Horror when facing 7 terrifying beauty methods of beauties. Beauty is not a coincidence, but requires the patience and effort of girls. No one can become beautiful without determination, and beautiful people must go through a process full of suffering and hardship, which we cannot imagine. In fact, it can even be dangerous for friendships in history, such as using leeches to whiten the skin, bathing in sour milk, binding feet with teeth whitening, or applying urine to hair, even using feces to line the eyes. These are terrible beauty methods, but they have created a reputation for the legends of beauty in human history. This video will show the madness of women, the power of belief, and above all, beauty is the lifelong goal, the creed of all beautiful women.

1. 7 - Using alum, leeches, and urine:

The bizarre method of using alum and even urine, all women in the Renaissance era tried to achieve perfect beauty like Simoneta Vebuchi, an extremely beautiful girl and the most famous muse in 15th-century art. Her dreamy and seductive face that captivated everyone appeared in many classic works, such as Venus. Vebuchi's beauty was considered the perfect standard.

To achieve that perfect beauty, it requires a beauty process more terrifying than a horror movie. They imitated beauty methods by using poisonous leeches and other disgusting things to maintain a fair and beautiful skin. They were placed on the ears to suck blood, making the face pale. It's terrifying and no one wants to hear about it. However, those who don't want to take risks can use a mask made from bread flour and egg whites combined with vinegar, a strong exfoliant, to instantly cleanse the skin as desired. However, as people age, they will have to pluck their eyebrows, and ideally burn them completely. Women also bleach their hair with urine to have long and shiny hair. It sounds scary, but the truth is every beautiful woman has to go through some unpleasant things.

2. 6 - Beetle gut, crocodile dung, and sour milk:

To maintain perfect beauty, Queen Cleopatra used unique and terrifying beauty methods in the hot desert land. She was not only intelligent with many strategies but also good at maintaining her beauty. With her charm, she attracted many talented generals. She used lipstick made from beetle gut and an extract from crocodile dung. However, there is one secret that no one dares to imitate the Queen, that is bathing in sour milk to satisfy her beauty obsession. Maids had to squeeze milk from about 700 flames every day and wait for it to sour to wash their faces. Although strange, this method was clearly explained by scientists. The lactic acid in sour milk, when fermented, would transform into lactic acid, making it easier for dead skin cells to peel off and the young skin underneath to become smooth. Simply put, this is a way to exfoliate, similar to the method that women today call skin cleansing.

3. 5 - Shaving hair:

That's right, that's how Queen of Egypt, Nept, made the whole world admire her beauty. The name "Nept" means "the beauty of the present time." Her statue's face, although not perfect, amazed archaeologists and even beauty queens couldn't keep up. Her head was the highlight of the queen's body, and all hair and fur parts were shaved. This was the trend at that time. Almost everyone wore a necklace literally, and she wore a wig and used makeup, black eye makeup with an ancient Egyptian powder made from black lead. This means she was self-destructing daily when applying eye makeup. However, this is not the most extreme and ridiculous beauty method the queen has gone through. Every day, she calmly applied a head ointment made from Brom, a highly toxic chemical. Indeed, everything has its value, including beauty.

4. 4 - Soaking in Acid:

Just kidding, it's actually vinegar. Helen was called the most beautiful woman in Greek mythology, with golden hair shining like the sun, porcelain white skin, ripe cherry lips, and a seductive voice following the family tradition. Her beauty caused a 10-year war between heroes and gods in the Trojan War. In Greek mythology, she was described as the most beautiful woman, with golden hair shining like the sun, rosy cheeks, full lips, and porcelain skin glowing. Her voice was also charming. The beauty of the city of Troy soaked in a bathtub every day, according to the specialty, that is a bathtub containing acid. This is truly an effective beauty method, it helps balance the body's pH and cleanse the skin. If you know how to dilute vinegar for bathing, not only does it not cause pain to the body, but it also helps eliminate odors.

So that may be evidence that the Beauty of Troy used the method of soaking in a tub of water and vinegar. Perhaps she really immersed herself in a white tub of water, despite the pain, and this was the key to her beauty and stimulated the battle to become a legend - the Battle of Troy.

5. 3 - Swallowing tapeworm eggs to remove excess weight:

So there are many strange and unique weight loss methods that have been tested, and one of them is swallowing tapeworms. The issue of body shape, especially excess weight, has always been a concern and pressure for many women from ancient times to modern times. Thinness is always preferred, and from there, many measures have emerged such as dieting, exercising, yoga, swimming, fasting, drinking vinegar, eating spicy food, drinking distilled water, and many other methods.

Among them, swallowing tapeworms to lose weight is a unique and unlike any other method. Women don't need to spend time in the gym or adhere to strict diets, they just need to take tapeworm medicine and actually lose weight. This has led many people to continue using this method, and so it has been labeled and called the "tapeworm method."

However, this is a method that does not follow scientific rules, harmful to the human body. Those who use this method face many health issues such as nausea, anemia, weakened immune system, fatigue, and headaches. It is truly a deadly beauty method that leaves nothing behind.

6. 2 - Fresh beef mask:

Elizabeth, the queen of Austria Elise, was considered one of the most beautiful women in Europe in the 19th century. She had perfect skin and thick, silky hair that reached her feet. However, maintaining Elizabeth's beautiful skin was not easy.

7. 1 - Hair bleaching addiction:

In modern times, dyeing hair, bleaching hair, and highlighting are popular trends among young people. However, since ancient times, beautiful women have been pioneers in changing hairstyles.

Lucia Boxia, born in 1480 and died in 1519, was a beautiful woman, the daughter of Pope Alexander VI and known as the sister of Crvocia, a famous politician in Italy. She had light curly blonde hair that was charming.

A famous poet of the 19th century was so enamored with Lucia's hair that he wrote many poems praising it and even stole a strand of her hair to keep with him. Although it seems like a strange and unusual act, Lucia's hair truly deserved praise after the hardships its owner went through.

Initially, Lucia Boxia's hair was not naturally blonde like that because her whole family had black hair. But she wanted her hair to shine like the sun, so she used a complex process. By washing her hair in a solution of lye, laundry detergent, and lemon water for hours, then carefully drying her hair. This process took a lot of time, to the point where Lucia had to cancel trips just to take care of her hair. Even after being diagnosed with cancer, she still didn't give up this special hair washing habit. It can be said that washing hair too much with lye and exposure to sunlight contributed to weakening her health, and ultimately, a fever took her away forever.

If that was the real reason Lucia Pocia passed away, then it cannot be denied that her shiny blonde hair was an important part of her image.

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