Chapter 45: Fruit Porridge

When watching the Japanese drama "Bread and Soup and Cats", I suddenly remembered that I had heard such a sentence: trivial things rely on experience and common sense, and big things depend on intuition. This pulled my memory back to the cold winter more than thirty years ago. At that time, I was still studying in elementary school. I don't know if it was because of my long body. I often feel hungry when doing my homework at night, or maybe there are too few "oil and water" for dinner and not resistance to hunger. In the words of my mother, I know how to eat all day long. But is the stomachache that is not good at learning? Therefore, whenever I take a low score or do the wrong thing, I will deliberately punish myself hungry, as if it is the atonement of my mother, and I really feel that I don't have to eat. This habit has continued until many years after work, and to this day, it still often uses it. It is just that there are many reasons, as if they can feel more at ease with advanced self -punishment. Although, knowing some errors may not be your own.

The kitchen seemed to be far away from the parents' bedrooms, but it was always pulled closer to the half -opening window. In short, every time in the kitchen is a little moved, the mother will definitely discover it. How did I stand calmly in front of the stove in her chattering number? But it is clear that I listened to her words. In order to save some rice, I will cut the remaining fruits into small pieces and cook them in the pot. If you don't like the shape of the square block, cut it on the sideways into a diamond -shaped size. But this change will inevitably be ironic by the mother. That's right, it is still that, how do you have to learn how to learn how to fill your "black hole" all day. The "black hole" that the mother said refers to the mouth. I didn't dare to refute my mouth, but the guilt in my heart gathered a little bit. I do n’t know if the problem that has no appetite every time I finish cooking is developed from then on.

Sometimes, I add a few petals in white rice porridge for a long time to be thrown. Sometimes there are a few pieces of apple oxidized and discolored apples, or there are any fruits at home. However, it rarely uses fresh. Whenever summer season, the vines in the yard are covered with a bunch of sinking grapes, which will also become the same ingredient in my fruit porridge. Washing the Fengxianhua and the pea flowers that have been fell off, if there are just these embellishments, I will be happier.

When my mother did not come to the kitchen at home, I didn't dare to use the chopping board and kitchen knife, because it was too static, so I had to wash the handmade knife of the pencil and cut it little by little. However, this method of covering the ears and stealing bells is not successful every time.

I remember many years ago, I wrote a "Boiling Boiling Noodle Stor in Midnight", which is the same as this fruit porridge. However, instant noodles have later become one of the most disgusted foods in recent years. Because there have been several years, every time I get a salary or manuscript fee, I will buy two boxes of instant noodles under the bed to prepare from time to time. But I never wanted to be in the middle of the flow, and from time to time, it became the norm. As a result, instant noodles became a necessity of life, and even later, when the taste of instant noodles, it would be disgusting.

I think that fruit porridge should not be created by itself. When I was a kid, I followed the adults at home. In the end, there were always two finale soup on the seat. One is salty, tomato egg flower soup; the other is sweet, fruit hawthorn soup. Presumably this is a unique sense of ritual in northern talents? Therefore, every time you make fruit porridge, you will have a little respect in your heart. And this may also be the reason why I can hold my mother's ears and concentrate on boiling a pot of porridge.

Later, I went to Guangzhou and saw many desserts. When I made fruit porridge, I also learned subtly. Lao powder is a good thing. When I don't want to use rice, boil pot water, cook all kinds of nuts and fruits, and finally hook some pouring powder, and the soup can be tapped a few times in the pot. After cooling, if you can mix some osmanthus syrup or honey, it is extremely delicious. Although I don't like sweets, I can eat a large bowl occasionally. It was just that they rarely bought authentic and pure ravioli on the market. I tried to buy fresh lotus root by myself, and I always felt less. Later, a friend from Hangzhou sent me a little grinding powder and a small bottle of lotus dried lotus. A few years later, the coincidence also went.

I remember the days in Guangzhou, whenever the night came was the most lively time of the day, and casually could find delicious dessert shops in the street. Mung bean paste, Guiling paste, ginger bump milk, sesame paste, and even these desserts that have nothing to do with fruits were finally classified as fruit porridge. Is it obedient.

I think if I think from the perspective of subconsciousness, I feel that I chose the career of the chef from the initial lack of food. Therefore, I agree with the guidance in the meditation. In the words of a very net red, all the arrears in this world will be compensated by another form. At least, the years I have been a chef can enjoy all kinds of food frankly without fear.


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