When Tang Guoqiao suppressed the chaos in An Khanh, a distant relative came to see him to seek a place to stay. This person came from a humble background, dressed plainly, spoke earnestly, and constantly expressed his willingness to follow Tang Guoqiao, not seeking wealth, only seeking warmth and fullness. A few days later, Tang Guoqiao prepared a feast to entertain him in the camp. During the meal, the two exchanged various worldly matters, from governing the country in a simple way to military strategies. In any field, this person excelled. Tang Guoqiao was very pleased, unexpectedly, after the meal ended, Tang Guoqiao immediately gave the distant relative some money and told him to leave, leaving everyone puzzled as to why.

It was only later that he revealed the reason. Although the distant relative claimed to be poor, while eating, he inadvertently revealed a detail. During the war, the quality of military rations was not good. This person said he would not hesitate to endure hardships, yet he selectively picked out the less tasty parts of the food, leading Tang Guoqiao to conclude that this person's heart was not pure and trustworthy.

Life is complex, eating is not just about eating, it also contains philosophical principles in life. A meal is not just a small courtesy in front of the other person. All words and actions, no matter how deeply hidden, are difficult to completely conceal. Let's look at the following sharing to understand more about a person's character through eating.

1. Eating habits reflect a person's morality

A person invited you to dinner, coincidentally met his father at the restaurant, so the three of you ate together. Throughout the meal, the father sat quietly, only occasionally making small talk, allowing the two young people to chat comfortably. After finishing the meal and leaving, the father told his son that the friend's son could not establish a deep relationship. The friend's son found it strange and said that he only knew this friend because of business, and they had collaborated several times with a very good impression. The father replied: although he did not understand this person, through eating habits, one can somewhat understand their true character. The father noticed how they used chopsticks to pick up food, always turning the food from the bottom of the plate, taking a few turns before picking up, especially with the dishes he liked, he would often turn them back and forth several times, as if he was sautéing the food again on the plate.

The friend's son, upon hearing this, did not agree, saying that different circumstances and habits should not be used to judge a person's character. Therefore, do not measure others based on your own standards. The father shook his head and said: if a person in dire straits encounters a delicious meal in front of them, they may not pay attention to how they eat, but you, as a businessman, with no material concerns, yet eating in such a way, it shows that you are only concerned with your own interests at the dining table, focusing only on yourself and not on the feelings of others. Your eating habits show that you are selfish, and if faced with conflicting interests in business, you will not hesitate to resort to any means.

Eating style is 10 parts important, while behavior at the dining table is 9 parts important. Only those who can control their mouths at the dining table are wise, knowing how to control and hold their own destiny. Those with good eating habits, always polite and friendly with everyone, will be increasingly respected and cherished, and their career path will be more open.

2. Eating habits reflect the family's upbringing

Educating children is extremely important, it is reflected in the smallest details, in small actions. In daily life, cultivating moral character also needs to focus on small things like this. Mrs. Hoa's daughter is a young, beautiful girl, but when eating, she always makes noise, her mouth is always full, especially when drinking soup. Not only that, she likes to eat meat, so every time food is served, she immediately pulls the meat plate in front of her, eating continuously until the last bite before stopping. When she was young, she was always reminded by her grandparents, but Mrs. Hoa defended her, saying that there was nothing lacking at home, so let the child eat however they want, eat comfortably. In the end, no one bothered to say anything anymore. Now, as an adult in society, the girl's work and life are full of ups and downs, almost everyone who interacts with her for a while finds her eating habits repulsive.

In a company where she had an important partner, everything was going smoothly, just waiting to sign the contract. That day, after a long meeting to finalize the last terms, she, as the company representative, invited the partner to dinner. However, after the meal, they changed their minds 180 degrees, refusing to cooperate anymore. It was found that it was because of her eating habits that made them uneasy, feeling untrustworthy to continue the partnership. It was all because of her greedy and uncouth eating style, which had prevented her from advancing in her career despite many opportunities for promotion.

3. Eating habits test a person's trust

Recently, a famous company recruited 8 more employees and invited them to have a meal with the leaders. Immediately after the meal, two of them were eliminated for the following reasons: among the candidates, there was one who particularly liked spicy food, to the point where only he could eat the spicy dishes. Then, when the food was served, he would use chopsticks to fiddle with the food, talking nonsense while eating. The other person was very introverted, not saying a word from start to finish. When everyone raised their glasses, he would join in, not being picky about any dish. However, as the meal was about to end, he started blushing, speaking incoherently. He even staggered and fell from his chair to the floor.

It can be seen that the first person was both selfish and uncultured. In a work environment, he is a typical person who lacks the spirit of cooperation and unity with the team. The second person will always work diligently, but without direction, without knowing when to stop, and lacking self-awareness. The most important thing is that his character becomes completely different, after revealing his true nature through excessive drinking, unlike his humble appearance.

There is an old saying: to test a gem, burn it for three days; to judge wood, wait for seven years. Therefore, to evaluate and understand a person before making friends or doing business with them, we must put them in special situations, situations that touch their hearts the most. And here are nine ways to recognize a person's moral character, these are philosophical experiences that have been summarized and passed down for thousands of years.

  1. Money. Money is a direct way to test a person's willpower and character, and is also the most common issue in human relationships. Many good relationships have been ruined because of long-term unpaid debts or inability to repay, leading to broken friendships. Money, although external, is the guarantee of a person's basic stable life, so even with good friends, financial matters must be clearly considered.
  2. Urgent help. Life is like that, usually only when faced with difficulties and deadlocks, do we know who truly are our friends, loved ones, and relatives. The friend you know may be many, but the one who can truly help you in times of need is truly important. However, we also need to consider two cases: one is that the person must be capable of helping, and two, you must hold a relatively important position in their heart.
  3. Intimacy. Two people who have been friends for many years will have an equal, respectful relationship, equal etiquette, and the cultivation of one's knowledge can be more clearly demonstrated in front of the other person. If in a long friendship, one person is always respectful and humble towards everyone, then that person is worthy of being a friend.
  4. Distance. Distance is a measure of the good or bad relationship between both people, it can help them understand each other better. If the feelings between two people are strong, with the same goals and similar ideals, then their relationship will not be bound by distance and time. Conversely, if the relationship between two people is based on interests and status, over time the distance will pull them apart, and the relationship will naturally become less intimate.
  5. Complex situations. Capable people can be divided into two types: ability and ability to withstand pressure. Usually, the height of a person's ability is often shown when they are under pressure. Pressure can confuse a person's judgment and behavior. If a person can think of appropriate solutions in high-pressure situations, then they are equally capable.
  6. Unexpected situations. Besides helping to see a person's intellectual level, unexpected situations also help to see their reaction speed and ability to control emotions. The other person's response to unexpected situations does not necessarily focus on right or wrong, the key is whether they can react in a timely manner and provide a suitable answer.
  7. In times of trouble. It is said: only in times of trouble can true sincerity be seen. A person at the peak of glory will have many people around them, but only in times of trouble will they know who truly cares for them. This also shows that a good friend has integrity. Therefore, choose friends based on quality, not quantity, like a sack of potatoes full, not carrying a precious gem.
  8. Alcohol. There is a folk saying: Wine reflects character, meaning that the quality of wine is like the character of a person, and "after wine, the truth comes out," meaning that only when drunk do people speak the truth. However, each person has different behaviors when drunk, some just bury their heads and sleep, so it is not possible to evaluate much. Therefore, this behavior when drunk can only be used as a reference and cannot be relied on entirely to judge a person's character based on alcohol.
  9. Encounters can reveal how a person treats others. Interacting with a person is a basic demonstration of their ability to deal with others, whether they can handle it well or not, is not only a matter of personal ability, but also a close relationship with their treatment of others. In fact, it has been shown that not everyone who is highly educated and knowledgeable has good basic social skills, and vice versa.
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