"Tip your hat" in admiration of the 9-1 rule of the Jews: One dollar that others overlook can also be an opportunity to help you get rich. Whether it is money or life experience, both need to be accumulated little by little. The financial management secrets of the Jews can be applied by anyone, but only those who are truly wise can understand and appreciate them.

A different mindset about money among the Jews

Jews are the richest people in the world, a fact recognized globally; they make up 0.3 percent of the world's population but are at the heart of the global economy. Among the world's richest entrepreneurs, Jews account for about half, many consider money to be a crime and the wealthy to be the perpetrators of injustices. However, in the eyes of the Jews, money is not divided into good and bad but varies according to people's hearts.

From their perspective, entrepreneurs who earn money through intelligence based on the power of the mind are very much to be respected. It is this belief that leads Jews to place great importance on money and wealth. This helps their lives become increasingly prosperous; among the rules for making money, there is one that few people know: even if it is just one dollar, one must strive to earn it. This is the wealth-building mindset that Jews highly value, and the focus and core of this money-making mindset lies in the two words "earning money."

But the main thing is not the money itself but the earning; as long as they can earn money, whether a lot or a little, they feel satisfied. Additionally, this philosophy also wants to highlight another wealth-building mindset of the Jews, which is that one should not underestimate small profits; in business, one should not disdain earning little money. This rule helps many entrepreneurs gain more confidence and ambition for the future, while also keeping them steadfast in their perseverance and hard work. Focus on earning money rather than just fixating on money itself.

A coin on the ground can also be a treasure in the future

Once, two young men went job hunting together, one of whom was Jewish. Suddenly, a coin fell on the ground, and the young man didn't even look at it but stepped over it like a gentleman; on the contrary, the Jewish guy picked up the coin. The friend looked at him mockingly and said, "Is it worth picking up a coin?"

The Jewish man saw the contempt on his friend's face and thought to himself that he had missed an opportunity to make money without even realizing it. The two friends went to the same company to apply for a job; this was a small company with many jobs but low pay. The other friend thought it was a job without a future and arrogantly left. Meanwhile, the Jewish guy was happy to stay.

Three years later, the two met again; the Jewish man had become a boss while his friend was still looking for a job. With a puzzled expression, he asked the Jewish man, "How could you prosper from such an unworthy job?" The Jewish man replied, "You, like a gentleman, do not need a coin; you will never be rich in your life!"

In his mind, this ordinary young man wanted to earn a lot of money, a complete meal. Meanwhile, the Jewish guy didn't even overlook a tiny coin because he knew that "picking up" leads to "cutting down." This is the secret to the success of the Jews; do not let even a single opportunity to make money slip away. Because a coin lying on the ground could very well hide an unseen treasure. The mindset of accumulating small amounts into large ones has long been a familiar topic for most people concerned about their financial goals.

However, many people think that three coins are not worth much. The most frequently heard saying is that a person who is stingy to the last penny is just right, referring to those who are meticulous and count every coin. Saving and valuing small coins does not mean we are miserly to the point of being careful with every thousand. We need to understand that what is worth spending should still be spent.

But if you see a thousand of your own money fall to the ground and think it is not much, not bothering to bend down to pick it up, then you only lose value. The value here does not lie in the money but in how you perceive the value of the effort you put into earning it. Earning money is hard; managing and spending money wisely is even harder. Returning to the story of the Jewish guy looking for a job, while his friend only wanted to find a job that would provide everything at once, the Jewish man acted differently.

It is very understandable that when you desire a big job or a large project to earn a lot of money, you will have to make a significant decision to execute it. When you place all your hopes on a big decision, you are building for yourself either a great success or a great disaster. Of course, the greater the risk, the greater the consequences.

A bad decision can change the future, destroy a career, waste money, and even affect your relationships. When you spend too much time and effort making a big decision, you become blind and cannot recognize that it may be a bad decision. Once you decide, you will commit and strive for it, and there is little chance that you will change your direction because it increases the time, effort, and money involved. It is very difficult to mitigate the damage when making significant decisions.

Most successes are not the result of a big decision; instead, success is built from a series of small decisions. The smaller the decision, the more flexible it will be; making smaller decisions allows you to minimize risks. Typically, you will not make mistakes from small decisions, but small decisions will lead to small victories. For example, if you decide to change your lifestyle and eat healthily, it is better to start with small actions to get accustomed first.

Instead of going completely vegetarian right away, you can start by drinking an extra bottle of water each day and replacing unhealthy snacks with fruits. If you completely change your lifestyle all at once, you will become discouraged, and when you do that, it is very hard to continue changing. However, adapting and maintaining the habit of drinking more water and eating healthy snacks is much easier. When you lose motivation and give up, you will find it easier to return, the risk of failure is lower, and the pressure is less than trying to eliminate all meat, eggs, and dairy from your diet at once.

The 9-1 rule of the Jews

In 2021, due to the impact of the pandemic, many people suffered both physically and mentally, but the pressure increased every day. Many could not see the future, even losing faith. Here is the 9-1 rule of the Jews; it can help us find hope from despair and open up a promising future. A Jewish entrepreneur told a poor man selling eggs that if he picked up 10 eggs every morning and put them in a basket, and every night took out nine eggs from that basket, what would happen after a while?

The egg seller replied: Over time, the eggs will fill the basket. The wealthy entrepreneur asked further: Why? The egg seller replied: Because every day I have one more egg in the basket than the day before. At this point, the entrepreneur said: "Now I will give you a secret to becoming rich. No matter how much money you earn, you must save 1/10 of what you earn."

For example, if you earn 10 dollars today, you must save one dollar; if you earn 100 dollars tomorrow, please save 10 dollars. When you start doing this, a wealthy future awaits you. The wealthy entrepreneur continued: Do not mock what I say as simple. I am rich today because of that 9-1 rule; simply put, the 9-1 rule is to ensure that expenses do not exceed 90 percent of total income if you persist for a while.

In addition to escaping poverty, we also have savings for ourselves. People tend to spend money when their income is high; many of us, even with a high salary, still struggle financially by 40 because we do not know how to save. Never underestimate the money you save; it is the foundation for wealth not just for you. In summary, wealth is not created overnight but is the result of many years of hard work, perseverance, and striving. Difficulties are unavoidable, but if you do not dare to rise up, you will never find opportunities for yourself.

The secret to getting lucky is striving.

Both money and life experience need to be accumulated little by little. Over time, we not only become quite wealthy but also naturally gain wonderful experiences. The year 2022 may still hold many challenges for many people. Some still bear the burden of debt and business obstacles. However, some find a glimmer of hope in adversity and start from the smallest things to prepare for the future. Success will belong to those who know how to prepare, persistently work hard for their goals, and know how to save the fruits of their labor.

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