On the evening of July 24, the Press Office of the People's Government of Qiqihar City held a press conference to report that the collapse of the roof collapse of the 34th Middle School Gymnasium in Qiqihar City.

Shen Hongyu, Secretary of the Qiqihar Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, introduced that the collapse of the roof collapse of Qiqihar 34th Middle School Gymnasium on July 23 was the most serious safety accident in Qiqihar in recent years. In this accident, a total of 11 teachers and students lost their valuable lives, causing serious damage to multiple families. The cost was extremely serious and the lessons were extremely profound.

After investigation, during the construction process of the teaching comprehensive building adjacent to the gymnasium, the construction unit violated the roof of the gymnasium pile of the pile of thermal insulation building materials in violation of regulations.

Affected by the rainfall, the peak water soaking weight increased, resulting in the increase in roof load and collapse.

At present, the public security organs have applied for investigations on the relevant responsible persons of the construction unit of teaching comprehensive buildings, and took criminal compulsory measures in accordance with the law. The Heilongjiang Provincial Government has set up a joint investigation team to conduct a comprehensive and in -depth investigation of the accident. Shen Hongyu said: "We will cooperate with the investigation team to find out the reasons as soon as possible, and seriously hold accountability in accordance with laws and regulations, and never tolerate."

The entire press conference did not mention the words of these 11 unexpected teachers and students.


Why? Intersection

The collapse of the roof of the gymnasium caused the death of 11 teachers and students, which was a huge loss of our country and society. Who can think of his child and family trained in the gym, but he was such a "disaster"!

These blood -stained volleyballs were passed on to Qiqihar's people's government, and the government had temporary compensation measures to deal with these 11 teachers and students families. But......

Does the government even want to make a little moral money? Maybe Qiqihar government is looking for a relevant responsible subject.

According to Article 1,200 of the Civil Code, if the collapse and collapse of buildings, structures or other facilities cause damage to others, the construction unit and the construction unit shall bear the joint responsibility, but the construction unit and the construction unit can prove that there is no existing existence Except for quality defects. Due to all people, managers, users, or third parties, if the collapse and collapse of the buildings, structures or other facilities cause damage to others, all people, managers, users, or third parties bear the infringement liability. Therefore, the collapse of the stadium may involve responsible subjects such as construction units, construction units, managers, users or third parties in the construction unit next door.

All, managers, and users of the gymnasium are 34 middle schools, but not the owners, managers and users of the gymnasium are not placed.

The question is whether the construction unit next door puts the perlite in the ceiling of the gymnasium with the consent of the school and the Education Bureau's regulatory department?

Regardless of this, the people's government of Qiqihar City should pay part of the compensation if it is a responsible government to soothe the family where the family is suddenly lost.

After all, 34 is a government school, and children are the future of the country and families. How can these 11 living lives rest in peace?

Can you rest in peace with blood stains?

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