Zhejiang self -driving depth tour (3)

Our along the way, as in the past, we must find local cuisine every place, and the purpose of most people traveling in one party is to eat local characteristics.

For many years of experience in traveling in China, everyone knows how to eat in the restaurant.

There is a saying in the Chinese countryside. This is to say that people do not get tired, and people eat less.

Everyone goes out to play or go to the restaurant for dinner and order, which is the opposite of the above. One person and two people go to the restaurant for dinner. It is the worst to order. gourmet food.

I remember that I went to Zhejiang in October 2017. That time, 11 relatives and friends traveled together from Beijing. In addition to eating buffet breakfast at a hotel, lunch and dinner were eating in the restaurant collectively outside. There are also many. In the autumn, the white fish in the south of the country is listed. We Beijingers like to eat, and we are spending on white fish. They often eat another one because of a white fish. Because there are many people, after each time I check out, I find that they are cheap after eating well.

The same is true of nine people traveling this time. During the deep tour of Zhejiang, every day, we all laughed all the way.

Enter the topic below and talk about our daily food experience in Zhejiang's days.

Arrive at Hangzhou East Station on May 17th. After staying at the hotel, it was around 4:30 in the afternoon. I went to Beijing South Railway Station around 7 am. Now everyone is hungry. It's time for dinner. Through the search for public comments, I found that there was a Zhejiang restaurant called "Zhejiang" on the third floor of a shopping square nearby. It is a special dish in Luzhou. It feels good. At this time, the rain stopped, and we walked.

After that, I found that the Luzhou cuisine was spicy, and it was not suitable for several counterparts who did not eat chili, and decided to change a restaurant.

There is also a local restaurant in Hangzhou called "Old Master Blasting Shrimp". I went in and looked at it. It was found that it felt better than just going to "Western Zhejiang". The house is full, and the hall does not have a large table that can tolerate nine.

So we can only move to the restaurant of the adjacent "Lao Tonglu 1977". At this time, it was hungry. I decided to sit down here for a meal that day. Clear the fast language of we speak Beijing dialect. The food is quite fast, but the dishes are very average. In short, after the first meal of Zhejiang, I ate it. I made a meal, and it felt very average. I thought it was just a solution to eating, and the journey in the future would definitely eat well.

On May 18th, after eating the buffet breakfast from the Vienna Hotel in Hangzhou East Station, the Buick GL8 business car, which drove two Shenzhou car rental companies to Mogan Mountain.

Due to the abundant time, I decided to play and lunch in the ancient town of Xincheng, Deqing County on the way.

Xinshi Ancient Town is located in Deqing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province. It has a history of thousands of years, and the history of formation has reached more than 1,700 years. For thousands of years, residents have been built in the river, and the bridge is located.

The food in the ancient town of Xinshi is very distinctive. Among them, the most famous of which is the new city of mutton. The softened banded skin red -roasted mutton has no flavor and fragrance.

At noon, I ate small noodles in a old noodle restaurant. The head is the pork ribs of lamb, catfish, waistflowers, snow vegetables, pork ribs ... everyone feels very comfortable and comfortable.

In the afternoon, the Luhuadi Hotel in the Mogan Mountain Scenic Area was successfully stayed in the Lugan Mountain Scenic Area. At night, the largest restaurant "Soochow Restaurant" on Yin Mountain Street in the scenic area for dinner.

This is a restaurant that receives travel agencies and scattered customers. I have always been not optimistic about this kind of restaurant, because the price of expensive meals is not delicious. But when we drive back in the scenic area, it is too late, and we can only choose here.

We look at the price of the menu is too expensive, and the bargain with the boss is finally agreed to be eaten according to the per capita standards, but it is necessary to eat a characteristic dish.

Sauce burst bulge, small fish between streams, grandparents' potatoes, stir -fried wild vegetables, pickled fresh (fresh bamboo shoots), boiled bamboo shoots, soil egg fried ears, stewed chicken soup, seven vegetables and one soup to the table , Good taste. It is beyond our imagination.

We will also order food, without any dishes without Mogan Mountains. In fact, I want to eat the big cocks raised in the bamboo forest on the Mogan Mountains, but I have to make an appointment in advance. Leave a regret to leave a reason for the next Muganshan Mountain in Sandama.

Mogan Mountain's beer is really super delicious.

On the morning of May 19th, from the planned plan to go from the Mogan Mountain Scenic Area to Anji, it was very close from Deqing to Anji. 35 kilometers, you can reach it in one hour without driving. Because the time was wealthy, after breakfast, I played "Jianchi", "Yellow Temple" and "Chairman Mao's former residence" in Mogan Mountain Scenic Area after breakfast. It will only leave at 11 noon.

Arrived in Anji City around 12 noon. At noon, I ate at the famous Suzhou -Hangzhou restaurant "Dongda" in Anji. There were several branches in Anji. The scale is not small, and the environment is very good.

We ordered: Master Fang's braised pork, snow vegetables, small wild bamboo shoots, dried modified bamboo shoots steamed winter vegetables, old duck crooked pots, fragrant stinky tofu pot, chicken juice pickled big white fish, pumpkin fried pumpkin vine, Dongpo taro pot pot, Dongpo taro pot pot , Sour sweet radish, boat home burst fish, staple food are fresh meat buns, beef pot cakes, rice

This is how good the people I said. The restaurant supervisor serves as the nine Beijing tourists in the box. I heard that I am the V8 level of the V8 level of Pharaoh. Sanxian pot and Dongda -meter cake.

Anji's first impression came from this meal. It was really good service and good food. And the price is not expensive, consumes a total of 770 yuan, and 560 yuan after the discount of buying coupons.

This time we drove in -depth in some areas of Zhejiang. The real food journey started from the dinner on the Moganshan Mountain on May 18. The food every day is not repeated every day, and every day is more exciting than day by day.

Please continue to watch the next episode.

(To be continued)

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