There is a saying: "Health is a choice, not a mystery of randomness." This saying means that each of us has the right to choose whether or not to maintain our health, and many people will surely remind themselves that I must protect my health. So are you sure that you know how to protect your health according to scientific methods?

For example, breakfast is extremely important, yet many people still do it wrong, not knowing what the best foods are for a perfect breakfast. It’s not sticky rice or pho; today this article will share with you 3 super nutritious foods for breakfast that are good for health and can prevent cancer, better than ginseng a thousand times over. If you eat early, you can be assured of being healthy and living long. You will also be happy to live healthily, peacefully throughout your life, enjoying old age and gathering with family for many more Tet holidays.

3 super nutritious foods for breakfast, cancer-fighting, eat early to live long.

According to research by many scientists, the lifespan of those who skip breakfast is lower than those who have a full breakfast by an average of 2.5 years. This shows the importance of breakfast for human health. However, in today’s busy society, not many people know what to eat in the morning; they often have a habit of eating hastily or even skipping breakfast.

Especially, up to 98% of people do not know what breakfast is for, or how to choose the best foods. So what is the scientific way to have breakfast and what are the best foods for breakfast? Here are the answers from many experts.

1. Drink warm water before breakfast.

In many studies, scientists have found that drinking warm water in the morning has many benefits, as after a long night, people often tend to be dehydrated and low on energy. Consuming an adequate amount of water can bring surprising effects on your health. Drinking warm water increases body temperature, stimulates the sweating process, and is one of the ways the body eliminates toxins.

Drinking warm water regularly in the morning will help balance all types of acidic foods we eat daily; moreover, the accumulation of too many toxins in the body causes you to age faster, so drinking warm water in the morning will help speed up the detoxification process, thereby cleansing the body and repairing skin cells to increase skin elasticity.

You should drink from 500 to 800 ml of cooled boiled water in the morning to cleanse the intestines, replenish water, and maintain a healthy body before breakfast. However, you should not drink too much water as it may make you feel full, affecting your breakfast.

2. Eat sweet potatoes.

You may not know, but eating sweet potatoes in the morning is a perfect choice to both replenish energy for the new day and help whiten and beautify the skin, especially preventing dangerous diseases such as hypertension, cancer, and cardiovascular stroke. Sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene, which can reduce the risk of Vitamin A deficiency while boosting the body's immunity. This effectively prevents the attack of free radicals that cause cancer.

According to many studies, regularly eating sweet potatoes can help women in the pre-menopausal period combat breast cancer; eating sweet potatoes does not raise blood sugar levels as you might think. The reason is that the healthy carbohydrates in sweet potatoes help regulate blood sugar levels. Therefore, people with diabetes can use sweet potatoes as a substitute for rice, which helps provide enough energy for the body while stabilizing blood sugar levels.

Thanks to their high content of Vitamin B6 and Potassium, sweet potatoes effectively prevent heart attacks and strokes. Potassium is an important electrolyte that helps control heart rhythm and nerve signals, while also maintaining the regular activity of blood pressure cells and some cardiovascular functions. Regularly adding this food to your breakfast will help protect your cardiovascular health and prevent the risk of heart disease.

3. Eat tomato egg soup.

Have you ever tasted this nutritious dish? It’s not for lunch or dinner, but breakfast is the best time to enjoy this dish. Eggs and tomatoes are two easily obtainable ingredients, but they have very good effects on health. If you know the wonderful benefits of tomato egg soup in the morning, everyone will surely cook this dish for their family every day. Chicken eggs help protect the liver and restore liver tissue when damaged.

When the liver is inflamed and fatty, the fabulous substances found abundantly in egg yolks help regenerate skin cells, increase ammonia in the plasma, and boost immunity. Eating chicken eggs slows down the oxidation process, helping the skin to be rosy, youthful, and prolonging lifespan. B vitamins, especially B2 found in chicken eggs, help detoxify and eliminate carcinogenic substances. Egg yolks enhance memory and restore memory. Tomatoes are not only highly nutritious but also have anti-aging and cancer-preventing effects. Ripe tomatoes have a bright red color that adds beauty and deliciousness to dishes.

The reason why tomato and egg dishes are considered good for our health is that chicken eggs have a relatively low cholesterol content, while tomatoes are very rich in lycopene, which helps soften blood vessels. Therefore, the combination of these two ingredients helps reduce cholesterol levels and protect cardiovascular health. Additionally, carotene in tomatoes and cholesterol in chicken eggs are both nutrients beneficial for the eyes. Thus, tomato and egg dishes are super nutritious foods that help enhance physical strength.

Absolutely do not have breakfast in the following 4 ways.

Having breakfast is an essential daily activity, but how to eat it correctly is crucial. Not everyone knows what is right or wrong, especially the habit of having breakfast incorrectly can lead to nutritional deficiencies and seriously harm health. If you want to live long and healthily, absolutely avoid these 4 things when having breakfast.

1. Drinking milk.

Many people, due to being busy, do not have time to prepare or eat regular breakfast foods like rice or pho, and only drink a glass of milk. Some believe that high-energy milk is enough to provide good nutrition for health in the morning. Others are very lazy to have breakfast, so they drink milk for convenience, but according to Dr. Vu Duc Chung, head of the digestive department at Military Hospital 354 in Hanoi, the habit of drinking milk in the morning for a long time will lead to malnutrition. After a long sleep, the human body needs a lot of energy and nutrients after a long night spent on recovery during sleep.

Drinking milk on an empty stomach not only causes the milk to be expelled from the stomach but also causes the weak proteins to be consumed and broken down into heat. Thus, the effects of protein are not realized. Drinking milk on an empty stomach will prevent protein from being broken down into amino acids, and this amino acid component in the small intestine is not absorbed in time and is pushed into the large intestine, creating toxic compounds. Especially, drinking milk in the morning can easily lead to stomach pain, diarrhea, and bowel issues.

2. Having a vegetarian breakfast.

Fruits, vegetables, and milk are foods with low nutritional content but are favored by many girls because these foods are low in nutrition, low in fat, and do not cause obesity, making them a wise choice for those who like a slim figure. Many people mistakenly believe that these foods must provide enough calories and have just enough nutrition. However, in reality, such vegetarian breakfasts have quite low calorie content, while the body is always automatically releasing heat.

If this breakfast habit continues, it will lead to nutrient loss in the body, weakening bodily functions. Moreover, foods like tomatoes, yogurt, bananas, plums, and apricots are acidic and high in fiber, so it is not advisable to have such a vegetarian breakfast.

3. Eating while walking.

Buying breakfast on the go and eating while walking causes the body to move while the hands and mouth are busy, yet it is still favored by many people. The reason is that they can save a bit of precious time every morning, and of course, if breakfast is like that, the main menu usually consists of eggs, buns, and fruits.

However, as experts say, eating while walking is not good for stomach health, nor is it good for digesting and absorbing food. Moreover, the foods bought on the street often do not ensure hygiene, making you easily fall ill.

4. Leftover food from the night before.

Leftover food and cold rice are often favored by many people. However, many believe that cooking a little extra for dinner is enough to use again the next morning. Such breakfasts are more convenient than having to cook everything fresh, and moreover, the nutrition is still rich and contains necessary nutrients. However, according to many studies, food left overnight, especially vegetables, can produce nitrites, a carcinogen, which can be dangerous to health when consumed.

Therefore, green vegetables should absolutely not be reused, and other foods that are reused must be stored properly to avoid spoilage. Foods stored in the refrigerator must be reheated, but it is still best to limit eating leftovers to avoid health hazards.

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