"Lazy" is not not involved in labor, studying, not careless, nothing anymore, but a kind of attitude in life. "Lazy" is also a kind of intelligence, a form of overlooking, also the expression of cultivation. . Sau đây 3 việc càng lười làm càng tạo phúc tưởng đơn giản mà không phải ai cũng làm được:

1. The first "lazy": lazy mouth - less talk, putting stories

In 3 things, the more lazy to make the more blessed, lazy mouth - less talk, putting the story of the market is the first lazy should be encouraged to implement. Each person has two eyes to look, two ears to listen to but only one mouth. Therefore, just say what really should say, speak at the right time and in the right place. "Painting from the mouth", there are many conflicts, conflicts in everyday life stemming from free time to talk about people. In order to strengthen the newspaper, each person should often remind himself not to take the story of others to discuss. Just take care of your family's stable family and take care of the world. In social relationships, in daily communication, we also need to pay attention to the way of speaking, moderation, what should say what should not be, do not say bad things behind others, as if only to make the version The body creates karma, sparks conflicts and conflicts. Learning to say thank you, the great blessing, the grandparents have the saying: "Words do not lose money to buy - Choose words to please each other" is also because of that. Add a friend is less enemy. Therefore, less discussion, we will stay away from hatred, build a harmonious relationship with those around them. When those who hate themselves less, friends will get more and more difficult things will be helped by everyone, which is the source of blessing, need to be replicated daily.

2. The second "lazy": lazy to defend - less order and command

Everyone There are unique personality, creating a multi -colorful world, so it is impossible to force or order others to do what they don't like. People who like to direct and control others easily make people alienated, few people admire and admire. Each person lives in the world, fulfilling his duties and responsibilities, not his job should not interfere. Your excessive involvement will sometimes be more disaster for others rather than helping them. We live our own lives, no one can decide to change, so the lives of others, we should let them decide, whether they are our good relatives or good friends. Good directing we may score and score, but once there is a mistake, there is a mistake, the first person who is blamed is you. In the family, do not point to the henchmen, impose partners or children, let each other have a little space, family life will be harmonious. Everything wants to get involved in, everything asks, you will naturally be hated. Keeping a moderate gap naturally everything will become good, the relationship will also become good. Each person is an independent individual, only keeping a certain distance, we can avoid the collision and no pain. Being a human, a little lazy, less calculating, less discussion, less command, which is positive living habits, a form of intelligence, showing wisdom and a way to accumulate blessings for yourself.

3. The third "lazy": brainstorming - less calculated

The afflictions that each person faces daily are mostly created from each person's humanity. The mind is narrow, natural afflictions will be much; The mind broadly, natural afflictions will vanish. Life blooms or deadlock is decided by us, not everyone else. "Brainstorming" is not without mind, no vision, but only for the most necessary and core things, and the trivial things should not be kept for "heavy heads". In this way, the new mood is relieved, comfortable and comfortable. Always remember that, in life, whether encountering any difficulties, please face the most calm and optimistic attitude. That is the behavior of wise people. Just measure and calculate the benefits more, only you are the loser. The liberal optimist is the most blessed person, any suffering will overcome, all challenges in life only make them more resilient. In general, in any circumstances, you should maintain an optimistic, positive attitude and try to do many good deeds to accumulate virtue later. Just sow the seeds of love, you will receive a happy sweet fruit. Being a human, a little lazy, less calculating, less discussion, less command, which is positive living habits, a form of intelligence, showing wisdom and a way to accumulate blessings for yourself.

In some cases, laziness is beneficial for the body, especially lazy in a scientific way, not only does it not harm the body but the more lazy, the higher the life expectancy. Besides the three things, the more blessed. Then here are 4 things you should be lazy to do in everyday life, to improve your health and prolong your life:

"Lazy" to eat: In the process of physical development, parents often ask their children to eat a lot to help enhance nutrition and tall body. However, once the body is over 50 years old, the ability to digest and absorb the body will decrease. Eating a lot will not benefit health. Many people think that eating a lot to add nutrition for the body, but in fact, eating too much will increase the burden on the stomach, causing intestinal diseases. The stomach does not digest or non -digested foods will be stored in the body for a long time, leading to high blood pressure and blood fat, thereby affecting longevity. After 50 years of age, the elderly only needs to eat 70% full, just reducing the burden on the stomach, and is more beneficial for prolonging life.

Flood hurriedly: The folk concept said that the happy person is a person who has a gait, calm and definitive. He always goes in a hurry to show his quickness, impulsive, and unfortunate work. Always hurriedly followed others, tampered and worried, life often encountered many obstacles, rarely being happy and leisurely. And the event factors take place in everyday life. Of course there will be a great impact on our health. The simplest is that always rushing will make you easily fall and injured, so it is more important to keep yourself a stable position, go slowly to calm behavior, not in a hurry.

Lazy anger: Science has proven that the body and emotions of people always have a close relationship. Anger can cause many diseases. Angry caused heart damage due to emotions instability, not good for people with heart disease. Besides, when people are angry, the body will secrete many harmful substances, which can affect the health of the liver, damaging the liver to a certain extent. People who lose their temper and irritable may accompany many different mental illnesses such as alcoholism, tobacco addiction. These are toxic things that can cause great damage to the liver. In addition, anger is likely to lead to unstable blood pressure. If regular loss is easy, it is easy to make blood pressure waver. Especially when you lose your temper, adrenaline secretion increases sharply, which can lead to hypertension. In some serious cases, unstable blood pressure can also lead to diseases such as coronary artery disease, cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage. Therefore, not only the elderly but young people should pay attention to less anger. If you want to extend life, let the body always in the best state. Living happily, learning how to be angry and maintaining a calm attitude every day is a method to help us live longer and healthier.

Lazy worried: In today's modern life, each person has their own worries, such as anxiety, work, marriage, childbirth, industrial construction ... Therefore, children People are easily worried, restless, the important thing now is to learn to relax. Especially in the morning, you should not let the worries make you up unexpectedly. Because in the early morning, breathing and heart rate increased rapidly, increased blood pressure, if you wake up too fast, it will easily cause adverse effects on health, even stroke. There are also young people waking up as soon as they hear the alarm bells, this is also very bad. When eating, do not let worry about affecting you. Ideally, you should not eat, eat slowly and if time allowed, chew slowly. If you eat too fast and do not chew food thoroughly, it will increase the burden on the stomach, long -term causing stomach disease, even stomach cancer.

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