Chapter 34: Fried Chicken Strip

In the impression, I have liked to eat "improperly flesh" things such as chicken head, chicken neck, chicken wings. In the words of my mother, I know that eating the corners can not be on the table at all. And whenever she at this time, she likes to educate me with the example of my cousin, saying that the hot steamed bun cousin who just steamed at home can eat three or five in one breath, so the parents are tall and strong. Although this may be a fact, my mother has never thought about it. The cousin, who is eight years older than me, is more inherited the genes of the aunt and uncle. The mother had a serious pregnancy response when she was pregnant, and she moved the idea of ​​abortion more than once. Have you really been implemented? I don't know, but I want to come "hard". I have experienced several dangerous dangers from a young age and can finally be safe and sound. It is worth mentioning that I have been photographed below by a high -altitude pendant, and I can still support the fracture arm and brain shock to the police station and the hospital. Whenever I remember these things, I feel that I can live to the present, and it is a miracle.

And I clearly remember that when this happened, my mother just passed by the bicycle. Moreover, it is indeed just passing by. However, compared to another thing, the incident did not cause much mental harm to me. Because at that time, I had learned "I do my own things." Maybe this is the "disappointed sex isolation" that psychology.

So what made me feel that the harmful incident of the soul was? Since my book intends to write stories related to food -related stories, it is naturally not related to eating.

The specific age at the time of the occurrence is not clear. It is probably in elementary school. It can be proved that at that time, I had learned to cook. The scene is a summer vacation. It can be proved that we only sell fried chicken racks in the small place in that small place in that small place. Only in the summer night, adults often eat fried chicken racks, cold cucumbers, boiled peanuts, and edamame after get off work. At that time, our family of three still lived in grandma's house and lived in the door with the uncle who was just married.

That day, the time when my mother was off work, I ran to the intersection early to pick up her. In fact, it was even more looking forward to the fried chicken shelf I had already coveted for many days. But my mother seemed to be angry when she saw me picking her up. Because the first sentence she asked was: Did you do rice? I panicked, she didn't explain before work. Seeing that I didn't squeak, my mother's car didn't stop and rode home. I trot all the way with my mother's bicycle, and the contradictions and fear were fighting in my heart. Should I run faster? What can I do to make some mistakes than her home earlier than her? Or should I try to make my mother understand that I am reflected? In short, the road was not long, and I soon arrived home.

Grandma's kitchen was built outside the house. When I got home, my mother was busy with her face in the kitchen. I stood embarrassedly, and I wanted to reach out a few times to help, and I was pushed away rudely. My mother counts the number of times: I was idle all day long, I knew that eating and eating, not well learning, and not doing good meals. I did n’t make it in my last life. Heart.

During dinner, the mother was still dark. It may also be because of grandparents present, she didn't say much at first. But I stared at the fried chicken shelf in front of me, but it was difficult to swallow. When my mother saw that I didn't move the chopsticks, the depressed anger finally occurred: Didn't you always think about eating? I bought it and do n’t eat it, do it! Don't eat it never after you don't eat it! Every day, I was having a dark face, and I owe you as you owe you. You have to think that this family is not good. Go out and find your father and mother. Don't be shameful here!

I know too much if I do n’t eat anymore, and go back to the upstairs my parents ’house later to wait for me. Grandma also comforted her mother and let her not be angry with children. Later, I finally gathered the courage to extend the chopsticks to the fried chicken shelf. Maybe the fried chicken shelves are too fragrant, and maybe I have n’t eaten meat for a long time. I ate it and forgot my mother who was still angry.

That day, his father happened to be at home again. In the eyes of grandma, the mother born in the urban intellectual family chose the father who came out of the countryside, which belongs to "marriage", so she always looks at her mother. When her father was at home, grandma occasionally spoke to her mother, but her attitude was also very humble. The father was not there, and the grandmother gave up her mother everywhere. Even her mother hit me in front of her. She only dared to say a few words of consolation that made her mother eliminate, and never dared to stop it. His father inherited his grandma. For so many years, I always thought that my grandmother died, and my mother insisted that her father and me moved to her grandfather's house. What a wrong decision was not stopped. Perhaps grandma also has the helplessness of grandma.

After dinner, my mother went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, and I was responsible for packing the table. It happened that at this time, the uncle who was working in the factory just came back from the outside. Grandma knew that Xiaoyao was a night shift that day and had to go home the next morning. The little uncle came back at this point at this time, and he must have no dinner. Grandma saw a lot of fried chicken stands in the plate, so she greeted her uncle who loved drinking and drunk. I don't remember what my mother reacted at the time. I just remember that after my father returned at night, I heard that my mother complained to my father in the living room across the door seam and complained to my father. I couldn't see my things. I don't know if it is really related to the half -plate fried chicken rack. Anyway, since childhood, nothing has always belonged to me.

After wandering around, whenever I was shy and wanted to eat meat, I would buy a raw chicken shelf. Even if you just boil it with white water, add some salt, it is enough to solve it. When I went to the northeast on a business trip, I saw the roast chicken skeleton over there really subvert my perception of fried chicken racks. Actually, I can bake it with thick batter and chicken skeleton. For a moment, the memory was pulled back to the scene of eating fried chicken racks when I was a child. I only realized that what I longed for was not fried chicken racks, but praying for a little bit of my mother's love for myself.

The child is waiting for his parents to apologize, and the parents are waiting for the child to be grateful. Every time I contradiction with my parents, I choose to go to a farther city. Is it revenge? Still escape? Today, I have n’t lived in that kind of meat for a long time for a long time. But I never understand why I do n’t have to get something that other children ’s children can win at their fingertips? Is it my vanity? A piece of candy, a banana, a fried chicken stand, a new dress ...

Suddenly I wanted to make fried chicken racks, although I knew I didn't really want to eat.

After buying the chicken racks, chop it into small pieces and clean it. Make green onion ginger garlic, cooking wine, salt, sugar, black pepper powder for 30 minutes. Although there is a well -fried chicken in the market, I always feel that I still feel more at ease. And there is no diced starch, maybe it is also to find a trace of pleasure.

After about 30 seconds, try to pick up a small chicken rack and put it into the pot. If the oil in the pot is boiling, it is just the temperature of the fried things, so put it in a few more. Golden yellow. Put it out of a slightly larger pot with a colander, sprinkle with pepper noodles, cumin noodles, and white sesame seeds while it is hot. Usually, if the amount of a chicken rack is usually fry twice.

Night fell. Outside the house, the snow was still falling. Inside the house, fried chicken shelves aroma. There should be a can in the refrigerator. However, I chose to make a pot of mint tea. Maybe it's old.


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