The internet is on fire with the cheesecake factory date scandal paper. Now, here is another paper that provides some things to consider about why a man might take you to a cheesecake factory.

First off, let me say this: I don't know why you're riding in a car with these men on the first date, and you don't know where you're going! Are you being kidnapped?!?! I don't ride in a car with a man on the first date, and I don't know where the first date is going before I arrive. I always arrive separately and let someone know where I am and who I'm with just in case.

Here are reasons for getting a cheesecake factory date.

1. You attract at your level, but want more

The cash he gave you to braggin' is up front
If you're going to brag, make sure it's your money you're flaunting
Not relying on anyone else to give you what you want - Destiny's Child, Independent Women (Part 1)

Many women complaining about the cheesecake factory (or similar restaurants) need to listen to Independent Women (Part 1 and 2). Bills, bills, bills; survivors; U upgrade. Many of you are looking for a man to give you social influence and satisfaction. Since a random man took you to a nice restaurant, you want to post on social media, brag to your friends, and feel special.

If you need a 5-star meal, give it to yourself! If you can't afford it, stop expecting someone else to compensate for what you can't do. When women were not given the same career opportunities as men, they married for lifestyle in the 50s and 60s. This is the 21st century! Secure your bag, earn your lifestyle, and you will never look for someone to give it to you... and they will never take it away.

Also, he is seeking validation of your worth at the restaurant he chose. You are asking for something from something to help you inside. It's backwards. You need to address what's inside, and that's... done...

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