Choosing a house with a rooftop is truly the right decision. If you have a rooftop, you can fully unleash your creativity, forgetting all the worries of the world, and just enjoy the joy of gardening. If you think the vegetables bought from the market are unhealthy due to pesticides, you can grow fresh and healthy vegetables on the rooftop, picking them whenever you want without the hassle of going to the market.

Of course, the premise is that there must be someone in the family who loves gardening. Such a person sees growing vegetables and flowers as a way to cultivate their character and enjoy life. Fortunately, the owner of my family farm (the title I affectionately give him 😄) is just that kind of person.

In spring, when everything comes back to life and nature is full of vitality, the peach blossom tree on the rooftop, carefully tended by the farm owner, gradually sprouts tender green buds. Soon, it will bloom with flowers, and when I casually stroll by, I am greeted by a sea of blooming peach blossoms. This is a peach blossom tree that was bought during the New Year at the Xilang Flower Market in Guangzhou. I never expected that planting it in an abandoned bathtub would yield such delightful growth year after year, truly embodying the saying, "Year after year, people change, but the flowers remain the same."

There are also a few pots of wild lilies quietly blooming under the nourishing spring rain, swaying gracefully in the spring breeze, making it hard to resist picking them to place in a vase for slow appreciation.

The chives planted by the farm owner on a small plot of land on the rooftop are also growing lush and green at the right time. A handful of spring chives stir-fried with eggs is simply aromatic, and once you’ve tasted it, you won’t want to eat the ones from the market anymore.

Summer is the season of abundant fruits and vegetables, with winter melons, green beans, loofahs, yellow-skinned melons, tomatoes... a feast for the eyes. Last year's small winter melons grew particularly well, resembling little green sandbags hanging and swaying in front of you. How could one possibly eat them all? So, relatives, classmates, and dance friends all benefited, with my mom's family being the first to enjoy them. The green beans also hang down from the trellis in dense clusters. I can't help but marvel at the great results of the techniques the farm owner learned from television and the internet, after diligent practice. 😁

During the harvest season, before a gathering with a few good classmates, I would announce in the group, "We have wild vegetables again!" Everyone would understand and cheer together, just like when a kindergarten teacher announces candy distribution. Haha. After that, dishes like stir-fried green beans with pork belly, stir-fried green beans with ribs, and steamed green beans would be shared in the group. The biggest characteristics of these fruits and vegetables are: fresh! Sweet! No chemical ingredients, healthy and delicious, making them the most popular among the public.

The most eye-catching flower in summer is undoubtedly the lotus, and surprisingly, it can also be grown in a large pot here. I remember it bloomed for three summers, and then it stopped. The blooming period lasts only a few days, and that lotus is the most beautiful I have ever seen, so I snapped a picture to show off—

There are also two bougainvillea plants (paper flowers) that have been growing for many years on the rooftop, with an especially long blooming period, starting in spring and continuing to bloom red until autumn, creating a vibrant red painting in one corner of the rooftop. Even after the arrival of autumn, some flowers that have not yet withered continue to bloom vigorously after enduring the scorching summer sun.

A healthy life comes from a tranquil mindset, far removed from the hustle and bustle of the world, allowing oneself to leisurely engage in activities they love. In this corner of the bustling city, the vibrant scenery brings us joy and satisfaction. Hard work and a love for life will always be rewarded, and I, who understand the importance of sharing, will also find happiness in it. 😁

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