Speaking of Titanic, what do you think of? Vive love story? Extreme luxury and luxurious ships? Or is the captain's extremely self -confidence, and the result has caused the entire ship to sink? Or when the disaster happens, what about people's panic? Yes, the story of the Titanic not only brings a great love story, but also a reference. Although the shipwreck incident attracted the attention of the world at the time, the popularity would eventually dissipate, but the news about the Titanic is now attracted people's attention.

First of all, let's talk about the sinking place of the Titanic. At that time, the Titanic wanted to start from the Port of Southampton in the UK. The destination was New York in the United States. As for some details on the boat at that time, it was also revealed in the movie. If you are interested, you can click on my homepage to find the "Titanic" I wrote again, and there is a series of articles that evoke your memories. The captain's extremely confidence in the ship, as well as increasing the speed of the ship while being encouraged to be encouraged, and ignoring some dangerous warnings, the result was a big disaster.

According to some research reports, the location of the Titanic hit the iceberg is probably on the Great Grand Ocean. After hitting it, the boat will not stop immediately, because of inertia, coupled with the huge body of the Titanic, an amazing weight. It took about two hours to sink completely. At the time, the level of science and technology and salvage ability could not be determined, and they could only know about the approximate location. But in 1985, some explorers discovered the wreckage of the Titanic in about 600 kilometers south of St. John in Newfoundland, Canada.

Why is the Titanic welcomed by some explorers or archaeologists? This reason must be easily guessed that it must be a very valuable thing inside. If you have seen the movie, many of the golden banquets in the room, many high -class characters have taken the ship, how many millionaires, millions of rich people, and the heart of the ocean value of the city at the time, and so on. Countless treasures. If it can be salvaged, it is really "sent to the pig's head." Therefore, the story of the movie starts with salvage.

Although the wreckage of the Titanic was found at the time, due to the long -term seawater movement, the hull had been covered with a thick mud layer, and then it could not explore the interior at the time of the scientific and technological level. Therefore, the international expedition team composed of a scientist marine scientist in several countries in 1996 can carry out field survey. Many of them are salvaged and protected by cultural relics. Despite this, there are still many explorers and adventurers who want to see this top luxury cruise ship at the time.

As the so -called "money can make ghosts push", some rich people don't know where they can spend money, then find some novel things to burn money. Services are also favored by rich people. So what is the diving? There is a company in the United States called "Oceangate Expeditions", which is a detection company. The main purpose of its operation is to provide manned submersible for tourism, research and exploration.

This company provides a name called "Titan". As the name suggests, the "Titan" dive is to lead passengers to visit the "Titanic" wreckage. Of course, the relevant costs are not cheap. Each time you only need to pay 250,000 US dollars, equivalent to more than 1.8 million yuan, is it exaggerated? This price is already a two -bedroom suite in our community. But for rich people, it is just a party money.

Rich people may be tired of going out of the sea, and they have not tried diving yet, so there are many rich people teaming to dive. The "Titan" can carry five people each time. On the 18th of this month, five people organized a group to dive. There are drivers of driving submarines and founders and CEOs of this expedition company. The other three are amazing. One is the rich man in the UK Hamish Hamadin. He loves the adventure very much. He founded the explorer club and also launched several sensational adventure activities.

The other two are a pair of father and son, from Pakistan, a member of the richest families there. The strength really cannot be underestimated. Although the cabin has only a small internal space, the people in the inside have already felt the large land in some first and second -tier cities. And this is not the same as driving and driving the ship to the sea. If the accident happens, it is basically a slim opportunity. There are always some movie storylines. The wealthy merchants are conspiracy, fell off the cliff, rescued by some kind people, and finally returned from revenge. This is not as beautiful as a movie. It is basically difficult to survive as soon as the accident. Why do you say that?

First of all, the sinking depth of the Titanic is 13,700 meters deep, and it doesn't look deep, but this is enough to bring great pressure in the underwater world. According to our junior high school pressure calculation formula P = PGH, there are about 389 atmospheric pressure. This pressure is enough to cause any catastrophic compression. So if you want to enter such a deep sea floor, you need to have sufficient pressure -resistant materials. Generally requires high -intensity steel or titanium materials. But this "Titan" of the Marine Gate uses another newer carbon fiber material.

The carbon mandarin material has been hot in recent years, and even scientists want to fulfill it in the aviation field. The advantage is that the weight is light and strong. Therefore, many supercars, such as Lamborghini, and Ferrari's top sports cars, try to reduce weight and keep the intensity unchanged. Although fake, there is indeed his power. But it has a fatal weakness, that is, it is crispy, and once it breaks, it is abandoned. It means that although the strength can be great, it will break immediately as soon as it exceeds its intensity, loses its original strength. Once the steel exceeds the strength, it will be deformed and can be corrected. Can't repair. So don't hit the super running on the road, otherwise it is a whole piece, the price is more expensive than your car.

The "Titan" was warned by many security hazards before being put into use. Whether the bridge section was familiar with it, yes, the Titanic at that time was also warned. However, at the time, the chief engineer of the ship said that there was no problem. With the old captain, all the rich people bought it, the so -called "tribute". What makes me feel funny is that it is a gamepad that controls this submarine, and the style of the PS5 is so lightweight.

At that time, the "Titan" suddenly lost contact after 45 minutes after departure. As a result, many countries launched a large -scale search and rescue operation, but unfortunately found several crushing parts of a submersible on the bottom of the sea. According to the study, these fragments were found to be in line with the phenomenon of internal explosion. The carbon mirror vitamin mentioned above is only an instant, and the time when the sensor feels the transformation of the carbon salamander is not enough to react, which means that it has been deformed and ruptured instantaneous time. The sensor has not received a signal to send a signal. So at a moment, the entire cabin quickly wanted to collapse due to huge pressure. Imagine that if you hold a balloon as big as your hand, you will explode as soon as you pinch.

Therefore, the experience of the Titanic told us not to be too arrogant, and do not trust the so -called high -tech new technologies at will. Without a long period of certification, do not try it easily. So I hope that in the future, we can learn to "learn from historical experience."

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