The Buddha once said: No matter who you meet, they are the person who should appear in your life. It's not by chance, they will definitely teach you something. In life, all your encounters are predestined. Their presence will affect your destiny. In life, the type of people you associate with will directly influence your fate. So, to start the new year "fresh", you should associate with people who have the following characteristics:

1. Accompanying outstanding individuals will help you go further

In the poem "Giai Nhan" by Do Phu, there is a passage: "The stream is still in the mountain, the stream is clear in the mountain, the stream flows out of the mountain, the stream looks muddy". The environment affects the quality of water. A good environment will make the water clean. Similarly, with people, a good environment can help you grow, even change your life. For the future of Manh Tu, his mother insisted on moving houses 3 times. The first time, they lived near a cemetery, Manh Tu only played burial games with friends of the same age. The second time, they left the house near the market because Manh Tu learned the tricks of deceiving merchants here. By the third time, when they moved to a house near the school. At that time, the boy Manh Tu knew how to make friends with excellent scholars. Knowing this was the right path, Manh Tu's mother lived here for a long time. By being close to talented people, over time he learned good things and eventually became a great thinker, educator. It can be seen that in a good environment, you will meet outstanding people. In a negative environment, you are likely to be corrupted. That's why the ancients said: "Near ink is black, near light is bright". How a person's future turns out is greatly influenced by the people and environment they come into contact with. If you live in a good environment with outstanding individuals, you will naturally be driven to develop with motivation.

2. Associate with those who understand you, life becomes easier

The most difficult thing between people is understanding. Many people often say that the most wonderful thing in the world is to find someone who truly understands you and shares your joys and sorrows. Someone who understands you will feel your difficulties and your perseverance behind a success. They may not be by your side all the time, but in their hearts, they always turn towards you. They may not say it, but they always watch over and protect you. Someone who loves you may not necessarily understand you, but someone who understands you will surely love and sincerely care for you. Therefore, the circle of friends we have is not the bigger the better, but the quality is what matters.

3. Working with trustworthy people doubles productivity

Buffett once said: "Reliability is more important than intelligence". Reliability can reflect a person's character and is the best quality of a person. In life, we come into contact with all kinds of people. To be recognized by others, you cannot lack the word "trust". Therefore, reliability is very important. It can determine a person's future living standard. A master carpenter always carries a tape measure with him. He can look at everything and accurately estimate the size. With that ability, many people wonder why he still carries a tape measure. He asserts that no matter how accurate the eye measurement is, it cannot compare to using a tape measure. No matter how experienced you are, there are times when you make mistakes. Being accurate 99 times, making one mistake means being wrong overall. Reliability is a type of reputation and a sense of responsibility. A reliable person will make everyone feel comfortable, especially bringing a sense of trust to everyone. This is a prerequisite for people to entrust important tasks to you. Whether in business or life, working with reliable people will help you achieve double the results. If you are associating with reliable people in life, you need to cherish them.

Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing once said: "Working must find trustworthy people, intelligent people can only talk."

When talking about the lesson of Trust, one cannot fail to mention the famous Asian billionaire Li Ka-shing. His Trust is not only heavy in his career but also heavy in life, heavy even in the most dangerous moments of life. In 1996, the Hong Kong billionaire faced a major crisis when his son, Victor Li, was kidnapped by a group of criminals demanding ransom. They warned him not to report to the police, or they would immediately deal with the hostage, and Li Ka-shing agreed. When the kidnappers arrived, they searched everywhere suspecting that the police were hiding nearby. But Li Ka-shing only said: "Throughout my business life, I have no great achievements, except for the word Trust in every word I say." Then he let the kidnappers search around the house, open all the rooms to verify that there were no police officers nearby. At that time, the kidnappers demanded 2 billion Hong Kong dollars as ransom. Li Ka-shing could only quickly prepare half of that amount from the bank and promised to transfer the remaining half to them within 2 days. At first, the kidnappers were suspicious, but the truth later proved that, even though the son had returned, the Hong Kong billionaire kept his promise and transferred the remaining 1 billion dollars to them. When asked why he acted that way, Li Ka-shing affirmed: "Trust is a second life, once lost, no matter how much money and effort you exchange, you cannot regain it. Therefore, whatever I promise, I will definitely fulfill it to the end." That is the courage that helped this man build a fortune and a career from scratch. It represents a part of ethics, a part of humanity that every person cannot be without.

A trustworthy person is responsible for everything, practical in everything, and will always have a response. Living a lifetime, you can be friends with trustworthy people, which is a great blessing. On the journey of life, having a trustworthy person by your side is truly precious.

A trustworthy person is always cautious and humble: Upon closer observation, it is not difficult to discover that the most trustworthy person must be a humble person. From their character, you cannot find anything called arrogance, conceit, nor will they ever speak pompously, boast, or elevate themselves. They know how to humble themselves, be modest, realistic, not boast about their achievements, not underestimate the efforts of others, and seriously, surely, step by step build their career. People in this group are always calm, composed, rarely hasty, rely on their abilities and efforts to rise, so they are trusted by everyone. Those who like to show off, boast about themselves, from the beginning you may feel that they are really impressive, but after associating for a while, you will find that they are just "paper tigers", good at talking but not doing. People like this often leave an impression of unreliability on others, gradually people will stay away, and in the end, whether it is in career or life, they will encounter negative influences.

A trustworthy person is someone with responsibility: A trustworthy person, when faced with difficulties, will not avoid them but dare to face them, take responsibility, when faced with problems, will self-reflect, actively admit responsibility for themselves. A trustworthy person, when they see others in life facing difficulties, will reach out to help, when they see others in work facing difficulties, will proactively inquire, share, when they see you in trouble, they will immediately support you wholeheartedly. A trustworthy person will always make others feel at ease, trust from start to finish, bring warmth to others, and even strength to rise. Responsibility is the highest medal of a person's character. Having responsibility is a kind of courage, a kind of perseverance. The most trustworthy person is definitely someone who lives responsibly. A responsible person is like a mountain, no matter what, they will make others feel they can rely on.

A trustworthy person is someone with good character: Character is like gold, the purer it is, the higher the quality. In a lifetime as a human being, you must take character as the foundation. Ethics can compensate for the lack of intelligence, but intelligence can never fill the gap in ethics. A person has two most attractive sources of power, that is the power of character and the power of thought. Character is the essence of a person, honor is the outward appearance of a person. To be a person, you must prioritize ethics, treat others with sincerity, and work with diligence. The true capital of a person is not appearance or money, but character. Character is the passport of life. In today's society, character is something that can be used as a basis for trust between parties. And a person with good character will definitely focus on sincerity and trust.

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