It is said that learning to be human is the whole life, there is no way to graduate. This statement is indeed very moral. Human life, regardless of who needs to study, just need to study will definitely make progress. Learning to be a human is an extremely important and deep subject. So, what to learn to be human? Here are 7 essential lessons in everyday life that everyone needs to know:

1. Learn to recognize errors

People often tend to do not want to recognize or receive defects. Anything that happens is said to be due to the fault of others, saying that I myself are right. In fact, no mistake is a kind of mistake. People who know the mistake not only do not lose anything, on the contrary, but also revealed that it was a person with a righteous heart, brave, and corrected. People need to have courage. Brave is not fighting with others, nor a dispute, compared to others. But the biggest courage is to get wrong, feel that you should not say such a saying, should not work like that, should not interfere with others. The courageous person is a person who can repent mistakes and correct, such a person will always keep his morality quality. And becoming a complete person, living in the world to recognize the error is a good morality is also a method of practice.

2. Learn to be harmonious

If it is said that human life is like a pristine pristine steppe, then it is like a winding river, the prairies growth, and proliferation thanks to that water source. If life is like a clear sky, then it is like clouds floating across the sky. The blue sky has a poetic white cloud, because the clouds fly, the sky becomes shimmering and fanciful. There is a funny wallet that: human teeth are tough, but the tip of the tongue is soft. By the end of life, the teeth will be all in turn, only the tongue is still there. Therefore, it must be soft and harmonious for life to be able to last long. People in the gentle, gentle heart can be able to live in activity and long -term. The more an adult, the more mild and quiet. Therefore, gentle, gentle is also a virtue that everyone should use the learning mind.

3. Study patiently

Ring a bit, the wind was quiet and quiet, took a step back, the sea was wide and high. Rings help everything to be peaceful, dissipate disaster. People in the heart have rings, can recognize good and bad, good and wrong, right and wrong in the world, from which to calmly accept them. When life people encounter adversity, remember to be patient. It is possible that others can not ring, can gain things others cannot be gained. You keep going forward, of course will encounter darkness. But when passing this stage you will receive pristine light rays.

4. Learn understanding

A person who lacks understanding to others often produces non -marketing, disputes and misunderstandings. In life, there are many things to see but not necessarily as I think. So, always keep a delay, listen, seek willow to solve others. When you can understand others, people will live more altruism, love people, love life more. All the results in this life are not ungainly without reason. Anyone who does something, has their causes and reasons. Regardless of one's life, there are "joys, wrath, love, stains" without wanting others to know. When we change an angle, we will discover that we are not just us as the main character in this world. Each person has a different form, everyone has their own story, everyone is the main character in that story. Whether the story is normal or strange thrill. Everyone must go through different tragedies and happiness. Human life is impermanent, everyone has their own tears, we should learn how to mercy and tolerance to learn how to treat others kindly with others. Because after all, the life of a human being in earth.

5. Learning to let go

Life is so many things like a suitcase. When we need to use, we lift it up, when not needed, put it down. If you need to let go, you will definitely not put down, it is like pulling a heavy luggage suitcase, how can you be free here? The years of life are limited, no one is sure how to tomorrow, whether it is healthy or not, so if today can let go of all the stubbornness, it will make others accept themselves. , from then on, how many conflicts were freed.

6. Touched learning

When seeing the good point of others, you need to be happy, seeing the good deeds that others do need to be touched. Touched is an extraordinary emotional emotion. The touching can make people change, can cause people to give up the evil, and evoke goodness. People not only need to be touched, but also live in the world, they should also do many things for others to be touched.

7. Learning to live healthy

For a beautiful life, we first need a healthy body. Healthy body is not only beneficial for yourself but also makes friends and relatives peace of mind. Ancient people said that human life is a process of learning to be a human being, also a cultivation process. Being a human is not to enjoy the wealthy glory. The cultivation of life is valuable in the mind, taking immobility to face all situations in life. Those who can try to study, constantly improve their xinxing and morality will eventually have a good future.

In addition to 7 lessons to be grasped to be ethical people in society, we also need to remember 4 morals to avoid disasters in life. This world looks unfair, some people just over one night becomes rich, in the hands of power, some people are hard -working without any reputation. But if viewed for a bit longer, we will discover that this world is really fair. The sky is splendid, making people understand the following 4 morals to avoid disasters, living a peaceful life.

Tai Phu cannot be greater than merit: The talent of a thousand thousand times can not be greater than the merit (merit and virtue) of himself. "Okay must be lost" that is immutable morality in life. When a person spends as much as he wows, he will be harvested. If a person's talent is greater than his merit, he is speculating, not doing it, the outcome is a disaster. In real life, there are many cases of making money easily but also quickly flirted with bankruptcy. That is because the merit is not enough, inevitable disaster. This is also the morality that ancient people taught: "Hau Duc re -wrestling" (thick virtue to support things), only the virtue is thick to commensurate with great talents.

The reputation cannot be greater than the strength: the reputation of a thousand thousand times can not be greater than that of his own strength. Once the reputation is greater than the strength, it is "unrealistic name", then the life of life, buying a reputation and will lead to disaster. Modern society, many people pursue reputation because the influence of reputation is huge. When a person has a reputation, it will be easy to work, easy to cooperate, and even be worshiped by others. Reputation is a kind of talent. When a person's strength is not commensurate with the reputation that he has, that also means that he is using and consuming his own newspaper. As the blessing of the person was exhausted, the disaster gradually came.

The status cannot be greater than the dedication: a person's status should not be greater than that person's dedication and contribution. When a person's status is very high, but his contribution and dedication is not enough, it will definitely make people around him not submit, to be jealous, even plotting to harm anger. In any era, the situation is the same, the person who is highly appreciated, has a big status to be a great contributor. Only in this way can be able to capture people's hearts, can be supported by everyone, can be in a safe, stable and long -term way.

The position could not be greater than the ability: in society, many people pursue highly respectful rights but do not want to learn to increase their ability. This is extremely dangerous. When a person purses to control things beyond his ability, every person's behavior and command is wrong and command. These mistakes and deviations accumulate to a large enough level will definitely cause disaster for himself. A person can only enjoy things that suits himself, and the best way to get something is to pay for his own efforts, try himself and pay the price. If not, all are delusion, sowing disasters. A person must have an understanding of himself, no need to be too calculated and worried, just do well what he should do, then naturally will avoid disasters, obtained a proportional newspaper.

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