Recently, there is a news on the Internet that is very burst. It is said that there is a female teacher in Shanghai No. 2 Middle School, and then I like a male classmate who is in high school. The two entered the state of you and me.

If it wasn't for the female teacher's husband found these backup chat records from the computer, I am afraid it would be difficult to be exposed.

After seeing these chat records, the female teacher's husband immediately felt green on his head, and a kind of shame from head to toe made him almost crazy. He did not make a murder of his wife, but took the self -destruction mode. He announced the screenshots of these chats and complained to the school.

This incident was spread on the entire network. The school and the Education Bureau responded to the suspension of this. This kind of openly violated professional ethics, I am afraid that it will face the fate of fired.

It is said that this female teacher is very excellent, with outstanding achievements in teaching and teaching and research, and has repeatedly won the award. After her marriage, she also gave birth to a son. The image of the outside world has always been a sunshine look like a good wife and mother and loves life.

However, no one expected that such a scandal broke out. If this female teacher is single, this is the pure version of the teacher -student love, but unfortunately, the female teacher is already married, which can only be a teacher -student love for extramarital affairs.

However, after the incident was made public, the biggest affected was nothing more than the teachers and students. First of all, for female teachers, she may be suspected of violating certain education laws, not only lost her job, but also carrying moral stains throughout her life. Secondly, the husband's husband's husband dares to announce the scandal, which shows that the two will never go back, and the family will face crushing.

It can be seen from the chat records of teachers and students that they still have the ability to fight against reconnaissance, and they also warn each other to delete the chat history to avoid being discovered. However, a female teacher also has a hobby is spiritual imagination. She has a backup of all chat records on the computer. When she wants to see it, she can take a look at it. This move laid the mines for her.

At the same time, some of their pictures can be seen from the school's surveillance survey. In the picture, the female teachers actively hug the boys and start a kissing action. This video evidence has also been available.

This kind of behavior of female teachers is not only blasphemy of education, but also infidelity to marriage, and it will also have an adverse effect on her son's growth.

So, will this boy adversely affect? The answer is yes. The behavior of boys also constitutes early love, and it will be expelled by the school and will be expelled.

This incident reminds me of my former high school life. At that time, there was a man in the class that he fell in love with another girl, and the difference was student love.

I do n’t know what the reason occurred in the middle. This incident was known to the whole class, and the teacher also knew. So both men and women were talked.

After conversation, we learned that the woman had a boyfriend who was in high school in another middle school, which suddenly made us surprised.

One day the boy stood on the side of the window of the corridor on the fifth floor, and the head teacher who came far away found that the situation was wrong, so he trot all the way to catch the boy. Unexpectedly, the boys seemed to have been stimulated by some kind of stimulus, and they jumped up and kicked the glass and flew down from the fifth floor.

Fortunately, the gardens to be transformed, the soil is loose, if it is the consequence of the cement road. At that time, the school dialed 120 and sent the student to the hospital for treatment.

It is said that he cut off a few ribs this jump, and was discharged later after a period of rehabilitation. Of course, the school cannot allow such things, so they will drive both men and women.

Therefore, the key to the news, the key depends on what the boy's reaction is. If you admit your mistakes, you can continue his studies. If the classmate I used to be jumped off the building, this would lose a good future.

Teachers and students, especially this kind of teacher -student love after marriage, is not an example. In fact, this phenomenon may be more common, but there are too many exposure.

Let's say that my high school is heard. In fact, the boy has another secret lover or a pursuer. He is another class. The people are very tall and elegant. It is said that they are people in the same village, but the boys seem to be less cold about this woman, and I don't know the relationship.

But one morning, the secret I discovered inadvertently made me surprising. When I was in high school, I was a school student. I got up early in the morning, so I went to the public toilet in the school. There were some rooms near the public toilet that was assigned to some teachers to live in some teachers.

Just when I passed a certain room, the room door was suddenly opened. I found that a girl came out of the inside, and the class teacher in the bed in the bed in the room had not got up, and it seemed to greet the girl closing the door.

This girl is not someone else, it is just a girl who pursues that boy. The girl has not completely worn her clothes, and she is just a pajamas. This situation is obvious. She has a leg with the teacher of the class teacher.

What surprised me even more was that this male teacher was about to marry a certain woman recently, and this marriage object was not the girl. This relationship is really chaotic, but as a student, I don't want to travel muddy water.

Later, one day, the male teacher as a dormitory checked to find out my dormitory, and politely reached out to collect my math exercises.

Students in the same dormitory told me that you can ask him to ask him, and you have not affected others to rest, and you just read the mathematical exercise book. How do you learn without this book?

But after all, I did not go to the male teacher for the practice book, and the male teacher did not return my math exercise book after all. This is not the case.

The derailment of this female teacher in Shanghai No. 2 Middle School is also a derailed student. This incident will definitely cause many people's verbal disconnection. It can only be said that among the many similar phenomena, she is the unfortunate one. We do not sympathize with her experience, but we do not support her behavior.

It is said that after the incident was disclosed by the Internet, the female teacher did not look sad. There was a great posture that pursued true love. Some people even found that the female teacher had already begun to bring the goods by this heat. It can only be said that there are too many opportunities to give people in this era.

I remember that a few years ago were found to be replaced. One of the women began to speak on the Internet to speak on the Internet. She was also a victim. It was a lot of money. After checking the authoritative department, she found that her grades were very low that year, and she seemed to know.

All in all, this female teacher in Shanghai No. 2 Middle School will be destined to be negative textbooks. If it is not this brave behavior of his husband, I am afraid that the behavior of female teachers will not be fermented on the Internet. Even if the school monitor has discovered this behavior, it will be It may be just digestion inside.

According to the news that happened in the past, it depends on the attitude of the discoverer. Some people will take the same as violent behavior. A few people, but this behavior of the female teacher's husband shows that he will not try to restore marriage.

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