To say that the summer of Cantonese must be inseparable from those things: air conditioning, slippers, and watermelon. Of course, there are many things that Cantonese must be necessary in summer. There must be a place for watermelon in the fruits of the heat. In such a hot summer, eat a watermelon under the air conditioner, the juice and sweet watermelon. If it is a refrigerated watermelon, it is even more refreshing. Take a spoon and dig.

It can be said that air -conditioning and watermelon have become a must -have summer -time -eliminated artifact. In the past, watermelon was not cheap. I still remember that I would call my mother to buy a black beauty watermelon home to eat. The black beauty was also the "star in the watermelon variety at that time "It seems to be two or three pounds. Of course, in addition to the black beauty, there are also many other varieties of watermelon. The price also has two to four or five yuan. Most of them are black in the leather shell, which is red. Of course, there are some small, but the yellow flesh is very expensive.

I roughly estimate that after a summer, I have to eat more than ten watermelons. After all, I have eaten a watermelon for two or three days. We can achieve so comfortably because of the cheap watermelon. But in our neighboring countries, Japan is not so comfortable. In a watermelon in Japan, you can sell "sky -high". When buying watermelons in Japan, it is a small piece of selling. Measure Japanese people can be described as "speaking". Please eat meat in Japan may not be a VIP, but if there are many vegetables and fruits, you must be very, very VIP.

Where is the most famous fruit produced in China? There is no doubt that it is Xinjiang in my country. The Xinjiang area is located in the northwest of China, and the climate is dry and hot, and the sunlight is sufficient. Watermelon is a tropical crop. It requires sufficient temperature and sunlight to develop. Xinjiang's water resources are also very rich. The rich underground and rivers provide sufficient water to plant watermelon, and the large temperature difference between Xinjiang can accumulate more sugar for watermelon. Therefore It is loved by the people of our country.

There are many watermelon production in Xinjiang. Watermelon in Xinjiang is worthless. Basically, it is a single digit to buy a melon. Because the cost of transportation and preservation is expensive, the price of watermelon rises. Therefore, some people will use a large truck to buy a car watermelon to stop the truck to sell it in some people's flows. There is a high -speed entry and exit of Shanxi Road next to my house. I often see exports at high speeds. There will be trucks to sell melons. In addition to watermelon, there are durian and other seasonal fruits, but they are also dare not buy by many people who say "uh" suspicion.

However, although the quality of watermelon this year is good, the number is also a new high. In addition to the output of watermelons in Xinjiang, Ningxia in my country is also rich in watermelon. The number of such huge watermelons should be easily solved for the 1.4 billion people in my country, but the facts are completely the opposite. This year's watermelon is generally sold. Watermelon wants to "cabbage price", but the price of cabbage is better than watermelon. It is also expensive, it should be said that the price of watermelon seems to have no money. In previous years, my mother bought watermelon home, so I don't know how much money, but sometimes I have written about two pounds of watermelon with some fruit stalls.

Then this year my mother does not buy watermelon, and likes to buy something else, but I like to eat watermelon, then I buy it myself. At the beginning, I saw a group buying on the Meituan. Bai Guo Garden is a "high -end" fruit shop, and he has to start selling group purchases. I bought it twice, I bought watermelon of different varieties. The first time I bought Kirin melon. Kirin melon is generally more expensive, because the skin of Kirin melon is very thin and there are no seeds. People like to eat Kirin melon.

At that time, the group purchase papers were spent 11.5 kilograms, which was equivalent to almost four pieces of one pound. It was really expensive and delicious. It was really delicious. In addition, there is a free cut -cut service, but the box needs to be added. The other time is the sandwiched melon. The sandwood is also called stone melon produced in Ningxia. If it is a head, it is much larger than the Kirin melon and much more melon seeds than the unicorn melon. If you are more familiar, there will be a "rustling" taste. My parents say that there is sandmelon with sand. Do you know why?

It is cheaper to press sand melon. I bought it for 3.5 kilograms to eight. The concept was only one pound in one pound. It was already full to eat one pound. At least ten people ate one. The weight of the sand melon is about five or six kilograms. When I bought it at that time, it was very exaggerated to cut part of it, but there were more melon seeds that pressed the sand melon. But I am a ruthless person, and even melon seeds have eaten together, anyway, I won't germinate in my stomach, right?

Why can't the watermelon this year be good? The first may be the cause of the weather. I don't know if everyone feels that this year it feels like a lot of rain, and there are still floods in Hebei in Beijing. The rain is humid and the weather is not hot. Moreover, the watermelon people seem to be "wet". It was already raining and "wet". Eating too much watermelon can cause physical discomfort. So when the weather is hot and hot, the watermelon is sold very well, and it will not be sold immediately.

Therefore, the previous Xinjiang watermelons were sold in one. Before, it was a dozen dollars, and now it has been sold to a single digit. However, Xinjiang people are not afraid of making money, but so many watermelons will break. Waste it, it can also be made into raisins like grapes. It is broken as soon as it cracks, so you can support it. Do you eat watermelon this summer?

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