1. Parents will also go far away forever

No matter how reluctant, there will be a day when we have to say goodbye to our parents. When we were young, in our eyes, our parents were heroes, capable of anything. As we grow up, our parents also age, they no longer go through rain and shine, and their bodies are no longer as strong and healthy as before. Just a slight illness, an accidental fall, or even a normal night's sleep can permanently separate them from this world. Children want to take care of their parents, but they may not wait for that day, which is a great regret for everyone. Therefore, while our parents are still healthy, we must cherish them even more as their children. Our parents are aging every day. Instead of organizing a grand funeral when our parents pass away, why don't we wholeheartedly show filial piety while they are still alive? Only then can we face separation without regret in the future. We should learn to cope with losses in life. When we can face these losses without regret, our mentality has improved, and we can face the world more lightly and comfortably.

2. Opportunities for advancement slipping away

As people reach middle age, many careers have already been established early, making it difficult to find any more opportunities for advancement. Compared to younger people, regardless of age, physical strength, expertise, or advantages, they have gradually diminished. Therefore, after working hard for many years, we do not want to miss out on rare opportunities for advancement, otherwise everything may stop here. However, in this world, things will not go as smoothly as you wish, missing out on opportunities for advancement will always make people feel pain, disappointment, and dissatisfaction. But ultimately, we can only choose to accept and face it. If you can learn to accept the unchangeable truths in this process and find a way out, that is wisdom in life. Many times, the self-pity you hold inside will gradually spread and accumulate more and more in your heart. After all, a career is just a part of life, and we should not be too burdened by not being able to reach the peak of our career. What matters is that after the effort, you can naturally adapt, not collapse, not care about the eyes of others, find the true focus and goal for yourself, live well for the present, only then can you have a meaningful life.

3. Children gradually leave the embrace of their parents

In the hearts of many parents, they always feel that their children are still young, but in the blink of an eye, their children have grown up, have established their careers, and have to struggle to make a living and support a family. It seems that the maturity of children only happens in the blink of an eye, while the past is still vividly clear. As children gradually grow up and move towards the future, parents can only watch and bid farewell to their children, even though they are very reluctant, they still hold back tears and smile to let go, silently praying and wishing happiness for their children. But clearly, in this way, we can only hope for future generations, accept losses in exchange for the development of descendants, which is also very commendable.

4. Health silently slips away

In this life, nothing is more important to you than your own self, a body without illness, a soul without chaos, that is the true happiness of a person. There is a saying: "A healthy person has a hundred wishes, a sick person has only one wish: that is health." Indeed, illness spares no one, whether you are rich or poor, high or low in status. If you are fortunate enough to have good health, it means you are close to success in all areas. Treat your own health well, maintain it, you need to start when you are young. After all, for us, health is like the embankment of a river, once careless, even a swarm of ants can cause the embankment to collapse. To avoid such tragedies, start now to love and cherish your own health. Eat properly, exercise according to a suitable regimen, avoid staying up late, maintain a stable mental state, don't wait until old age to struggle between life and death.

There is a saying: The most painful thing in life is attachment, the hardest thing in life is letting go. A happy person is not someone who doesn't worry, but someone wise enough to be ready to let go of unrealistic desires, let go of the shackles of fame and gain, not be torn between gain and loss. Only when you remember the following two things, can a person truly be free:

Not every letting go is giving up

There is a story like this. In ancient times, a man boarded a boat with a large bag of gold on his back. Suddenly, when the boat reached the middle of the river, a strong wind blew in. Seeing the boat about to capsize, the boatman shouted to him: "Quickly throw away the gold!" Just by getting rid of the burden in time, the boat would be lighter and there would still be a chance to survive. However, no matter how the boatman shouted, the man stubbornly refused to let go of the gold in his hands. In the end, the boat sank in the waves and the man perished just for the bag of gold. At first listen to this story, many children find it hard to understand, why would someone be so foolish in life? Only when we grow up, many of us realize that we seem to have become the very person we once laughed at. We are obsessed with fame, tirelessly pursuing wealth, gradually becoming slaves to material possessions. We cling to emotions that no longer belong to us, never letting go, only to be hurt time and time again. In many cases, letting go is not giving up. Letting go is a way for us to reduce burdens in life. Only when you have the courage to unload the burden and move forward lightly, can you see a different scene of life.

"Having" always comes with "giving up"

Living in this world, the more we seek, the more we lose. The greatest difficulty in life is when we have to stand at a crossroads and consider the trade-offs. Whether you want it or not, you still have to accept the fact that life is a cycle of gain and loss. No one can have it all. It's better for us to live freely, cherish each moment, let go of what needs to be let go, and smile at life. Only when you know how to let go, can you truly be free. On the journey of life, we often pursue happiness, but the law of heaven and earth is "having will always come with losing." To achieve fame, sometimes we have to trade with health and relationships. Being too attached to emotions can make people feel lonely, lost, or burdened. Human life is like a bill, on that bill if we can let go of what is lost, go with the flow, happiness will overflow.

What you need, I don't need. Those who are too calculating are often very intelligent, but in return, they are only troubled and unhappy. People should live sincerely, but not too bluntly. Sometimes, for genuine happiness, we need to be patient and wait. Life has its ups and downs, don't blame anything. No matter how happy life is, there will still be sorrows, and no matter how unlucky it is, there will always be luck accompanying it. Human life is not a wild race, but a long journey. Sometimes, someone should be extremely happy, but their face is often gloomy. Someone who is naturally worried but always has a radiant face. Live a little carelessly, happiness will be fuller, holding on and letting go, worries follow each other. Life cannot be exactly as desired, but we wake up every day under the sun.

Throughout life, there are many things worth loving and cherishing, don't frown because of a few things that don't go as planned. Everyone seeks happiness like thirst, but the warmth and coldness of the world can only be truly understood by oneself. Some people are busy every day on the path to seek happiness, but never feel the existence of a smile. Some people, know how to pick up warm and touching moments, always accompany joy. The journey of each life should flow naturally. Day by day we travel on all roads, but who knows in a moment, on that road, unexpected events will happen. Years flow from one day to the next. From when the flower blooms to when it withers, from when the flower exudes fragrance to when the color fades, just accept each gift in life calmly, there is no need to blame yourself for how much you have or don't have.

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