Raw meat, this is a mystery of unreasonable food. Whether it is a primitive person in the wild or modern human society, raw meat has always existed in food culture. However, it is undeniable that some meat is not suitable for raw food and can only ensure food safety and taste by cooking. Next, I will explore the reasons why the meat is not suitable for food in the form of prose.

Raw food is a primitive way of diet, as if tracing the process of human evolution. Primitive humans, relying on hunting collection to get food, raw meat may become one of their main sources. At that time, they had not yet mastered the power of fire and could not heated meat. Therefore, eating raw meat seems to be their only choice.

However, with the development of civilization, humans have gradually learned to use fire, and cooking has become an important skill. By cooking, people can change the taste and texture of the ingredients, while ensuring the safety of food. Because human digestive systems do not adapt to raw meat digestion like some carnivores, but are more suitable for eating cooking foods.

First of all, poultry is a kind of meat that cannot be eaten raw. Whether it is chickens, ducks, turkey or goose, their meat quality needs to be cooked to be safe. Poultry meat may carry various pathogens, such as Salmonella and E. coli. These bacteria can cause food poisoning and digestive diseases. By proper cooking, these pathogens can be killed to ensure food safety.

Similarly, pork should not be eaten raw. Pigs are omnivorous animals. Their dietary habits make their meat vulnerable to contamination of bacteria and parasites. For example, there may be parasites such as caterpillars, wrap cysts, etc. in pork, and these parasites can cause serious threats to human health. By cooking, these parasites can be effectively killed to ensure the safe consumption of pork.

In addition to poultry and pork, other meats are not suitable for raw food. For example, beef, mutton, etc. These meats may carry bacteria, parasites and other pathogenic factors. The pathogen can be killed by proper cooking to ensure the safety of meat.

In addition, seafood is also a kind of food that is not suitable for food. Although some seafood foods can be eaten raw, such as sashimi, this requires them to be fresh and professional. Otherwise, eating seafood raw can cause food poisoning and infectious diseases. Cooking can effectively kill the bacteria and parasites existing in seafood to ensure that it is safe.

In general, some meat should not be eaten raw, and it is necessary to ensure the safety and hygiene of food by proper cooking. Whether poultry, pork, beef or lamb, they may carry bacteria, parasites and other pathogenic factors. By cooking, these pathogens can be effectively killed to ensure our food safety. Cooking not only provides delicious food, but also a way to protect our health. Therefore, when choosing to eat meat, we should always remember to cook them to cooked to ensure the safety and health of ourselves and their families.

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