliating, when you apply lipstick, you will see the difference immediately compared to when you don't exfoliate. I am currently using Lip on Lip Charm in the color Appealing Orange.

Exfoliating is one part, but the texture of this lipstick is quite smooth and does not leave any streaks on the lips. And here is my style suggestion for this earthy orange color, this earthy orange color is probably one of my favorite colors in this lipstick collection. Those with tan skin or those who like to wear simple, slightly bold clothes, this color is for you. When you apply this color lipstick, you should also wear some accessories to make your face brighter and more prominent.

2. Never let your lips dry when applying matte lipstick, you must have a moisturizing layer on top of your lips

The second tip is that you should never let your lips dry when applying matte lipstick, you must have a thin layer of moisturizer on top of your lips, but this moisturizing layer must be thin enough not to make the lipstick look shiny. This is the trick for matte lipstick, after applying lipstick and moisturizer, you should dab a piece of tissue paper, this step will remove the excess moisturizer and leave your lips slightly moist enough for the matte lipstick to adhere to your lips properly. But it looks smooth, not dry or cracked. After my lips are moisturized, I will apply lipstick, and this is the color Delightful Coral.

For this lipstick, you only need a very very thin layer of moisturizer if your lips tend to dry because this lipstick contains collagen to nourish and plump the lips, and in the long run, it will not harm your lips. And here is my outfit suggestion for this lipstick color, this coral color is usually suitable for fair-skinned people who love the orange tone rather than the pink tone.

Many fair-skinned people are often hesitant about orange tones because orange tones on fair skin can look washed out, but this particular orange tone does not at all, because it will make your lips stand out. This color is suitable for special occasions if you wear a simple feminine dress, this lipstick will be the highlight of your overall look, and once your lips stand out, you should go easy on the jewelry. In fact, many people like to wear bold makeup with lots of jewelry, and I'm not saying it's bad, but personally, I'm a fan of a style that looks comfortable and just right without feeling like trying too hard, meaning too many highlights, every part is a highlight from head to toe. So my personal suggestion for you is that after applying a bold lipstick, pair it with subtle accessories and wear light-colored clothing.

3. Create layers of makeup on your lips

For me personally, I usually do my makeup once in the morning and go about my day, go to work, go on dates, go out to eat until I come back in the evening, and I really really need my makeup to last all day, especially my lipstick. Because eating, talking, everything makes the lipstick fade, my secret to long-lasting lipstick all day, regardless of eating and drinking, is after applying the first layer of lipstick, I will use a piece of tissue paper to pat my lips, then I will apply a thin layer of powder.

This will turn the first layer of lipstick into a lip base to hold the second layer of lipstick firmly. Now I will apply the second layer of lipstick, and this is the color Charming Red, this color applies the two-layer method perfectly. Because this is a very striking red color, and for a red color like this, you will want it to look very fresh, very bold. After applying two layers like that, you can rest assured that from morning to night, the lipstick will still be long-lasting without needing to touch up throughout the day.

And here is my outfit suggestion for this lipstick color, this color gives me a very weekend vibe. That is, when you go out on the weekend, go on a date, and you wear something that looks fun and maybe a little vintage, and you apply this lipstick. This color is versatile, it looks good on fair skin, but if you love the orange tone instead of the pink tone.

4. Lip lining

My fourth tip is for those of you with dark lips and prominent lip lines like mine, to be honest, the color of my lips is quite bad. I have always been inseparable from matte lipstick because the color is sharp on the lips. Whatever color it is, it will come out that color, but using shiny lipsticks or lip tints makes it a thin pink mixed with the dark lip color underneath. In general, it is unacceptable, so if you have issues with dark lips like mine, then before applying lipstick, the step of lip lining will be very useful. You take a lip liner with the same color as the lipstick to line your lips, and most importantly, press on the dark lip line.

This method will solve two things: completely erase the dark lip line and cheat the lips a bit to make them fuller, more beautiful. Why bother getting lip injections when you already have lipstick, don't you agree? After lining the lips, I will apply lipstick evenly all over the lips, blending it into the lip line, and this is the color Graceful Pink of Lip on Lip Charm. Unless you are a true artist and want to create a new trend of two-tone lips, if not, the importance of matching lip liner and lipstick color is extremely important.

If after applying lipstick you feel that the lip line looks a bit harsh, you can use a cotton swab to soften it a bit, and that's it. And here is my outfit suggestion for this lipstick color, it's like office attire. This earthy pink color is clearly a very trendy color and it's still not out of style after all these years. For those with tan skin, this color will look very beautiful, this color can be used for all occasions, whether for work, going out, during the day, because it is very gentle and elegant but still very modern without being outdated. Let me tell you that I think this color makes my teeth look a bit whiter.

5. Use a little liquid highlighter and apply a bit to the center of your lips

My next tip is for those of you with slightly thin lips, when you apply matte lipstick, it may not be as attractive as full lips, but that's okay because there are tricks you can apply to make your lips look fuller without being shiny. It's still a matte lip that I make you see first, just apply lipstick as usual, I'm using the color Sweet Rose of Lip on Lip Charm.

After applying lipstick, use a little liquid highlighter, apply a bit to the center of your lips, just a little! Gently blend it and keep it only in the center of your lips, but you have to blend it smoothly so it doesn't become a white blob on your lips. When you do this, you still maintain the matte overall look of your lips, but it adds a slight plumpness to make your lips feel fuller. And here is my outfit suggestion for this lipstick color, very gentle and elegant, this red pink color is extremely beautiful for fair-skinned people and feminine style. Looking at this color, I feel like it's a bit of a cold autumn in Hanoi with a bit of bright pink, which is very suitable for the atmosphere.

6. Mix lipstick colors

My final tip is to mix lipstick colors. Hey, there's no reason to buy a million lipstick colors that are almost the same when you can totally have a few key colors. Then mix them to get so many different colors. This is a way you can change more and also create your own unique lipstick color that no one else has. Now I will do it for you to see.

The lipstick color I'm wearing is the nude orange color Mysterious Nude of Lip on Lip Charm. This is truly a color that I recommend everyone to have because it's like a national lipstick color. Fair skin, tan skin all look beautiful with it, and it's suitable for any occasion. If you only have one lipstick color in your makeup bag, choose this color. Now I have nude orange on my lips, and I want a slightly bolder color.

I will use the classic red color I used earlier, I will lightly apply a layer on my lips, gently dab and blend until I have the bold red color I want. This is the secret for me to only need a few lipstick colors to be able to mix so many different lip colors. If you have a few lipsticks in your bag, and you have some free time today, try mixing colors to see how many different lipstick colors you can create, completely new and refreshing.

Hope you like this article. Goodbye!

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