In life, there are people who often have lucky things but there are people who only encounter all the unlucky things. There are many different reasons to determine this, but if you gather in you 8 characteristics below, it is absolutely easy to understand. Because, these characteristics are the source of luck, the luck from that.

1. Having a good condition

The proverb has the saying: "This year is bamboo shoots next year is bamboo, childhood good physical condition is blessed." Good physical condition is really important, necessary and good. Please treat yourself a bit kindly, because there is no health to say other things mean. Only when you have good health, can you enjoy, enjoy success, happiness and life of yourself. Making money for a lifetime will never go away, the job is the same, doing a lifetime still has a job to do, everything cannot be completed in a day, so do not let yourself more tired every day , more exhausted.

2. Having kindness

The kindness here is understood as honesty with people, always bring good thoughts in the mind to help and give. Ancient people said: "Thien Chi Chi Ngoc, the most endless use", the idea that the word Thien Quy Nhu Ngoc, all his life is not all. The honest people take the word Thien as the root, happy to help, to help others in danger, bringing them joy. Others thus also like to associate with them, even more ready to help when they need it. People with kindness, the more the road will be, the longer the road will be, the longer gradually, the blessing will be bigger and bigger, the air will be better.

3. Good mind

People who are so discontented, a bit of a hot, hot, hot, unkindness will never feel or enjoy the joy of those with good mood. Humans once have good mood, nothing is that they cannot endure, no one is that they cannot tolerate, nothing is impossible. People with really good mood can be compared to a bird wearing the power to the sky, looking down to look at the clouds of the world, flapping the wings to dispel all sorrows. The mood affects the good fortune, the good mind will help the process of communication and back and forth between people to reduce unnecessary obstacles, helping to work at a comfortable and comfortable work.

4. Pleasant temperament

A pleasant temper will bring a lot of luck. There is a fact that perhaps everyone understands, that is, want to have a good health, want to have a happy and happy life, forced to control good temperament, well regulating your emotions. Anger is to use other people's mistakes to punish themselves. Therefore, each of us be alert. In the human heart, when leaving too much irritability, anger and bad emotions, it will harm our spirit and health. When accumulating anger in our hearts, we will be like a ball when pumped, it is easy to explode and turn the ball into irreversible debris. The irritability is not only destroying social relationships but also affecting our health, making our lives. Remember, bad and fastidious people will never be blessed by the god. So, control your emotions well, expand your heart to the surrounding environment, you will see all things yourself.

5. Smile face

The proverb has a saying: "Get out of the door to look at the sky, go to the house to observe the face", a difficult face will not be able to make others feel comfortable, anyone does not want to look. The appearance reveals the mind, the person who respects others, the smiling face will surely bring a pleasant feeling to others and from there, they will receive good things.

6. Good words

The ancients taught that: "A good sentence can warm up for 3 months of the cold winter, half a malicious sentence that spreads the cold for half a year." Want to be lucky, German speech is very important. Good virtue can have good fortunes, good fortunes to be less likely to take a detour, more achievements. The mouth can release roses but can also spit the venom, pay attention to the virtue, do not say words that hurt others. Imagine the nails when closed into the board, even if the nail is removed, people still see the small holes still shrinking, it is impossible to lose the sign no matter what. Hurt others, no matter how many times you apologize, that wound will never lose completely, it will forever exist, try asking if you deserve a decent response?

7. Good behavior

In life, people need to hold two bravery: one is to speak for others to get married, the second is the action for others to be touched. The concept will bring decisions and decisions affecting behaviors and behaviors will have results. The exact viewpoint of human life will lead the exact behavior. Review your behavior, understand how to appreciate happiness and blessing, good deeds, giving, you will be getting back.

8. Good relationship

Social is a network, it is a huge network covering sentient beings, in it, each person is just a small mesh, each has a close relationship with the overall. We often face one thing, which is how to communicate with others. People in society are expected to survive and develop in interaction. Regardless of whatever, from studying, working, promoting ... everything needs support, help or even guidance from relationships. And in order to have good relationships, to foster the mind, especially be sincere.

If you understand this formula sooner or later you are also rich

Life is not always flat, everything is not always fair. There are people born in a well -off family, with parents doing business, from an early age that has been taught and heard valuable experiences. Therefore, they have a better foundation to start the journey to get rich. There are others born in normal circumstances, parents only work in salaries, from a young age is also told to teach but mostly teach people to be human. However, just having a natural, suffering hard, they can still make a fortune from empty hands. However, there are many others despite trying for half a lifetime, spending the youth to strive but still unable to achieve success. In fact, the starting point is not so important, there are many millionaires, billionaires themselves have actually impoverished background, the original life is always hard, worried about the full meal. But the important thing is, they always understand the following 3 formulas, from which they can control their lives to success:

Early habit of getting up: The elderly says: Get up early is the key to success. In the morning, when our brain is most alert, our thoughts are most active, important things to focus can be solved very quickly in the morning. Many successful people know this and always practice it. Haruki Murakami is a famous writer in Japan. He always woke up at 5 hours a day to write and run. Get up early to help him get better, write better, and more creative. A Chinese religious scholar once said: "Those who can control the morning can control their lives." A scholar who spent 5 years studying the daily habits of 177 millionaires himself and he discovered that 99% of successful people have the habit of getting up early. Form a habit of waking up early and spending more than one or two hours compared to others every day to improve yourself. Over time, it will definitely bring shocking changes to your life.

Reading habits: Chinese writer Lam Ngu Duong once said: "Reading, is experiencing life." Reading is the lowest way to invest with the lowest cost, not only can enlighten intellect, expand the vision but also help change our thinking. No one can deny the benefits of reading, but how many people can do it? Gorky, a world famous writer, once said, "Books are the progress of people," he loved to read books and claims as his own life. Once, when the fire happened in the room, the first thing he held was the book, he didn't even think of anything else. He said: "On the one hand, the book arouses my intelligence and heart, on the other hand, it helps me to stand up from the mud. Without the book, I would have been sinking in this mud soon, I was able to be able to be able to Killed by foolish and trivial. " Reading habits, only when you start reading, starting to form yourself a habit of reading, do you know how important it is.

The habit of self -considering and summarizing: Tang Tu responded to Confucius once said: "Ngo Nhat Tam Tinh Ngo Than." (Every day students consider themselves many times. It is also to avoid the same mistakes next time, and see the problems behind the problems. New knowledge and new ideas.

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