1. Analysis of the cause behind the accident

According to the Xinhua News Agency, the Beijing Communications Commission reported on the 15th that at 18:57 on December 14, the two train rear -end accidents occurred in the upward range of the Metro Changping Line West Erqi to the Life Science Park, causing some passengers to be injured. According to a preliminary investigation, the cause of the accident was the downgrade of the signal of the front vehicle, and the emergency braking parking. The rear car was located in the downhill area. Essence


At 12:21 on December 15th, the Beijing Municipal Communications Commission informed the "Metro Changping Line Incident to Complete the Emergency Rescue Emergency Response" last night. " I was sent to the hospital for examination, and 102 were fractures, and no one died. "

Some friends think that the subway rear -end accident should be very accidental and sudden, but it is not. At 14:37 on September 27, 2011, two trains from Shanghai Metro Line 10 were also rear -end at the 100 -meter standard of 100 meters from Yuyuan Station to Lao Ximen Station, causing 295 people to be injured.


2. Why not play mobile phones when traveling by subway

The world's first passenger underground railway was built in the 1960s of the Nineteenth century in the British Victorian period. It was opened to traffic on January 10, 1863. It is the oldest subway in the world. After that, the subway has developed globally.

Today, the subway has become an indispensable transportation tool for modern cities, and it has also become part of urban culture. The average daily passenger flow of the subway in Beijing reached 5 million, the average daily passenger flow of the Guangzhou Metro was 6.35 million, and the total passenger flow of Guangzhou reached 2.3 billion. Many passengers are swiping their mobile phones while riding the subway.

Now more and more people are used to buying mobile phones when taking the subway, and the following risks to play mobile phones by subway:

1. Poor injuries : In the subway carriage, swipe your mobile phone. If you do not grasp the armrest, it will be easy to fall because of unstable standing. Especially in the carriage of many people, or when encountering emergency braking, it is easier for the handrail to cause injuries to fall.

2. Crash others or items : In the subway carriage, people usually carry various items, such as backpacks and handbags. If you lose your balance because of playing your mobile phone, you do not grasp the handrail, it is easy to collide with other passengers or items, causing unnecessary damage and losses.

3. Affecting the car experience of others : In the subway carriage, if you do not grasp the handrails because you play your mobile phone, it will not only affect your own car experience, but also affect the ride experience of other passengers. Because falling or collision may cause uneasiness and confusion in the compartment, and even cause disputes and conflicts.

4. Diversifying attention : Playing with mobile phones will disperse our attention so that we cannot pay attention to the surrounding environment and changes in time. In the subway compartment, we must not only pay attention to our standing positions and armrests, but also pay attention to the status of passengers and carriages around. Once playing with mobile phones occupy our attention and attention, we cannot deal with emergencies in time.

5. Reduce the reaction speed : take a long time to play with the subway to play mobile phones for a long time, which will cause our reaction speed to decrease. In emergency situations, such as sudden parking, starting or emergency braking, we need to quickly respond to maintain balance and avoid collision. If our response speed is reduced, it is easier to hurt.

6. Hidden safety hazards : The flow of people in the subway car is large and densely personnel. Playing mobile phones in a crowded carriage is not only easy to slip off the phone, but also may hit other passengers or items because of bowing heads.

3. How to prevent the occurrence of subway accidents

1. Comply with the provisions of the ride : In the subway carriage, we must abide by the regulations of various ride, such as waiting in line, getting off first, then getting on the car and grasping the handrails. This not only helps maintain order, but also reduces the possibility of accidents.

2. Keep vigilance : In the subway, we must always be vigilant, pay attention to observe the surrounding environment and personnel, and listen carefully to the broadcast of the subway. Once suspicious or safety hazards are found, report to the staff in a timely manner.

3. Put your mobile phone : Try to reduce the time of using your mobile phone when traveling on the subway. We can use the ride time to think, relax, or listen to music with headphones. This can not only avoid the risk of mobile phones, but also to be alert, and respond to emergencies in a timely manner.

4. Mastering emergency skills : It is very important to understand and master basic emergency skills. In emergency situations, such as fire, earthquake, subway accidents, we must be able to quickly take measures to rescue and rescue themselves.

Fourth, call for and suggestions

In order to prevent similar subway accidents, we call on the majority of passengers to put their mobile phones while riding the subway, grab the handrails, and pay attention to safety. At the same time, we also recommend that subway companies strengthen safety propaganda and education, and improve passengers' safety awareness and emergency treatment capabilities. Only when we work together can we build a safe and harmonious subway environment.

In short, this article aims to remind everyone to always be alert and concern when traveling on the subway. By complying with the rules of ride, maintaining vigilance, putting down mobile phones, and mastering emergency skills, we can effectively prevent the occurrence of subway accidents and ensure the safety of ourselves and others.

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