Hello everyone! In today's article, I will suggest 5 beauty rules for teenagers. It's called rules but it sounds a bit scary, but actually these are just suggestions based on my personal observations. So, you can just take a look and refer to them. There is no percentage in this article that I want to impose on your beauty routine. Each person has a different body. Each person has a different lifestyle, different preferences, no one is the same. However, the following things. If you can refer to them, then go ahead.

1. Keep your hair clean

The first beauty rule for teenagers is to keep your hair clean. If you don't do anything on your body or face related to beauty, at least you should keep your hair clean. Dirty hair always looks... greasy. It hits other people's faces and it's... unpleasant. Not to mention it can be quite smelly. And you are a teenager now. From now until you grow up, you need to develop a habit of keeping your hair clean and fresh. Every child has lazy days when it comes to washing their hair. But now you are grown up. You won't go back to those days. This is especially important when you have acne on your forehead. If your hair is dirty and touches your face, your acne situation will worsen. If you are afraid of washing your hair daily because it will dry out, choose a gentle shampoo. Or alternate between washing with shampoo and just water. The frequency and the type of shampoo depend on each person's hair condition. However, no matter what type of hair you have, it must be clean and fresh, that's the most important!

2. Don't rush to trim your eyebrows

The second beauty rule for teenagers is not to rush to trim your eyebrows. When you try different makeup styles, no matter how good or bad they are, you can always remove the makeup. But if you accidentally trim your eyebrows too much, it will not be easy to fix. When you are a teenager, your skin is more vulnerable than adults, so if you overdo it, there is a risk of damaging your skin, damaging your pores. Moreover, because you are still young, you are more likely to make mistakes in trimming your eyebrows. It's never beautiful to have over-trimmed eyebrows at a young age. It's better to wait until you are 18-20 years old when your face has matured and you have better beauty skills. It's not too late to shape your eyebrows at that time!

3. Don't rush to shave your bikini area

The third beauty rule for teenagers is not to rush to shave your bikini area. I know that shaving the bikini area is very clean, comfortable, and fashionable. But now is not the time. Your body is not fully developed and the hair follicles are still very delicate. You shouldn't interfere with it hastily. Also, when you are young, it may be difficult for you to invest significantly in this area, and shaving the bikini area should always be a worthwhile investment. I have always waxed, but I only wax at the most reputable places. And recently, I found a reliable place to do laser hair removal. So I am preparing to start permanent hair removal. This is for another article where I will summarize my experience and share it later. However, back to the topic of teenage years, you shouldn't do anything yet. When your body fully develops, it's not too late to decide.

4. Don't use foundation hastily

The fourth beauty rule for teenagers is not to use foundation hastily. This may surprise you when you are a teenager, you tend to use more foundation than when you are an adult. There are 2 reasons for this.

• One is that your skin is still acne-prone, and you try your best to apply a thick layer of foundation to cover it up.

• Two is that when you are a teenager, you have more time to think about beauty than when you are an adult.

So you spend more time on makeup. When you grow up and start working, you will always be in a hurry and won't have as much time to do makeup. When you are a teenager, you tend to use thicker and more foundation. But the problem with this is that foundation is not the answer to your acne problem. It's true that acne during puberty is very annoying, but you are still very young. And overall, your skin is still firm, smooth, youthful, and beautiful. If you apply too much foundation, you will look older. And if you have to study all day, your skin will get clogged quickly. It's not good for your skin at all. On days when you have to do physical education and sit under the sun, sweating, it will be even worse. If acne makes you too insecure, just apply a little concealer to cover the pimples. Later, when you are an adult and need foundation, then you can use as much as you want.

5. Don't buy celebrity perfumes

The fifth beauty rule for teenagers is not to buy celebrity perfumes. Do you know that not all perfumes like Britney Spears, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, etc., are targeting teenagers like you. That is, there are still many idol worshippers and they haven't really experienced high-end cosmetics. Believe me, besides being the face of promotion and naming that perfume, they are almost completely uninvolved in the design, production, or anything else. These perfumes usually have a lack of sophistication in their scent. They are often too sweet and too strong. You have many other choices of more elegant perfumes depending on your budget. And to show your admiration for idols, you can buy their music albums or souvenirs instead.

I hope you like this article, I love you all very much and I hope you can refer to this and that in this article if you feel appropriate, otherwise everyone has their own preferences so there is nothing really a rule, just suggestions for reference. Thank you for taking the time to read my article and goodbye everyone! Goodbye! BYEEE!!!

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