A famous song describes the most wonderful time of the year when everyone leaves home to visit family and friends, and you are no exception. Before leaving the house, you look around and lock the door, but wait a moment. I have an important warning for you. Did you know that statistically, most burglaries occur before the holiday season begins, especially on the 5th, 6th, 17th, and 18th of December.

However, this is not too surprising. At the beginning of December, your home starts to fill with brand new gifts. You may have just bought an expensive necklace for your mother, the latest technology device for your father, and a bicycle for your grandchild. These things make your home a little treasure trove, don't they? I've seen the bright eyes of thieves already. Thieves can easily break into your home in the late afternoon and early evening after sunset. They will act quickly before you return home after work. Weekends are also the time when most burglaries occur, especially when you leave home to attend a party or dinner. Thieves know they can take advantage of this time because you are likely to be away until late at night. If you are not home, then nothing can ensure the security of your house. However, there are some precautions you can take to make it harder for thieves to find your valuable items. This does not involve throwing fake parties with cardboard cutouts.

1. Place plants by the window:

When decorating, we often place plants by the window to create a cozy space and attract the attention of passersby. However, this is not a safe practice for your home. You should not leave gifts under the tree or near the window, or anywhere easily visible for many days, especially before opening the gifts. This will help thieves identify the location of valuable items. If thieves see plants placed near the window, they may start observing your house. So, be cautious and avoid giving them the opportunity to break into your home.

2. Turn on the lights:

Whether you will be home during the holidays or preparing to go away, setting a timer to turn on the lights is a smart idea. If you are away, set a timer for the lights to automatically turn on at the times you usually are home to make the house look occupied. A timer is also very useful in this case. If you plan to visit a place for a few hours and cannot set a timer, you can also leave some lights on to create the feeling that someone is home. Ultimately, thieves may realize that no one is home because the lights are off. However, this can still help you extend the time your home is protected. If you are just going on a short vacation, remember that the cost of keeping the lights on is always less than the loss if your home is broken into. If you use outdoor lights and have to run an extension cord through the window to plug it into an outlet inside, you should stop doing this. This can make it difficult to close the window properly and easily allow thieves to break into your home. Instead, you can use battery-operated or rechargeable lights to avoid this situation.

3. Do not post pictures of parties:

I advise you not to post pictures of parties, dinners, or gatherings on social media to show off your new dress or share your joy with your followers. Wait until the event is over and you are home, as posting pictures on social media can reveal that your home is unoccupied, and thieves may be ready to break into your house. If one of them is targeting you, the less information you share on social media, the safer your home will be. Even if your social media account is set to private, sharing your location or status can still get you into trouble. If a thief is also a hacker, this can be very dangerous for you.

4. Hide spare keys outside the house:

I agree with you. Hiding spare keys outside the house is not a safe solution to avoid losing keys or being locked out. Instead, you should consider giving your keys to a trusted person or keeping them until you return. If possible, choosing a reliable neighbor or friend to hold your keys is a safer solution. Additionally, if you often forget your keys, you should consider placing a spare key in a safe place inside your home or carrying a spare key with you to avoid being locked out from the outside. Asking that neighbor or friend to hold and retrieve packages delivered while you are away or not home is a great way to protect your home. If any packages are delivered to your home while you are away, they may be left at the door and become an easy target for thieves.

5. Track delivery status:

Tracking the delivery status to know when items are delivered and informing your neighbor is also very important. You can use shipping tracking services from shipping companies or contact the seller for more details about the delivery status. You should ensure that that neighbor or friend can hold and retrieve your items and keep them safe.

6. Tools thieves often look for:

Thieves often look around to try to find a ladder and any gardening tools or any tools that can help them break doors or climb windows to get into your house. Keeping these tools inside the shed or garage is a good way to prevent thieves. Additionally, if you cannot keep them inside the shed or garage, you can use locks or cables to secure them to objects like poles or walls. This will make it harder to break doors or windows and cause thieves to give up. Additionally, installing a surveillance camera system is another method to deter thieves and help you protect your home.

7. Alarm system for the house:

Furthermore, you should also install an alarm system for your home. The alarm system will help you detect early when someone intrudes into your home and alert you and the authorities. You can also install security cameras to monitor and record images of those visiting your home. Finally, always keep the passwords for your security devices and change them regularly to ensure the safety of your home. You should also share these security measures with family, friends, and neighbors to help make the surrounding community safer.

8. Secure the windows:

Securing the windows will help prevent thieves from approaching and breaking into your home. Additionally, if you want to ventilate the room, use mosquito nets or security screens to keep your home safe. If you want to use window locks, make sure they work well and are used correctly to ensure the safety of your home.

9. Do not leave expensive gift boxes outside:

After the holidays, you should not leave expensive gift boxes outside your home in plain sight. If you do this and throw them in the trash, thieves will not only know that you received those gifts but may also develop the intention to break into your home. Especially if they see you own an item they want, they may also assume you will buy new items to replace the stolen ones, and this could make them want to break in a second time. Instead, you should cut up the gift boxes before throwing them in the trash, or you can burn them in the fireplace to keep your home warm and safe.

10. Install an intrusion alarm:

Last but not least, installing an intrusion alarm is always beneficial at any time of the year. And just installing it is not enough; you must remember to use it. Unfortunately, many people with alarms forget to turn them on unless they go on vacation. You should make it a habit to turn on the alarm. Be sure to use it whenever you go out as well as whenever you come home, as there is always a chance that a thief will break in while you are sleeping. Now, have you taken all the precautions on the list? Good, then enjoy your holidays safely and happily.

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