Chapter 33: Dry Bean Cape

The grandfather's house is a bungalow with a yard. The house is ashes outside the house, but there is a muddy land at the corner of the courtyard. Before and after the Qingming Festival, the grandfather always grows some seeds in this mud land. Sometimes it is loofah, sometimes cucumber, sometimes gourd, and sometimes bean horns. It wasn't until later that there were several grape seedlings sent by others so that there was no need to re -plant each year. But no matter what, whenever the summer is hot, the yard always shrouded in the shade. Sometimes, the fruits that have lowered down can't wait. For this reason, during the summer and autumn, the grandfather's family will become a picking garden for a big family at any time.

In all plants under the grandpa, I prefer the bean horns. When stir -fry, it is crispy, soft when the noodles are softened, and it is delicious. The process of picking a handful, and the process of getting rid of the tail to remove the muscles is full of fun. Once, who has played with my friends more than once who can get rid of longer and more complete tendons. This kind of game is like who cuts the longest apple skin. And little friends, they often return to the load regardless of winning or losing.

That is to say, the so -called "experts" have become more and more popular in these years. They said that the bean horn of the grandfather's family must be cooked and eaten, otherwise what would happen, he heard me panicked. I impressed that it was better to be unhealthy in half, and what could not happen from snacks to big. Or maybe the four seasons and childhood are not a variety? Although they look like they look. Sometimes, the more you know, the more pressure will add a little pressure to your heart. When I am struggling with the current seasons of the four seasons to eat to be safer and more delicious, I did not intend to learn a new way of cooking: dry.

After checking the information, I know that this is a cooking method of "seeing oil and no soup". Vegetarian vegetables need to choose fresh and crispy and tender stems and nusbolic pods for raw materials. Isn't this properly tailor -made for the four seasons? However, if you have the thinking under the extension, can other ingredients be made after processing it? For example, use the slurry method to wrap the ingredients that are easy to get out of water and fried? This extends another question: Do dried vegetables need to be fried first?

My method is like this. If the home is often done and the time is more enough and planned to make it now, I will put a small amount of oil in the pot first. When the oil temperature is 40 % and 50 % of the heat, wash the four seasons of the four seasons of the tail and cut it. During the section, put it in the pot and stir fry quickly, so that the water in the four seasons of the beans is fully penetrated and volatilized, and after the epidermis is slightly coke, it will be spare. In fact, in this process, with the volatilization of water, the four seasons are cooked. As for the length of time in the process, it depends entirely on the dosage of the four seasons.

Here is a trick to judge the 45 % heat of the oil temperature: Take a chopstick and put it in the pot. If the oil surface in the pot is not moved, but the dense small bubbles around the chopsticks are both.

The next step is to boil the oil again, fire and oil. Put garlic, pepper, pepper, and pepper, and then put it in the processing four seasons, quickly stir -fry for about 30 seconds, and then add salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, white sesame seeds for a taste, and continue to stir fry for 30 seconds, wait for it The seasoning and the four seasons are fully fused to the pot. It should be noted that the sesame is not frying, otherwise it will affect appetite. But it is best not to use black sesame seeds. The picture is too strong, think about it yourself.

In order to improve the efficiency of meals, some restaurants will first remove a large number of seasons of soybean frying and then remove them. After the guests are placed, the chef is directly hot and savoryly fragrant garlic, pepper, and pepper, and then stir -fry the prepared four seasons of beans, then add various seasonings, sprinkle some white sesame decoration when they come out of the pot. Essence Most of the whole process does not exceed 1 minute. In fact, to put it plainly, add a warm and flavor to the cold seasons. Although it is not unreasonable, you will find that the dry beans made so are soft and tough, and the taste is not good. However, it is worth learning that in order to increase the sense of layering of the taste, some shops will add some vine pepper to peppercorns. I personally think that this approach is wonderful!

Now, I have returned to the previous proposal that the dried vegetables need to be fried. My personal point of view is: If the cooking technique of a certain dish is contrary to the characteristics of the ingredients itself, do you need more caution? Therefore, it is not a key issue that dried vegetables need to be fried. The key is that it is best to eat it now. Moreover, if the principle of preparation of vegetables does not follow the principle of cooking techniques itself, even if the meal is faster, the business for a while is hot, and it is like a flash. In the same way, whether we are cooking or being a person, if you are too pursuing, you will often miss the beauty of the original life.

Finally, add a knowledge point: the so -called dry stirry refers to the raw materials that are not slurry, do not give the taste in advance, and do not thicken!


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