Guangdong is a province in southern China, known for its long history and unique culture. In the streets of Guangdong, there is a striking landscape, which is the stall. The stalls are the unique street food culture of Guangdong, which combines food, human feelings, and living atmosphere, adding a unique charm to this place.

Simply speaking, it is an open -air snack stall, usually located in the streets of the streets and the lively night market. The booths here are full of stalls, and there are many types of foods. There are all kinds of snacks to Cantonese cuisine and seafood. You can see people who eat roasting leisurely, enjoy fragrant grilled fish and steamed shrimp, or enthusiastically taste various claypot rice and porridge. The stalls give people a lively and kind feeling, making people seem to be in a paradise of food.

The history of stalls can be traced back to the last century, when it was to satisfy the appetite of those busy citizens at night. After getting off work, they came to the stalls, while eating food, relaxing their bodies and minds, and enjoying leisurely nights. Today, the stalls have become part of the lives of Cantonese, and more and more tourists have come to experience this unique culture.

The stalls are not just a gourmet culture, it is also a lifestyle of Cantonese. In the stalls, people can not only taste food, but also feel the enthusiasm and cheerfulness of the Guangdong people. You can see people sit around, clamp the delicious snacks with chopsticks, chat with each other while eating, and sharing each other's stories and joy. There is no sense of distance here, only close and friendly.

The stalls are also a social venue in Guangdong. People can meet new friends here and exchange each other's lives and experiences. Whether young people or elderly people, whether they are locals or foreigners, the stalls provide them with a platform for shared food and communication. Here, you can feel the humanity of Cantonese and realize the love of food and life here.

The charm of stalls is also reflected in its inheritance and innovation of traditional Guangdong cuisine. The snacks and dishes in the stalls include almost all classic foods in Guangdong, such as roasted waxy, claypot rice, porridge, fried rivers and so on. The chefs here promote these traditional food, which not only retains traditional cooking methods and tastes, but also innovates and improves, making it more in line with the tastes and needs of modern people. The stalls are not only a gathering place for food, but also the cradle of creativity and innovation.

However, with the development and modernization of cities, the stalls are also facing some challenges. Some large stalls have been demolished, and the city's update is renewed. Some large stalls are also facing environmental hygiene and food safety. In order to protect and inherit this unique culture, the Guangdong government and all walks of life should work together to strengthen the management and specifications of stalls to ensure that they can continue to develop in a good environment.

In short, Guangdong's stalls are a unique street food culture, representing the spirit of the people of Guangdong's enthusiastic hospitality and their love for food. It is not only a enjoyment of food, but also an attitude and way of life. In the stalls, you can taste the authentic Guangdong cuisine, feel the strong humanity, and make new friends. The stall is a business card from Guangdong and a unique cultural symbol. It will continue to add charm to the land of Guangdong and attract people from all over the world to experience.

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