Chapter 44: Yangchun Noodles

I know several stories about Yangchun Noodles should be very touching. Why should I say that I can't perceive the touching affection described in the story. So, this is to see the comments. Later, when I watched the online drama "Soul Ferry", I also knew that the version of Yangchun Noodles except family affection. But still can't be perceived. I just feel that according to the description in the plot, it should not be difficult to eat. As for why it is named Yangchun, it is said that folk habits are called Xiaoyangchun in October in the lunar calendar, and Shanghai Jingxin language is ten as Yangchun. In the past, this kind of money was sold for ten texts, so it was called Yangchun Noodles.

The practice of Yangchun Noodles is very simple. Take a large sea bowl, a little lard and soy sauce, and pour the boiled noodle hot soup. After the noodles are cooked, put it into the bowl, and then add an appropriate amount of hot soup to decorate the green onion. The method of emphasizing is to use broth instead of hot soup, and then blanch a few half -life cabbage refreshing, and put it into a bowl before serving. Later, I heard that there were also hot mung bean sprouts and shrimp skin. After that, all kinds of layers are endless. But I still feel the best taste.

Sometimes lazy or troublesome, I also cook Yangchun to eat by myself. The season is not necessarily season. Put salt, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, without lard, use a few drops of sesame oil instead, mung bean sprouts, green onions or coriander. When the noodles are cooked, use hot soup to blend these seasonings, put it in the noodles that are just cooked, and stir with soup. Occasionally, you will fry the egg in advance and put it on the top, or cut a few slices of rotten meat and put a small spoonful of acid beans. But is the noodles made by this? Not important.

Especially when the weather is cold, I just feel that the food with more soup and water will warm up.

I have heard that it is better to add the onion crispy Yangchun noodles. After trying it, I found that the onion crispy is a good thing. It is delicious in any food. I also pondered the practice of learning onion crispy. Later, I heard that the onion oil noodles were delicious and I tried to do it. What about shrimp oil mixing noodles? What about crab yellow noodles? The more you know, the more you know, the more you don't know. I did not like noodles, and gradually fell in love with eating noodles, and then the opposite approach also had superficial grinding.

The noodles with alkali water are more powerful, and you don't cook more soup. Presumably many restaurants know. Freshwater noodles are suitable for those who like to drink thick soup, but it is easy to get sour when the soup is cool. The temperature of the water affects the plasticity of flour and the final taste, and it will not be exhausted here. With the basic knowledge of the noodles, add eggs or duck eggs to the noodles, and go to the countryside. Add fruit juice, vegetable juice, or other to the flour. All of them are based on personal preferences and are more suitable for home. I don't remember where I have eaten noodles made of fish, I just feel delicious, but it is quite hard to do, so I also gave up my own attempts.

I have eaten very simple Yangchun noodles in the alchemy in Shanghai. I have also eaten a few noodles in Linshui people in Yangzhou. Most of them are alkaline water surfaces. Do southerners prefer alkaline water? It's like the battle between the sweet and salty tofu brain in the north and the south, which is quite interesting.

Will it be the northerner's obsession with pasta? I always feel that there are a few bundles of ready -made noodle noodles in the Wudou cabinet, or a small bag of flour, even when they are lazy, they are full of security. As a result, all kinds of noodles were born. But most of them work on side dishes and production methods, and they have a little less thought about the noodles themselves. Just represent personal life preferences.

Finally, tell a small story about Yangchun as the end.

It is said that in the 27th year of Qianlong, the Emperor of the Qianlong Emperor in March of Yangchun went to Huaian in the south. He avoided the cultural and military officials and took Wang Tingzhen to turn around in the city. He came down to sit down. There is a bowl of noodle noodles on the two ends. The root is clear and refreshing, and the pale sauce noodle soup is clear and bottom. The soup floats with large and small golden oil flowers and emerald green crushed garlic flowers. After Qianlong ate two bowls in a row, he suddenly asked what name was this? The stalls said: "Tell the hexagon (Chuzhou dialect, the meaning of" gree "), we did not give it a name." What, why is there no name for such a good noodle? No, no! Qianlong thought for a moment: "Huai'an is the main place of transport. Every year, the court has a lot of taxes and contributions to great contributions. Now it is Yangchun March. This face is called" Yangchun Noodles "." It means that Huai'an pays taxes to the court like spring Everything grows, and vitality; like this noodles, continuously. After listening to it, Wang Tingzhen hurriedly asked people to bring the pen and ink, and asked Qianlong to give the name "Yangchun Noodles".


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