Speaking of Dong Yin Gong, what do you think of the first time? Thai "Chinese cuisine"? Sour and spicy and appetizing soup? Or is there a lot of seafood in it? Still a strong flavor of spice. When it comes to Thailand's first impression, I will definitely say that Dongyin Gong is not durian, because the same name includes Malaysia. Dong Yin Gong is a specialty food in Thailand, and it is also the essence of Thai cuisine, which is the sour, spicy and heavy flavor of lemongrass.

I remember that for the first time I drank Dong Yin Gong Soup, my mother took me to a shop named "Thailand Family Cai" for the new big new family named "Thailand" when I was a child. Now I continue to open it, it is still very powerful. At that time, my mother ordered a part of Dongyin Gong Soup, with two bowls of white rice made of two bowls of Thailand, don't mention how delicious it is. Let's take a bite of Dongyin Gong Soup to open the taste buds, and then eat the seafood inside. Rice, then drink the remaining Dongyin Gong Tang. It is said that the owner of that shop is really a Thai. A chef has proved that it may make me think that this may be the most authentic Thai taste.

However, such a winter yin gong soup is not cheap. It takes sixty or seventy yuan. Although it is all seafood, it is only enough for two people. The name of Dong Yin Gong sounds like a name of some kind of secret, but it is actually the transliteration of Tom Yum Kung. Tom is soup, yum is hot and sour, kung means shrimp. There is a legend behind the food. It is said that there is a princess in Thailand a loss of appetite and does not want to eat anything. Then a chef made this soup to the princess. National soup.

In addition to sour and spicy Dongyin Gong, there is a very special taste. This taste comes from citrus. It feels like fresh citrus, but it is not as sour as lemon. It is the level of increasing fragrance. The strong and fresh flavor and the taste of seafood are already very appetizing. Gao Liangjiang is also an indispensable material for Dongyin Gong Decoction. It is not the same as ordinary ginger. It has a unique wooden aroma and complements lemongrass.

If it is generally expensive to eat Dongyin Gong, but some 20 or 30 Dongyin Gong Soup Powder is just the soup powder with the taste of Dongyin. It is not very authentic. So I thought: Why don't I do winter yin merit by myself? Seafood wants to eat as much as you want. Just say it, I go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. I have not found Citai Nanlun ginger in many markets and supermarkets. Maybe because no many people buy it, the merchants do n’t buy it, so I buy it on Taobao. The seller has already Very intimate ones are the combination of winter yin exercise, some are dried, and there are fresh ones. It is best to buy fresh.

Many Thai people cook winter and yin. We are called Robe Shrimp on our side. The shrimp head is very large, and the shrimp is blue when it is born. At first, I thought it was mutated. But I went to the vegetable market to buy fifty yuan a pound. Wow, I think it's a bit expensive, because a pound of shrimp is not to tell the truth. If there are many people, it is not enough. Of course, you can also use other shrimp instead. Choose shrimp, instead instead of salmon fish heads, more meat, and the price is more affordable.

Salmon fish head lacks umami, and the other is the umami flavor that can be greatly increased. The flower armor is not much but full of umami flavor. It is better to increase the level of soup. Buy some squid, squid beard, squid circle, and the effect is to make the taste more abundant. At this time, the umami flavor is complete, and some ingredients will be introduced when cooking, and the materials are complete.

Many teaching videos of winter Yin Gong will be fried with shrimp shells with shrimp body and stir -fry. But I did n’t have shrimp this time, then fry the salmon fish head first, and then boil a pot to boil water first. I do n’t know why pouring water can make the soup whiter.之后就要处理花甲和鱿鱼,我的习惯都会先焯一下水,当然你直接放在汤里也可以,不过我想去除一点腥味,当然也同时损失一些鲜味,不过我只需要一部分的鲜The taste is enough.

After that, you have to speculate. The garlic and dried shallots must be indispensable. If you like it, you can add the coriander head if you like spicy food. The salmon fish head soup, which was just cooked, added tomatoes later. In fact, the authentic Dongyin Gong soup has no tomato, but I think the addition of tomatoes can increase the level and taste of the soup. Spicy can also make the sour of Dongyin Gong not only a single from lime, but also the color of the soup brighter.

I will also add various umami mushrooms, including seafood mushrooms and white jade mushrooms. The mushrooms can increase umami, and mushrooms can also absorb the taste of winter yin. "The taste of mushrooms is corrected. After doing it, you can rest a little, and then give it to time. Dong Yin Gong is like a chemical furnace. Different material reflects each other into a delicious.

After adding various materials, you need to add Dongyin Gong Sauce. Different winter yin karma sauce has different flavors. The flavor, the taste is sour. Those who like spicy can add more to the pepper to increase the spicy flavor, but it should be noted that the more the pepper is cooked, the hotter. Chili, it was so spicy that it couldn't drink.

Dongyin Gong Decoction does not need to cook for a long time. It is almost the same for cooking for more than ten or twenty minutes. If you like thick soup and less spicy, you can add coconut milk. After cooking, it will be separated after a long time. If you like a little bit, you can squeeze lime juice, and finally sprinkle a lot of vanilla, so that the red soup is decorated with a little green, and it is achieved.

In fact, Dongyin Gong is very easy to do. It tastes a lot of taste, but if many people eat together, it is difficult to get the taste of different people. If the seafood is expensive, you can also find other seafood to replace it. It is more economical and flavorful. Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures after cooking this time. The red of the soup is already very appetizing. People who like coriander must be very popular. Those who do n’t like it will feel like “death.”

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