When your clothes are durable and beautiful and can be coordinated in many different styles, you only need a minimalist wardrobe to wear all year round. In fact, some people have wondered why I wear only a few outfits repeatedly.

The reason is that I am not someone who likes to have a lot of clothes and shoes. I used to like having a lot of clothes and shoes. However, after moving houses and cleaning up, and really learning more about the fashion industry and understanding a lot about so-called fast fashion brands, I have changed my mind. Now, I really love my compact wardrobe. Every item I decide to buy must meet three criteria:

  • First, it must be durable and long-lasting.
  • Second, it must be suitable for many different occasions, wearable in many places.
  • Third, it must be versatile, able to coordinate with many different styles of clothing.

Having such a wardrobe makes me feel extremely healthy because I don't have to clean up much, I don't have to think too much about what to wear, and laundry and maintenance are not too much trouble. Therefore, if you also want to simplify your wardrobe, here are my suggestions for some key items that are both durable and beautiful, as well as versatile for you to consider.

1. A pair of shoes

I feel that shoes are something many people find difficult to simplify because each pair, each color, each style can only go with one or two outfits. Therefore, if you want to have a wardrobe with enough shoes to match all your clothes, you have to buy a lot. To simplify your shoe collection, you need to start with durable, beautiful, and versatile shoes. One pair of shoes I suggest for you today is from the brand Một. This is one of my wardrobe staples.

In fact, I wear this pair every day and I really love it for several reasons. This is a completely Vietnamese shoe, meaning that from the design to the stitching to the packaging, it is all made by Vietnamese hands. Many people often think that sports shoes from foreign brands, famous worldwide, are the best and most durable. However, I think you will be surprised when you wear this pair. Its sole is extremely comfortable. I can wear it from morning till night. It is very comfortable for your feet. The shoe shape is purely Vietnamese, meaning it is designed to fit the slightly wider feet of Vietnamese people.

And here are some points you will like. It is truly a pair of sneaky sneakers, meaning it is extremely versatile and can be worn in many different situations and with many different styles of clothing. I usually wear these shoes with jeans and short dresses. They can go with long pants, short jeans, and sporty short dresses, which also look very nice. If you wear this pair with long pants, my tip is to roll the pants up one or two notches so that they are a little higher than the ankle, which will make your figure look slimmer and your legs longer, especially for those with a modest height.

The pair I wear is a gray fabric shoe, and this is one of the new colors from the brand Một. The meaning of this color is that life in the city is already too polluted, and if you and I don't do something, the environment will turn gray like this. Additionally, the fabric shoe line from Một also has many other color options. However, I really like the meaning of the gray color, so I chose this one. Each pair of Một shoes comes with a fabric bag. You can carry it anywhere, very convenient and environmentally friendly.

2. White tank top

The reason I call this the immortal white tank top is that it is truly unbeatable in terms of convenience. I have 5 of these, all in white. Wherever I go, I just need to throw on the tank top under my pants or skirt, and I'm done. On days that are not too hot, I will throw on something light over it, and that's it for an outfit. On gym days, I just need to wear a sports bra, sports leggings, and then throw on this tank top, and I'm all set.

This is the tank top from The Blue T-shirt. The Blue T-shirt is a Vietnamese clothing brand, so you can easily buy it in Vietnam. To talk about the fit and durability of the material, I just need to say that I have 5 identical ones, and you can imagine. I bought enough to wear and wash. To ensure that whenever I need it, I can open my wardrobe and always have at least one clean one ready to wear from season to season. Year after year, it never goes out of style. The immortal tank top is truly amazing.

3. Jeans

This is a very popular item; everyone knows it, but I still have to mention it because buying jeans is easy, but choosing a pair of durable, beautiful, and flattering jeans that won't go out of style for many years is what’s difficult. Personally, I have a pair of jeans that I really love, which is this pair from Levi's, and from this pair, I will share with you some brief criteria for choosing jeans so that when you buy them, you will feel that your wardrobe only needs this one pair of jeans.

First, when you hold the jeans, you should feel that they are thick and hold their shape. The stitching must be neat. When the jeans are laid down like this, they should hang straight down, not twisted. The leg openings should be straight, not crooked. The fabric should feel sturdy to the touch, not loose or flimsy. Such jeans will be durable and will last with you for a long time. When trying on jeans, you need to look at three areas. The first is the waist. The waistband must fit well. If it is too tight, it will squeeze your flesh, and the flesh bulging over the waistband is never a good look, right? Conversely, if it is too loose, you will either have to try wearing a belt or get a smaller size. The second area you need to look at is the butt. The perfect jeans are those that make your butt look round and nice. Some jeans are very bad because when you wear them, your butt looks flat and lifeless, like a pancake, which means those jeans are not right for you. The third area you need to look at is the length. The jeans should be of appropriate length, not too short or too long, just right is beautiful. Those are some brief tips you can refer to when choosing jeans.

A really good pair of jeans will not be cheap. For example, this pair of mine costs 1.8 million VND. It’s not a designer brand costing tens of millions, but 1.8 million for a pair of jeans is something many people will have to think about a bit, right? In my opinion, that price is very worth it for a pair that fits you, looks good, and importantly, is durable and will last you for many years. So, in the end, it’s not expensive. I would rather spend a large amount of money on a beautiful, high-quality pair of jeans that I can wear frequently for many years than buy a bunch of cheap jeans that add up to the same amount but are flimsy, crooked, and wear out quickly. If you can find jeans that you really like, then your entire wardrobe only needs 1 to 2 pairs of jeans.

4. Silk blouse

Why a silk blouse? Because this is an item that will make you look elegant and classy instantly without needing to invest too much money in high-end items. Here’s my little tip. Even if you wear ordinary items every day, when you need to look a bit more formal, just having a silk blouse is enough. Personally, I like to wear simple, comfortable clothes and rarely wear fancy, elaborate outfits. However, whenever there is a formal occasion, I always have a silk blouse to wear. I have 2 silk blouses. One is a black high-neck blouse, but it has a simple twisted detail at the neck, long-sleeved. The other is white, and its style is somewhat vintage. This one has a slightly vintage style, so I wear it for occasions that are not as formal as the other. I only have these 2 blouses. Depending on the occasion, I will choose the more suitable one to wear.

Black and white will ensure that no matter how long you wear them, they will never go out of style. Your other items in your wardrobe may be affordable pieces costing a few hundred thousand each, but you should invest a few million in a beautiful, high-quality, durable silk blouse. You don’t need to spend too much money; around 1 million VND is enough to buy a very beautiful silk blouse to be a staple in your wardrobe, suitable for many different occasions.

5. Little black dress

The last but very valuable item in the wardrobe is the little black dress. The little black dress is a very popular item, but in my opinion, it is a difficult one. It is difficult because, in most cases, the beauty of a dress is directly proportional to its price. You might think, "Oh, everything in life is like that," but not every item is the same. You can buy a few hundred thousand VND for a truly durable and beautiful top. However, dresses are different. I don’t know how to describe it, but with dresses, every stitch, every cut, every thread is very clear, and the beauty of the dress really depends on the price.

If you have a lot of money and are willing to spend a lot on dresses, then of course, that’s the best and there’s no need to argue about it. However, if you belong to the other group, meaning your finances are moderate or you prioritize your clothing budget at a moderate level, then here’s my tip for you. Buy 2 beautiful and high-quality little black dresses. One fitted style and one loose style. The little black dress is too versatile, can be worn for a very long time, and for many occasions.

Avoid the situation where you buy a flashy, expensive floral dress that you can only wear once and then feel embarrassed to wear it again because you’re afraid people will remember that you wore it. When you have a little black dress, there’s a good chance that no one will remember exactly that dress, and wearing it again for the next occasion is perfectly fine. Moreover, little black dresses tend to look more upscale than their actual value. You don’t need to spend too much money, but you can still buy beautiful, high-quality black dresses. When I have these 2 dresses, I can wear them repeatedly over the years, and they remain beautiful without needing to stuff dozens of dresses into my wardrobe to have something to wear.

I hope you like this article and that you have gained some tips on choosing clothes to keep your wardrobe neat, minimalist, yet still versatile for many styles and occasions, looking good and fitting your body shape.

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