After a day of class, I was exhausted. Take a supper and reward yourself. A bottle of beer and a bag of peanuts seemed to drive away the fatigue of the body. Do you have such a sense? That's right, eating a supper is indeed a beautiful thing, especially for three or two good friends, chat together, and talk. Come on a few small skewers, and the taste is scratching. But such a wonderful thing, what I didn't expect was that it brought himself a calamity of himself. What was going on?

The cause of the incident was a barbecue restaurant called Fuyang, Xingqing District, Yinchuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. According to the preliminary survey, the improper operation of the barbecue restaurant caused an explosion caused by gas leakage and causing 38 casualties. Among them, thirty -one people died after rescue, and the other seven were urgently sent to the hospital. This news learned from my dad's mouth. At that time, I was eating at home. My dad said: If you eat supper, you will lose your life. I thought it was drunk or something unexpected, so I asked my dad what was going on? He said that the barbecue restaurant exploded more than 30 people. I was shocked instantly, this is really the real version of "lying down and shot".

After a few days before the incident, the police also had preliminary investigation results. At about 7.40 that night, a waiter in the barbecue restaurant suddenly smelled the unusual taste. The taste, she smelled the smell of gas -like, and immediately checked the liquefied gas tank, but found that the valve of the gas tank was broken, so the kitchen head of the barbecue restaurant immediately bought a back to replace it. After an hour, the supervisor bought the valve and returned, and the explosion occurred during the replacement process. But a gas tank explosion is not so serious.

Then look down, the position of the gas tank is located on the first floor, but after the explosion, the power of the explosion also detonates the natural gas pipeline on the second floor, and also exploded the stairs on the first floor to the second floor. And the death of the death is not burned to death by the explosion, it is suffocated. The suffocation here is not just because of the lack of oxygen, but the strong impact brought by the strong explosion. The mucous membrane and capillaries are broken, so internal bleeding will occur. Severe may also lead to fractures of ribs, pneumothorax and chest, which causes shock. If it is not treated in time, it will endanger life.

After that, my dad also reminded me to pay attention to the gas tank. Once I exploded, I couldn't turn back. That's right, although I live in a residential area, but I have only recently laid pipeline gas, and I still use liquefied gas tanks at home now. Although it is only home, it is not as big as commercial, but the power is enough to cause amazing. power. When the petroleum gas is compressed to a certain degree, it will become liquid, so the pressure in the gas tank is very large, and it is even more commercial. Therefore, when using it, you must pay attention to putting it lightly to avoid gas leakage. The liquefied gas has flammable and explosive properties. Although the concentration of liquefied gas is not high when it first leaked, if it is a period of time, a little spark can detonate it.

The home gas tank is equipped with a valve with a pressure gauge on it. This is the pressure decompression valve. This is also available for usage. It is necessary to check once every three or four years. Otherwise, the aging ring in it will cause gas leakage. In addition to the correct storage of daily gas tanks, we must also properly handle the leakage of gas, which causes one of the factor of such serious casualties this time that it has not been evacuated in time. The waiter did not evacuate the guests to the open place when he knew the gas leak. If the waiter evacuate the masses in time, will this end even if the explosion occurs? In order to do business, it should not be ignored by the life of customers!

If you smell the smell of gas leak at home, close the gas valve immediately, open the window to ventilate, or open the exhaust fan or pump up the range hood to discharge the gas in time. Do not stay in this area during this period, it is best to walk away. In addition to the emergency treatment of gas leakage, it is also very important to solve the gas leakage. In this accident, many problems have been extended. For example, does the kitchen supervisor who replace the valve has corresponding qualifications and if the valve is replaced under the premise of security?

Therefore, in daily at home, if you encounter gas leakage, do not use things that move the gas tank by yourself. If you are not sure, please contact the relevant company to notify the qualified professionals to check it. It may not cause this tragedy to notify the gas company to come over for maintenance. There must be a good gas tank. It seems that this time the barbecue restaurant is placed directly in the kitchen, and the kitchen is a place with bright fires. Proper safety fire prevention hazards, so if you have the conditions, you must keep the gas tank away from the bright fire. My family's approach is to put the gas tank outside, and it is easy to connect the water heater and gas furnace with a pipeline. Even if there is something in the kitchen, it will not affect the gas tank, causing greater danger.

This time the gas tank explosion was not new. As early as 2012, 9 gas explosions occurred in Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangsu, Inner Mongolia, Shandong, Liaoning, Tianjin, Hebei, Beijing and other places, causing 6 people to die 80 people were injured. However, there is no "if" in the world. In addition to themselves, those who do the catering industry must also pay attention to fire safety, and various regulatory authorities must also strengthen supervision. Finally, I also hope that all the families of the victims will change.

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