Haizhu Lake Park, located in Datang, Guangzhou, is a leisurely place for Guangzhou people. The greenery in the park is shaded, and the lake is clear. During the cool breeze of autumn, tourists, either sitting in stone stools by the lake to feed the fish in the water, or exercise in the original land under the shade, or stroll full of negative ions on the path ... I found a window to sit down in the porridge city by the lake. The green eyes outside the window were good and poetic, and it was refreshing.

This is called porridge city. In fact, it is not just drinking porridge, you can also eat and drink tea and eat tea dots. The sister ordered the pork ribs Chencun Fan that she wanted to eat most. I haven't arrived home last time. Because it was lunch time, I took her to Ledfeng Plaza. I ordered this powder. She has always remembered endless aftertastes and praised it.

The Chencun Fan in this porridge is much smaller than the good. Because the food market is located in the park, the price is particularly expensive, but the taste of the powder is OK. Adhering to the sweet taste of the Guangzhou tea market, the ribs are soft with a soft flavor, which is very delicious.

This cage sauce fragrant phoenix claw is also a must -have. It is a classic in Cantonese -style morning tea. It is crispy and boneless, crispy and crispy, thick in texture, seductive color, and strong taste. Many people in Guangzhou have a soft spot for it, and we are no exception.

After drinking the tea, I came out and walked along the lake. It was really comfortable to come to the park in autumn, the temperature was appropriate, the wind farewell to the Xia of Xia yesterday, rushing into the embrace of the autumn, and giving it softly on people. Qiuyang was also spilled on the lake weakly, and there was a piece of golden ripples in front of him, which was intoxicating.

Not far away, there is a newly opened shop, you can drink coffee and various drinks, and also read free reading. The wall next to the door reads: "Live well, because there are always people who are thinking about you.", There are new ideas.

We went in to find a location in the lake, and asked for two cups of Kabchino to slowly dispel the autumn and leisurely time ...

This time, I took my sister to find a food trip to meet the taste buds and enjoy the beauty of nature.

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