I woke up at 5:30 in the morning. I woke up until about seven o'clock in the morning. Today, somehow may be that it is recently troubled by cervical spondylosis, which affects the discomfort of the head, so sleep is naturally affected.

In the early winter days, the Chen was still dark at this time. I got up and walked to the night sky in front of the window. I saw a few little stars scattered scattered on the shadow, with light light, but there was a stars on the top left. Shining. Is it a star? I was a little sleepy and was taken away by it.

There was the first chicken cry downstairs, and it seemed extremely clear in this quiet morning. I haven't heard it for a long time, and the chicken crying is not waking up. The feeling of the chicken crying seems to be more intense when I was a child.

The cervical spine discomfort really made me miserable. At this time, the head of the head suddenly and one drill was burst, and my sister reminded me: "You might as well try to eat a gastrodian stew head, make up for the shape, and treat your head for your head. It should be helpful if it is not adapted. "

Now I do n’t know if there is a cervical spine, but it is estimated that it is a bit, but it ’s okay to eat the fish head of fish stew. Consultation on the Internet, Gastrodia has a curative effect on trigeminal neuralgia, vascular nerve headache and so on. Maybe this is also a kind of vascular nerve problem, then try it.

There are more vehicles on the road downstairs. Several shops opposite the road are open, and the neon lights at the door are still flashing red and yellow light. Colorful light, very beautiful. I took my eyes and looked back, looking at the sky, and the fish belly was white.

At this time, I remembered that there was a stew shop not far from home. At noon, Mu Mu's warm sunshine came here.

There are only 20 square meters of coconut stew shops, which are mainly stewed and fast food. There are many types of stews, including pork belly pepper stewed chicken, coconut Huaishan stewed chicken, cordycene flowers stewed meat, but there is no gastrodic stewed fish head, but those who are also attracted, can't help swallowing.

Seeing a few ingenious words on the wall, "I want to nourish the body, I know, I know it is easy to get old". It's hard!

Thinking about it, I had thrown Gastrodia's fish stew with a fish head behind my head.

"Want a coconut Huaishan stewed black chicken." I stared at the line of the brand on the wall and said to the female clerk with a ponytail next to it.

A cup of hot coconut Huai Mountain stewed black chicken came up! The stew is stewed with the entire coconut shell, and a gently sip, a sweet coconut aroma and Wuji Huai Mountain fragrance, full of oral cavity, the whole person is spiritual, the neck and head seem to be comfortable, the neck and head seem to be comfortable. a lot of.

I have eaten this stewed shop at the Dayan Stew Shop at Civilization Road, Guangzhou. The coconut stewed chicken in that shop is well -known, and it is also stewed with the entire coconut shell. Although it is a small shop on the roadside, the business is very hot every day. And now this coconut stewed black chicken is also a hard -working stew. Twenty pieces are not expensive.

The early winter is a suitable season for tonic. Gastrodia stewed fish head can buy ingredients and stew it yourself, but don't miss the coconut stewed black chicken in this supplementary season.

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