Today’s K IDS consumed food that attacks their gut microbiome, failing to provide them with ample nutrition, leaning towards their immune system and imbalanced brain chemicals. Not my son.

As I reflect on my battle with chronic illness, I desperately want to protect my son from experiencing the same. He is two and a half, but I think it’s still too early to implement some simple practices that could pay dividends over the decades ahead of him.

I’ve created three simple methods to help protect his gut microbiome and keep him healthy, vibrant, and connected to those who will love him forever.

You can try them too.

“Yes, even your gut flora must adhere to the discipline of providing what is needed, not what is wanted.”

1. Minimize these three foods

By avoiding added sugars, refined grains, and processed vegetable oils, you automatically avoid ultra-processed foods, also known as junk food. Typically, junk food is low in nutrients and high in energy - they are the culprits of obesity. This is precisely the opposite of what people should be targeting today.

There are many reasons to kick junk food to the curb, but I’ll give you three to keep it simple.

First, you can protect the gut microbiome.

Second, you nourish yourself.

Third, you limit energy intake.

With these three things in mind, let’s look at each of the three foods to keep to a minimum.

Added Sugars

Nowadays, on average, people consume 5% of their daily calories from added sugars. Ultra-processed foods (a.k.a. junk food) account for 60% of people’s daily energy intake.

90% of sugar comes from junk food.

The worst offenders are the drinks that scientists refer to as sugar-sweetened beverages…

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