Chapter 39: Sushi

If the food is divided into grades, the appearance of sushi is undoubtedly the rags of luxury in the small cities in my birth. At that time, there was no McDonald's and Pizza Hut, and the only KFC was also driving near the railway station. Even the so -called cafes and tea houses can smoke, drink, fight landlords, and play mahjong.

This sudden and only sushi restaurant shared an outer wall with the city park. You can see the scenes in the park through the windows on one side of the store, and the other side is a bustling street. I remember the days when I first opened, and every time I passed the door of the store, I saw a long team. Most of them are young couples, and occasionally there will be several young parents with their children. It seems that television stations and newspapers have also promoted them for them. It wasn't until my twenty -year -old blind date that I was fortunate to enter this store for the first time. However, at that time, the business in the store was obviously a lot deserted. The waiters did not even lift their eyelids to the guests who entered the door. Several pairs of small couples sitting on the window were placed in front of Japanese -style desserts. It seems that it has been staying for a long time.

The blind date object has the capital, but we have no fate. But this did not affect my attention to sushi, and even later raised a black and white dairy cow, which was also named Names.

The chef is on the side of the street, and the guests can see the sushi in the place where the guests can see. This may be the prototype of "Ming Kitchen". Because there is a "important thing", I don't keep staring at the chef, but after eating the meal, I always feel that something is missing. Fortunately, just half a month later, I received a manuscript fee, so I invited my parents to eat it again. I ordered those dishes at the time, I couldn't remember it. Just remember that as soon as he walked out of the store, parents were not worth it, these are all deceiving things. From their ugly face at the table before, to now, how many meters can I buy for the money for this meal, how much cucumber or something, and the pile piles have fallen into my loser history. Try to taste the scene of the burger yourself. However, that time was reprimanded in the store. Even after I cried and said that I wouldn't eat it, my parents thought that I was deliberately pretending to make them more embarrassing, and forced me to swallow the burger in front of everyone. That is, since then, I have learned to cover up my true emotions and become more and more sensible. Parents are also very useful for their educational methods, and they teach their experience every time.

Maybe some fate in this world is destined to be isolated in order to get along.

After starting to get rid of my parents' life, I changed their tricks to make myself delicious. On the one hand, I was indeed unlikely at first. The same ingredients changed the cooking method, and I could eat different surprises. On the other hand, it is also to fill the "soul hunger". A few years later, I occasionally made dinner with my friends to make dinner with my friends, but I still did not have the courage to go. Although it can't afford to eat it, it is still a little afraid of sushi. What is the more afraid of your heart, what will the more you desire in the subconscious? That day, we ate roast birds, drank sake, tasted other Japanese food, and it was the middle of the night when I got home. But I suddenly wanted to try to make sushi again.

A few days later, the bamboo curtains and seaweeds bought from the Internet were sent from the Internet. Taking advantage of the afternoon of a rest, I mixed the steamed rice with sushi vinegar, cut the cucumber and carrots, and bought three or four ham sausage for later use. To be honest, it is not difficult. It is to lay the entire seaweed on the bamboo curtain, lay the rice on the seaweed, and then make the cut cucumber, carrots, ham and other items on the rice. When I bought Huang Dagen, I hesitated a bit, and I felt that it was not impossible to replace with kimchi. But for the first time, I chose Huang Dagen, which was slightly more expensive.

Roll the ingredients inside in one end of the bamboo curtain, roll it inward, and roll to the rice moss to be close to the rice at the beginning of the sea moss, raise the bamboo curtain, and press the seaweed roll slightly inside to continue rolling forward until the roll is complete. At this time, hold the overlapping bamboo curtain, press the ingredients inside, then open it, and make a sushi roll. Cut with a knife evenly, and you can enjoy the mustard soy sauce in the plate. The size of the sushi roll depends on the type and weight of the internal ingredients.

At first, there would be some hairs, but the three or four volumes have basically mastered the essentials. Isn't this seaweed rice? As a result, I started to play creativity. Who said that the ham must be rolled in sushi? Can you get a roll? Hot cabbage, chicken breasts, sauce tofu, potato puree, shredded fish, sauce eggplant ... Later, I rolled what I developed in the refrigerator. Sushi has become the best choice to take care of the remaining vegetables. And this also makes my lunch bento box simple and rich.

I found that if you can wrap a few layers with a plastic wrap every time you use a bamboo curtain, it will also save the trouble of brushing the bamboo curtain afterwards. And after shredding cucumber and carrot, mix with vegetables and roll it into the sushi, which will be more flavorful. This also saves the steps of the last Sushi soy sauce. More suitable for meal operations.

Friendly reminder: According to personal experience, if the chopped sushi knife is not fast enough, then dip the ice water before each cut. When cutting, be sure to force the tip of the knife first, and then slide down. The speed must be fast.

Later, I went to Japan and saw all kinds of all kinds of sushi, and realized how self -righteousness of my "creative thinking" of that year. At the same time, I can't help wondering why this kind of food that can be seen everywhere in Japan has become a luxury in the eyes of Chinese people. Can't afford salmon, can you use black fish? Sea moss is expensive, isn't kelp? Does sushi vinegar be replaced with white vinegar+apple juice? A series of questions accompanied me. In fact, it is not difficult to understand. Chinese food with high quality is also expensive in Japan. However, when I watched the documentary of "God of Sushi" Ono, I realized my childish and superficial.

I don't know why, suddenly I recalled the scene of eating sushi with my parents again. The sushi packed in the restaurant was swept away by the little cousin who came to be a guest at home the next day. This rare thing that is reluctant to eat in the eyes of parents is just an inconspicuous roadside stall in the little cousin. That's right, when the family is strong, she has already spent one dollar because I spent one dollar with a fan, and she will be scolded by my mother for several days. Just throw it away. I admit that sometimes I really envy her and have some resentment. But at the same time, I am also thinking about whether the foundation of the native family really determines the future of a person? Although I know very well, what I care about most is never money.

Later, I was a chef in a Japanese restaurant in Beijing. Sushi, warships, rice balls, roasted birds, sashimi ... The dishes appeared in conventional Japanese -style shops were proficient in operation. In the post -epidemic era, he also set up a sushi for a while, enjoying this busy but calm life in his hands. If life keeps going like this, it seems good ...

Occasionally, when returning to my hometown, they would also make sushi for their parents, but whenever they mentioned that when they went to sushi restaurants, they would still complain about my loser. I know that my "go home" is farther.


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