Zongzi is one of the traditional Chinese cuisine and is famous for its unique shapes and rich tastes. Every year on the Dragon Boat Festival, people will include dumplings to celebrate this important festival. In this article, we will take you to understand the historical origin, production process, and characteristic rice dumplings in different regions. Let's taste the food tradition of the Dragon Boat Festival together!

1. The historical origin of Zongzi

As a traditional food, the history can be traced back to thousands of years ago. It is rumored that the earliest rice dumplings originated in the Wuyue area of ​​southern China, and originally existed as a food for the ancestors. Over time, the rice dumplings have gradually become a family tradition and are closely connected to the Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival originated from the Chinese Warring States Period and was established to commemorate the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan. It is believed that Bao Zongzi and put it into the river can drive away the power of plague and evil to protect the safety of family members.

Second, the production process of rice dumplings

1. Main raw materials:

The main raw materials of rice dumplings are glutinous rice and bamboo leaves. After soaking the glutinous rice, it is cooked with various ingredients. Bamboo leaves play a role in wrapping and adding aroma.

2. Method of Baozi:

Bao Zongzi is a tedious process that requires experienced people to complete. First of all, the bamboo leaves are softened with boiling water, and then the middle pulse of the bamboo leaves is opened to make it triangular. Next, put a layer of glutinous rice on the bamboo leaves, and then add an appropriate amount of ingredients, such as pork, bean paste, egg yolk, etc. Then, wrap glutinous rice and ingredients with bamboo leaves, and tied them into triangles or rectangles. Finally, put the wrapped rice dumplings in the pot for several hours, and wait for it to be completely cooked.

3. Dangzi with different flavors:

The taste of rice dumplings varies from the region, and different regions have different specialty rice dumplings. For example, the rice dumplings in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang area are delicate, and the fillings are mostly salty. It is often used as the main ingredients such as glutinous rice, lean meat, salted egg yolk, and shiitake mushrooms. Zongzi in Guangdong

It is even more sweet. It is often used as a filling with glutinous rice, red bean paste, and lotus. In addition, there are many crusts with innovative flavors, such as chocolate rice dumplings, salted egg yolk and mung bean dumplings, etc., which meet the taste needs of different people.

Third, regional characteristic rice dumplings

1. Cantonese -style bacon:

Guangdong is famous for its unique rice taste. Cantonese -style bacon is one of the representatives. It is characterized by delicious taste and rich filling. Commonly used fillings include glutinous rice, lean meat, salted egg yolk, shiitake mushrooms, etc. This rice dumplings have a strong salty aroma and are very popular with Cantonese.

2. Zhejiang -style meat dumplings:

The meat of meat in Zhejiang is fine and pays attention to the combination of taste and fragrance. Usually high -quality glutinous rice and pork are used as the main ingredients, and appropriate amounts of ingredients, such as soy sauce, salt, spiced powder, etc., make the rice dumplings have a unique flavor. Zhejiang -style meat dumplings are glutinous but not greasy, fragrant but not fishy. They are a delicious variety of rice dumplings.

3. Hunan -style bean paste:

The rice dumplings in Hunan are famous for their sweetness. Hunan -style bean paste is a kind of rice dumplings in Hunan. Its fillings are mainly red bean paste and glutinous rice. The sweetness of glutinous rice is perfectly combined with the sweetness of red bean paste, which is endless. Hunan -style bean paste is sweet but not greasy. It is a food suitable for sweets.

Fourth, the inheritance and innovation of the zongzi culture

As one of the representatives of traditional Chinese food, Zongzi not only has a long history, but also has a new charm in continuous innovation. In modern society, people not only pursue traditional tastes, but also began to try to innovate the taste of rice. Novelty tastes such as chocolate rice dumplings, cheese dumplings, and fruit dumplings are endless, making the traditional food of rice dumplings keep pace with the times.

in conclusion:

As one of the representatives of traditional Chinese cuisine, Zongzi carries rich historical culture and people's food memories. Whether it is traditional flavors or innovative flavors, dumplings are constantly evolving and developing. In this special day of the Dragon Boat Festival, taste a bite of rice dumplings can not only feel the traditional cultural heritage, but also experience the fun of food. Let's experience the integration of traditional and innovation in the world of rice dumplings, and celebrate this traditional festival of food!

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