On July 29th, Qiqihar 34 Middle School released a brief essay

I call on the original site of the Gymnasium in the 34th Middle School of Qiqihar City to commemorate the teachers and students of these dead, wake up future generations, and inspire young students to continue to carry forward the spirit of the women's volleyball team and make a monument for them.

Background of Monument

The 34th Middle School Gymnasium in Qiqihar was once the training ground of the school's women's volleyball team. These players sweat here and win the honor for the school. However, on the afternoon of July 23, 2023, the ceiling of the gymnasium caused a collapse accident due to the illegal operation of the construction unit, causing 11 players to be unfortunately killed. This disaster makes people feel extremely sad, and it also makes us deeply aware of the fragility and preciousness of life.

Monument to Design

The design of the monument needs to fully consider its symbolic meaning and artistic value. We can refer to a monument to sculpture at the entrance of the 34th Middle School of Qiqihar City. The monument can be made of marble or granite, the statue, name and birth and death of the victims, and some representative patterns or symbols. Including the spiritual style of the heroic queuers, the moment of competition, or unity.

The meaning of monument

It is of many aspects of the monument to make a monument for the women's volleyball team of the 34th Middle School of Qiqihar City.

First of all, the monument can remember the dead, so that their names and deeds can always be engraved in the long river of history. The monument can inspire future generations to continue to carry forward the spirit of the women's volleyball team, be brave to work hard, face difficulties, and win glory for the country and schools.

Secondly, the monument can remind people's life and respect for life in an intuitive and eye -catching way. Through the names of the victims engraved on the monument and the year of birth and death, people can deeply feel the short and valuable life.

Monument is a kind of educational resource for production safety. Monument can allow more people to understand the importance of production safety and improve the public's awareness and quality. Alert people to pay attention to production safety and avoid similar tragedies.

Monument can trigger people's thinking about life safety. In our daily life, all kinds of safety and unknown risks are easy to be ignored. People are often pursuing efficiency and economic benefits, but they ignore security. The existence of the monument can keep people awaken at all times, pay attention to life, pay attention to production safety, and avoid the occurrence of life and property caused by human problems.

In short, the monument can not only remember the deceased, but also alert people's respect for life and the concern for production safety. In this way, we can better protect our lives and maintain social stability and prosperity.

The establishment of the monument to the monument

The construction of the monument needs to be supported and helpful by the Qiqihar government, education bureaus, schools, and all sectors of society. At the ceremony of the commemorative monument, the family, friends and teammates of the victims can be invited to participate in their nostalgia and respect for them.


The monument to the women's volleyball team of the 34th Middle School of Qiqihar City, and set up an eternal monument for these teammates, not only the inheritance and promotion of the spirit of the women's volleyball team and the spirit of solidarity. Stimulate us to cherish life, cherish the present, and be the best ourselves.

Please keep in mind two years ago, the party branch secretary of the 34th middle school Qiqihar City once said at the 50th anniversary celebration of the school: 50 years of wind and rain infiltrating the Liu Lan years, accumulating sinking walking; 50 years, wearing it Through the sound of pure book, write a wonderful chapter. Fifty years of extension sowing, it has become a fertile soil. The teaching style of "Qiushi Qi Zhi and Kobe's dedication" and the style of "diligence seeking truth and inquiry", which composes a brilliant epic and casts the glory of today's 34th Middle School. Thirty -four middle schools from low buildings 50 years ago to today's three sites and three sites are the result of the struggle of the 34th middle school from generation to generation. As a hot school in the hearts of the people, we feel glorious and proud, but also feel responsibility and mission. Standing at the new starting point of the times and schools, we firmly believe that the tomorrow's 34th Middle School will be better!

Please set up a monument for the teachers and students of the 34th Middle School of Qiqihar City.

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