Recently, if you are a friend chasing a star, you should know that a big thing is that Ruixing actually signed the small fresh meat in China Yi Xi Qianxi. At first I didn't care about it because I rarely watched Weibo and some short videos. The platform was also the manager of my Ruixing Coffee Shop that reposted a link to know that the original contract was signed. Then when I went to work in early work, because it was not particularly bright at six o'clock, I scared me as soon as I entered the door. It turned out that the store had a portrait portrait of Yi Xi Qianxi.

When I brushed the circle of friends at the time, I found that some junior high school students liked TFBOYS at the time, so they immediately ran to Ruixing to buy coffee when they saw it and then patted the portrait of Yi Xi Qianxi. I have to say that Ruixing still knows how many stars have been signed before and after marketing. In addition to the celebrities, Ruixing also likes to sign the championship of the WBC of the World Coffee Contest, and there are two in each Ruixing store. The man is the Yingdian Dian, who is the championship of the 2014 WBC World Coffee Contest.

The other is Andre Ratovada, the champion of the Italian Battoist Contest, and of course, the Chinese champion Pan Zhimin in my country. It is said that the Italian -style matching beans used now are from their hands. As for the taste, what is the taste? I won't evaluate everyone. Recently, the amount of cold cups may have declined a bit, so Ruixing will immediately get a stitched needle, and then sign the champion of another coffee contest before signing Yi Xi Qianxi. Team, serving as the chief coffee master of Ruixing Coffee. I have to say that there is only one position of the chief champion of so many championship. Who should be good?

With the signing of this championship, a new product is also the American style of hot red wine. Is there a very familiar feeling of hot red wine? Yes, it is the hot red wine that suddenly became red on the Internet before. The exclusive Christmas drink is actually the spice hot red wine adding some fruits. If I remember correctly, there were many videos on December that started selling hot red wine on the last year. Imagine how warm to drink a cup of hot brand in such a cold day.

It's as if the hot red wine just said is a Christmas exclusive drink, so after winter, the heat faded away. As a result, Ruixing has a hot red wine American coffee this year. But this is not the taste of customers. Many customers in our stores say that it is difficult to drink and some exaggerated, so it is more exaggerated like vomit, so the superior instructions said to remind customers that the new taste is a bit particularly not used to it. In the past, Rui Xing hadn't tried it, and it can be seen that the response of the new product is too contrast.

Then I returned to work that day and happened to be working that day. When I was resting, I saw that he made a cup of ice hot red wine, because if you order it, you can only make hot. DIY I was curious to ask the manager if it was delicious? In fact, the method is made of red wine flavor syrup plus concentrated orange juice and coffee. He said that I can ask him if he actually drinks his red wine orange juice or coffee flavor? He said that he did not drink any coffee flavor, because the new coffee made because of the new signing of the champion of the Bafaist contest.

He knew that I also worked in a boutique coffee shop, and I told him: Actually, these new products are marketing gimmicks. If this barista is used to use this, he may be excluded. The name of the special coffee but actually has nothing to do with coffee. For example, many coffee shops like to use fruit juice and jam plus various soda and various special milk mixing, but many of them have added a lot of coffee flavor to the flavor of coffee flavor. Cover the juice with coffee flavor.

There are also some premise of coffee. Other ingredients are to highlight some kind of flavor of this bean. For example, many coffee extraction coffee liquids that can use a single place or the same variety are unique flavors. For example, we drink SOE. American or single beans hand -made coffee. The idea of ​​special coffee is to disassemble the flavor of coffee, and choose one or several amplification treatment to pull the sense of layer a little bit more. This is the practice of the players of the average barista contest. Find the coffee beans you feel good and use different fruit distillation (with or higher cleanliness).

There are also some premise of coffee. Other ingredients are to highlight some flavor of this bean. For example, many coffee extraction coffee liquids that can use a single place of production or the same variety are unique flavors. For example, we drink SOE. American or single beans hand -made coffee. The idea of ​​special coffee is to disassemble the flavor of coffee, and choose one or several amplification treatment to pull the sense of layer a little bit more. This is the practice of the players of the average barista contest. Find the coffee beans you feel good and use different fruit distillation (with or higher cleanliness).

But the special coffee launched by many boutique coffee shops is actually the deployment of many different syrup. It ’s like a bartender. You drink a lot of flavors. It depends on what kind of coffee or coffee flavor you want. of. Sometimes I also think that some of the durian coffee fart vinegar coffee is sold for 4050 yuan to the end. It is not worth it. If it is me, I will take a look at the adding things to the flavor of the coffee. If there is no, it is likely that the coffee -flavored drink.

However, many people are now being exposed to special coffee. It is a new experience because it is very different from traditional coffee, but also hopes that the coffee circle has a positive effect on the special coffee instead of bringing people to coffee flavor drinks.

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