Speaking of burgers, what do you think of the first time? I believe that many people who are almost the same as me will think of the golden arch McDonald's. This childhood memory is like a childhood happiness is not so easy to forget. Eating McDonald's must not be separated from three pieces, burgers fried chicken and potato strips, no, there are the same, four -piece set, that is cola. The happiness of childhood is these things, but parents do not give me often, because these things are very "hot", which is undoubtedly like "poison" for me who have adolescent acne.

But to say that McDonald's's signboard must be burgers. From the most classic plate -roasted chicken legs, the hot chicken legs have been eaten until now, what snail powder burger. To be honest, McDonald's will produce such products. After all, the combination of the two is really difficult to say. It may be that the times have changed. It is also possible that McDonald's products lack innovation to find some new things to impact. When my test score was good, my parents would take me to McDonald's to eat a burger for meals. A burger and potato cocoa for only 20 yuan.

After that, McDonald's launched a more affordable package, which is a 1+1 package. In the first 1, there are wheat flavor fish, wheat spicy chicken legs, so big chicken steak. In the second 1, there are new ground ice cream, taro pie and cola. I usually buy a spicy chicken leg and a fish head, only twelve pieces, what bicycle do I want. Sometimes when you encounter a membership day on Monday, you will give an additional burger or a faction. For a while, McDonald's has become my cafeteria, whether breakfast or lunch.

But since McDonald's starts to increase the price increase, I rarely eat it. Of course, it may also be because I am not as keen as I used to be fried food. In addition to starting to be alert to "heat", more and more understanding of food safety, it also made me alert McDonald's food. McDonald's has a complete food supply chain and a very standardized production process, so the taste of going to each store is the same. But in my parents' eyes, it seems that frozen things are unhealthy.

In the field of burgers, McDonald's always seems to be overlord -level. Of course, there are competition from other brands, such as KFC, like two brothers, and the King of Hamburg. These brands are abroad, and domestic independent brands must have Wallace's existence. Wallace is different from McDonald's. His areas are all in third- and fourth -tier cities, and it is very cheap to attract customers. But there is always no good sanitary standards and supervision as McDonald's, so people often "spray" after eating.

I do n’t know that you have not found that a new brand of stores have appeared in many places recently, called Tastin. Wallace's biggest opponent is here. In the live broadcast room of Douyin's live broadcast room, there is another choice for ordinary workers. Tastin's signboard looks like a dragon lion, which is still a bit recognizable, and there is a line below: the leader of the trend of Chinese burgers. It is not difficult to see that Tastin wants to give consumers a Chinese -flavored burger. I have a doubt, is the burger that is Chinese flavor, or does the burger have a Chinese flavor?

If you look at the store decoration, you say that this is a hot pot restaurant in Sichuan, because it is a traditional wooden table and chair and red decoration, which is in line with the Chinese people ’s impression of traditional. In addition, the most important thing for catering stores is to pay attention to production and taste. Tastin claims that the bread of the burger is rolled by hand, which is better than using a machine. Because Tastin's predecessor is not a burger, but a pizza, the founder team wants to use traditional pizza embryo Bread replaced by burger.

Tastin is promoted through different platforms, and at a very attractive price to allow customers to spend on the store. There are two main platforms, one is Douyin, selling different packages through the vibrato live broadcast room, one is beauty. Groups, use special group purchase forms to attract customers. I usually do n’t use Douyin very much. There are more use of Meituan. I opened a new family at the Xiongfeng Mall near my house, so I see if I usually eat it. Among them, I see a double meal. Also It is two spicy chicken legs, how much money does it sell? Only twelve yuan, the same money as the McDonald's set, but there are two burgers, so don't hurry to eat.

When I entered the store, I asked the clerk how to verify the US group. The clerk said that he wanted to take a screenshot of the QR code and then entered the WeChat Mini Program for verification. To be honest, I think it's quite complicated. Can you just use the machine to do it for a round. However, there are still a lot of people in the store. The takeaway brother also goes to the store one after another. As a result, it takes ten minutes when I arrive at me. It may be because of eating time, so it is a bit slow. I chose to pack it and take it away. It is easy to eat two burgers without ordering Coke.

After ten minutes, I went home to eat it. This praise, sometimes I went to eat McDonald's, and I was already cooling for me. Open and see the bread body. A burger embryo and then the hot chicken legs in the middle, but larger than I think, McDonald's Hamburg has become smaller and smaller in recent years, but Tastin can eat one by one to eat one by one. The almost feeling. The first bite of eating is still pretty good. There is a mixing salad sauce with cabbage shreds that make it less dry and more layered. To be honest, there is no delicious McDonald's. McDonald's is a bit gravy, but This has a thick meat feeling but no juice, but the weight is much more than McDonald's.

After eating the first one, I was full of 45 %, and I felt that the second one could not be eaten. Don't drink too much water to eat so many burgers, because the burger bag will absorb water and rises, and hold the stomach, so drink a small amount of water first. But Tastin is not too good to rely on this, you must use other products to attract customers. In front of the McDonald's snail powder burger, the latter is Tastin roast duck burger, and the fish fragrant shredded pork burger, which has been added with the dishes of the Hunan Restaurant.

I originally called Tastin as the first person in the Westernization of Chinese cuisine, and creating a characteristic of Chinese burger. This approach is a bit similar to Li Ning. Li Ning's independent brand is called "China Li Ning". It follows the trend of the trend and successfully set off a wave of Chinese wearing trends. In addition to grasping the name of "Guo Chao" to promote herself, Tastin also needs to control the quality of the store's production. It is best not to have problems like Wallace.

And my second time I ate Tastin's same set meal for two wheat hot chicken legs, only nine yuan, which was too top. Essence

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