[Tianshui 天] Tianshui 呱 is a famous traditional specialty snack in Tianshui area, which originated in the Western Han Dynasty. The production technique is a kind of handmade folklore that uses buckwheat and crops as raw materials, using Tianshui's warm climate, water quality resources and local seasonings to make traditional snacks. When eating, it is equipped with seasoning with refined salt, vinegar, spicy oil, garlic, mustard, sesame sauce and other seasonings. It tastes unique and is known for its flavor, spicy, spicy, cotton, and soft. Tianshui has a long history, and is well -known by locals and tourists inside and outside the province. It is known as the "Qinzhou First Food".

[Tianshui wine disc] Tianshui wine discs are mainly made of Tianshui Real Estate vegetable carrots, spinach, mung bean sprouts with ear, mouth strips, and liver slices. The ingredients of Tianshui wines are full of color and fragrance. Color: carrot shreds, mung bean sprouts, green spinach, red, white, and green ingredients, as bright as the Italian national flag; incense: authentic Tianshui wine discs are also equipped with braised pork ear, pork liver and cooked bone dismantling meat ; Taste: The taste of the Tianshui Drinking Disc is stimulated by the white silk and fresh ginger, with cooked flax oil or rapeseed oil. Tianshui wine discs are very fast and slightly acidic. Such cold dishes are not only loved by Tianshui people. Anyone who has tasted Tianshui wine discs also praises it.

[Tianshui Hodgepodge] Tianshui Hodgepodes are one of the famous traditional specialty snacks in the Tianshui area. It is configured from a variety of condiments such as eggs and pork belly. When making, stir the egg white and egg yolk and spread it into a pancake. Put the pork belly, add salt, powder noodles, peppercorns, etc. and mix well. Cover the middle of the two layers of thin egg cakes, flatten it, and cut into strips when steaming them. It is mainly made of splint meat. This dish is matched with the vegetables, it is not oily or greasy, and the taste is delicious.

[Eight Bowls of Tianshui] "Eight Bowls" is an essential dish on the Tianshui people's Chinese New Year table. Traditional Tianshui "Eight Bowls" refers to the eight kinds of steamed bowls installed in the bowl, four ravioli, four vegetarian, and pay attention to thick products and pure soup. operate. "Four plates", "Six Gentlemen", "Eight Bowls" and "Thirteen Flowers" not only carry the traditional taste in the memory of Tianshui people, but also the inheritance of local intangible cultural heritage.

[Water surface] This is a kind of soup noodle that is often eaten in the summer in the northwest. The noodle restaurants in Tianshui City and the farmhouses in the suburbs, as well as ordinary people, often eat the noodles. Especially with wild bitter vegetables (autumn and winter, there is also celery as the main material) as the fermented soup, the noodles are rolled into the soup bowl, there are heat relief, anti -inflammatory, nourishing the stomach ... . Special effects.

beef noodles. Tianshui people also especially like to eat beef noodles. Halal restaurants and hotels have beef noodles in the morning buffet breakfast. After a bowl of beef noodles is served, the aroma is tangy, the bowl is red, red and green, and it is delicious and beautiful.

[Tianshui Rice] Rice is the most common and ordinary rice food in Tianshui rural areas. It is not only very simple, but also has corn noodles or miscellaneous noodles, and it is also very convenient to make. After the water in the pot is opened, sprinkle the corn surface in the pot with one hand, stir it with one hand, and consciously thin and suitable. After mixing for dozens of times with a wooden spoon, the lid is burned for three or five minutes. Although the ingredients and production are so simple and simple, the heat, raw materials and cooking skills have their own thousands of autumn. There are 100 flavors of one hundred households. The rice made by the masters is still delicious.

[Tianshui Halogen noodles] Halogen noodles are a typical Tianshui local noodle food. It reflects the rough and bold character of the Northwest. The biggest feature of Tianshui halogen noodles is "halogen". There are many types of head dishes. If you want to eat traditional authentic Tianshui halogen noodles, it requires about eleven raw materials. At present, there are also eight or nine common ones.

[Qin'an belly soup] Qin An belly soup is a unique snack of Tianshui Qin'an. Use pork belly during production. After washing, cook the water under the water. After cooling, cut the pork belly, magnolia slices, spinach, and dried spicy seeds into shreds. Rong sauce and belly, magnolia, spinach, drip sesame oil, and furnish. The finished soup is yellow and bright, and the belly is swimming. It tastes sour and delicious. The reason why the belly soup is unique is the particularity of Qin'an's water quality. The belly soup made of water in other places is not delicious.

The local specialties in Tianshui Village are also dazzling. For example, the various wild vegetables picked from the mountains are used for cold mixing. Oion heads, walnuts, pepper buds, gray -gray vegetables ... all delicious.

There are also special snacks in various scenic spots

[Flower Cow Apple] Flower Cow Apple is a specialty of Tianshui City. It is an excellent variety apple in the Tianshui area. The product is fine, dense, crispy, a lot of juice, unique flavor, strong aroma, good taste, and quality. It has been recognized by many Chinese and foreign experts and marketers as the world's three famous apple brands with the name of the American snake fruit and the Japanese Fuji. It is China's first Apple brand to obtain formal trademarks in the international market. On October 20, 2016, the former State Administration for Industry and Commerce determined that "flower cows and apples" were "well -known trademarks in China."

[Tianshui Big Cherry] Tianshui Big Cherry is a rare special tree in the deciduous fruit trees in northern my country. It is native to southeast Europe and western Asia. It was introduced into Tianshui in the 1980s. The taste is the purest. The large cherry fruit produced in Tianshui is large, colorful, strong, good, good, high, high, pollution -free, storage resistance, and high nutritional value. In 2010, two cherry samples selected by Tianshui in the "China · Beijing High -quality Cherry Cherry Tournament" won the "Golden Awards" and "Silver Awards" respectively. Sweet Cherry Production Base ". Tianshui Great Cherry has become another advantageous fruit after "Tianshui Flower Cow Apple".

[Qin'an Peach] Qin'an Peach is named after the Qin'an area of ​​the "Guoguo Township" of Gansu. Thanks to the special local climate and soil environment, Qin'an peach color is beautiful, highly nutritious, has the effect of strengthening the body, and extending life. It has the reputation of "Queen Mother's Peach and Qin'an Peach". The title of "Fruit" is included in the national geographical indication protection products. Qin'an Mao is full of Chinese, beautiful, beautiful, quality, quality, environmental protection, rich nutrition, so it has also won the name of Qin'an.

Tianshui is really a good place.

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