In March last year, I moved to an old house in the old town in Haizhu District. It was very close to the People's Bridge, but this house was a bit problematic. This building covers the U -name lying down. The place where I live is just the top of the U word. I have always doubted that it was originally a road, and then connected the floor.

I do n’t know if I do n’t know. I only know the characteristics of this house when I come in. When Meiyu's solar terms, they were particularly humid. In the daytime, the lights were dark without turning on the lights.

Then even in the winter, there is still hot air in it, there is no heat heating, but it is often seen that the window glass will be filled with hot air water, and people will feel sullen.

Then you will soon find that what often placed will breed mold, this condition is probably the easiest to breed. What is even more scary is that the other room of the house of the house is empty, the glass is bad, and it will always be half open. Why can't I stay? I can't answer this question.

Then this kind of house may be a house to change the house. Opposite the wall of my living room is where people sleep, but the wall of the place where I sleep is the toilet and kitchen of others. This layout is obviously very unfavorable to my rest. What is even more incredible is that the neighbor's family raises cats. His cat's cat does not bark during the day, and it seems very miserable in the middle of the night in the middle of the night.

The cats in his family were late, and the stray cat outside the window also called a few times, as if there was some agreement. Later, I heard some elderly people rumored that many people in this place many years ago had duty, and once duty also saw the so -called ghosts. Although they did not believe in these nonsense talks, they still felt uncomfortable in their hearts.

Originally, according to my principle of renting a house, it is impossible to rent such a house, but my wife who has never rented a house has been recommended by the intermediary. I have never believed that the intermediary can recommend a good house. In comparison Only chosen.

In the middle of last year, my work was on a business trip, and no one lived in this house for two months. When I came back, I always felt weird. Through cleaning, a mouse head ornament was found from under the sofa. Mouse ornaments were also found from under the refrigerator. Later, due to the leakage of the washing machine There are also decorative mice heads.

If the former residents are raising cats, don't put mouse ornaments under the refrigerator and washing machine? This space cat cannot come in.

Because the people often smell the smell, I thought it was caused by the place outside the door at the beginning, and the rooms of some elderly people were not hygienic. Later, when I was cleaned, I found that there was a dead geckon in the door lock, and the rotten smell, all signs showed that these were left by the previous tenant.

The last tenant should have a fierce contradiction with the landlord. It is said that the landlord also deducted the deposit. They also used such disgusting methods to deal with the landlord?

According to the arrangement of my company's company, I can receive training in the company for nearly a month. When I went home, I couldn't help coughing when I passed the alley. Very big. However, there is no such effect at all, which makes me feel numb.

After returning home, I told my wife about this weird thing. My wife did not express their opinions. I just said that I should pay attention.

Before going to work the next day, the boss said that the company was invited in the evening to cheer for the next US Expo. When eating at night, the boss brought a lot of red wine. I touched a cup of stuffy with many people. I might drink a lot, and the whole person was a little floating.

Later, I took the subway. When I arrived at the second palace of the city, I came out of the subway, and then found a bicycle and started to rush to the house. When I passed a corner, the umbrella I carried was dropped to the ground. Someone called me later. After I heard it, I parked the bicycle, then picked it up, and continued to move forward.

Seeing that I was about to ride out of the iron fence. Unexpectedly, the other party seemed to have a person to ride on the sway. I quickly hugged and hit the fence directly.

At that time, an unknown fire was on the fence, and then he was angry at the fence, and then rode a bicycle and rushed to the house. At this time, I felt the impact of my hands began to hurt. I thought I went home to tell my wife and helped me bandage.

Unexpectedly, when I opened the room, I found that my wife was not there, and it was a little disappointed at the time. So he called his wife's phone and asked her to return quickly.

I was a bit indifferent to me. At this time, I felt like a fracture, and the pain was not the same as the pure meat pain. After about forty minutes, my wife went home. I thought I was deliberately pretending to be painful when I went home. I didn't ask me much. I said that my palm was probably bone, and helped me boil a little water to drink.

Later, his wife went to the bedroom alone. I don't know how to fall asleep on the sofa in my living room. When I wake up, I found that the water had already been cold, and I actually forgot to drink water. After drinking a few sips of water, I came to the bedroom, and tried to let myself fall asleep again, because I could forget the pain of pain when I fell asleep, so I enjoyed the pain, enjoyed sleepy, and slept intermittently until dawn.

Tian Yiliang I rushed to work again, but my right hand could not be used, and I could only write with my left hand. At night, I told my wife that I might really fracture and go to the hospital to see. This is only the orthopedic department of the Provincial People's Hospital.

When I came to the orthopedic department and passed the doctor's diagnosis, I asked me to make a movie to see how. When the film came out, the doctor said that the fracture was fractured, and the rotation was broken. Ask me if I was conservatively treated or surgery?

So I asked what would happen to conservative treatment? The doctor answered that the conservative treatment is to fix the gypsum board, but your bones have been rotated and misplaced. There is no problem if you can accept this state.

After discussing with the family in the phone, he finally decided to perform the operation, so he asked the doctor to perform the hospitalization procedures and make an appointment for the hospital for hospitalization the next day.

The next morning, my wife and I came to the hospital and went through the hospitalization procedures. I thought I could surgery that day. Who knew that the next day was the next day, and I lived in the hospital for a day and enjoyed the pain for a day. The next morning, the doctor asked me if I was fixed or internal?

I have never told me about this, so I have never considered it for fixation or internal fixation. The doctor said that if it is fixed, it can be pulled out for about a month. There is no secondary surgery. If the inside is fixed, the steel plate is required. After one year, secondary operation is needed.

At first, according to my thoughts, I would like to use external fixation, but my mother -in -law and wife have always emphasized that they need to be fixed in internal, because they think that internal fixation is more insurance. I went to consult the doctor. The doctor said the same, and the doctor was more fixed to me, so that I could suffer less sin. I also asked the doctor and my mother -in -law to make a call to explain the situation. As a result, my mother -in -law insisted on letting me fix it, because my mother -in -law once found that a guy used internal fixation, but the other party was the spine.

In the end, I adopted the opinions of my mother -in -law, and a steel plate was put into the meat. The process of this operation is really hard to say. You can really have such an idea after you really experience this operation. I really don't want to perform secondary operations.

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