Since I was a child, I don't like soy milk. I want to drink soy milk unless it is sweet. I really don't like the original soy milk. However, many parents think that the protein content of white beans can make children grow taller and force children to drink soy milk. My mother was even more powerful, so I made it to me, I don't know if she used a soymilk or a juicer. From then on, I couldn't escape the fate of being forced to drink soy milk.

White beans are indeed high in protein, but they are only plant proteins, not animal protein. Children need hormones in their bodies, followed by protein, and animal protein.

By the third grade, my height was 1.75, and my mother felt that I might be almost the same, so I didn't force me to drink soy milk. In the end, my height was fixed at 1.77, and I didn't drink much after the original soy milk. However, this year, I watched some Internet celebrity diet videos, saying that there is a machine that costs more than two million in Shunde, which is specially used to make soy milk, but the price is only ten yuan.

Obviously this price is not for profit. Every time I talk to my friends about this, everyone said: How do you make money? After I was there today, I got the conclusion: People are really not to make money.

The word Dolphin International does not sound like selling soy milk, so people do not claim to be soy milk shops. For convenience, I call it "International Soy Milk Store" below.

The earliest knew that this shop was a video that I accidentally watched a friend a few months ago. It is mentioned that the huge soymilk machine in the store is specially purchased from foreign countries with a value of two million. The price of soy milk is even more surprising than the price of the machine, just a bottle of ten dollars. In fact, this boss alone knows that this boss is not to sell soy milk to make money. It is said that the boss's idea is very simple, just to make the best soy milk in the world.

Seeing this store, I feel that the boss's self -requirement is really high. We are an IKEA international enterprise. The two stores are combined together. On the left is the right side of the meal, the dessert is separated from the decoration outside the store, and the store is only separated by glass doors in the store. Not only does everyone enjoy good lighting, but it can also make people clear the boundary. This idea is really wonderful.

We ordered a few different things. The first thing we came up was soy milk and soy milk ice cream. Not to mention the taste, from the perspective of weight, it has already been called the industry's conscience.

Let's talk about soy milk first. I don't like to drink original soy milk myself, because the taste of soybeans really doesn't like it. And this soy milk is more rich than any soy milk I have drank in the past, that is, I don't like it even more. But the taste is too surprising. It is not so much soy milk than soy milk.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is thicker than milk. Drinking the first bite has made people feel that the principle of this soymilk machine is to make the white beans a very small powder, and it is very uniform. Itchy residue. And soy milk ice cream is what I like, smooth and soft, not very sweet. The taste is modulated, and it will not be as heavy as soy milk.

I have never seen this method of breaking the white beans into soy milk with high -tech. Too much is the molecular dishes made of laboratory instruments. The most powerful thing is that after this soymilk could not be taken home, it was solidified into a paste. In other words, this bean is squeezed out after being crushed.

We also ordered two flavors of sea bream burning. I haven't made this thing to cook this thing, but I have eaten a lot of it. It ’s not delicious. There is no feeling in the Japanese TV series at all.

The two snapper roasted one of the milk yellow flavor and the other is red bean flavor. If you look at it from the outside, it feels that the molding is very good. There is no bubble. It should be said that his slurry is very uniform.

After eating it, it was called a praise, especially the red bean flavor. Red bean paste will not be too sweet, and the red bean paste is very strong, it is simply. The most unsatisfactory point is that the stuffing fills is full. If you eat with your hands, you will feel like eating a bag. The amount of snapper I have eaten in the past was very large.

In the end, the two snapper did not finish because it was too large, and we ate noon before we drank soy milk, so even if it was not eaten, it would be supported. If it was only for a breakfast Essence This bream of burning from ordering to serving is actually not very fast. It feels like a long period of time. It seems that it is because of sufficient ingredients. The two flavors are only 25 yuan. It's so rolled.

During our eating, the soymilk in the store was selling seven or eight, and it was going to be re -made. In this way, our customers in Tangshi looked up at the glass pipelines of the ceiling. Many people thought that the pipeline was transporting soy milk, which was actually transporting white beans. But the speed is too fast, and basically only the shadow of white beans can be seen, but the crisp sound of the white bean impact pipe is particularly obvious. It is said that in addition to pure transportation, the beans can also be detected, and the broken automatic screening. In other words, from the beginning of the beans to the soy milk, the whole process is automated.

This time, it can be said to be a spectacle. There is no doubt that this is the world's highest -level soy milk. The huge machine is in the glass room next to the diners. What is your unique technology is not afraid of making people know at all. After all, these are real technology and hard work, so you can't copy it.

This is the so -called inner roll. This business that people do is basically not to make money, but just to do a good job. And the money, others are, basically this boss is the top level in society. What do you do is better than you, and you are rich. Similar things can be said to grab a lot in Shunde. Many coffee shops and restaurants are generated for love, and the boss himself is just interested in making catering. Even the place where the operation is at all is your own place, and the rent does not need to pay.

In fact, I am also like myself, but I want to make money, but there is still a big gap between the atmosphere and Shunde here.

In the end, I wanted to talk about Shunde's transportation, which was simply outrageous. For the first time, I was afraid of this place from the bottom. After many T -shaped intersections, there were no red and green light guidance at all, and there were no guidance lines when turning, only arrows. And the Chinese do not have a customary method to drive, and only see who is afraid of hitting. Here we have also been perfectly displayed, making people confused.

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