The liver is one of the most important organs in the body as it is responsible for the metabolism of substances. You eat to obtain nutrients to nourish the body, and another important task is that it removes toxins from the body. Therefore, if the liver is weak or goes on strike and does not function, waste and harmful substances in the body will not be expelled. To put it simply, it is like your home’s drain being clogged for a few days; you will see how terrible everything becomes. The sad thing nowadays is that we are increasingly consuming foods high in fats, various chemicals, pesticides, and preservatives. For profit, people are willing to put everything into the food you eat as long as they make a profit.

That is why your liver is becoming increasingly vulnerable, and you will see more liver diseases than before. As you know, the liver is so important that we must save it, especially for those who are still healthy; we must act immediately and not wait until we are hospitalized, as it may not be possible to save it then. Many people understand this and are willing to spend a fortune on dietary supplements and liver tonics in hopes of having a healthier liver, but there is actually a paradox here: sometimes the more liver supplements you take, the more vulnerable your liver becomes. Why?

Imagine that if you buy quality food without chemicals, it would be better; if you buy low-quality food full of toxins, aren’t you harming your liver? However, even if you consume high-quality food, it may not necessarily be good for the liver. Remember that the liver has the function of metabolism and detoxification; anything ingested must be processed by the liver, and if the liver is already overloaded, forcing it to process even more random substances is harmful, not helpful.

In summary, supplementing with liver tonics may not be effective and could even have the opposite effect. It’s like a wealthy father who sees his son too tired and gives him more money to spend, but the father does not realize that his son is tired because of the pressure of spending money endlessly, and now giving him more money only adds to his fatigue. Therefore, upon investigation, you will find that most medical experts recommend supporting liver detoxification naturally through diet.

Speaking of liver detoxification, let me explain a bit. “Liver detoxification here does not mean that we take medicine to make the toxins in the liver disappear. It is not like taking detoxification medicine; in essence, there are no toxins in the liver, so it does not need detoxification. Instead, liver detoxification refers to the liver's ability to expel toxins from the body, so consuming liver detoxifying foods is actually supporting the liver to detoxify better, work more efficiently, and function more smoothly. Simply put, liver detoxifying foods are those that nourish the liver to keep it healthy.”

The issue is that medical experts believe it is unnecessary and even inadvisable to use liver detoxifying foods or liver tonics. Instead, we should nourish the liver according to natural laws through diet, as the liver has a natural self-healing mechanism. If it is damaged, you just need to give it time to heal itself. Supplementing with various random medications only makes your liver work harder to process the drugs you take, and the more it works, the longer it takes to recover. Therefore, the best way to help your liver stay healthy is to avoid doing things that harm it and eat foods that are good for the liver; that is enough. Speaking of harmful substances for the liver, you can read the article about liver cirrhosis on my page to understand better which foods destroy your liver, with alcohol being the most prominent. You should avoid these foods to keep your liver healthy; otherwise, taking liver tonics while still consuming alcohol makes everything meaningless.

Foods and drinks beneficial for the liver.

1. Coffee

Surprisingly, coffee is very good, as I have mentioned in a previous article about the benefits of coffee. You just need to reduce the amount of sugar and milk when drinking coffee. In this article, coffee is also a standout in supporting liver health, and of course, there is evidence to back it up. In summary, studies have shown that people who regularly drink coffee are less likely to suffer from liver diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, or liver cancer compared to others. The reason is that caffeine has the ability to prevent the accumulation of fat and collagen in the liver. Additionally, caffeine also helps stimulate the increase of the antioxidant glutathione, which helps your body reduce oxidation and lower the risk of cancer.

2. Green tea

This is also a familiar and inexpensive drink but has very good effects on the liver. Up to 15 studies have shown that green tea reduces liver enzyme levels in people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Another study found that those who drink green tea have a lower risk of developing liver cancer, and to be considered a regular green tea drinker, you should consume at least 4 cups a day. So, having a cup of green tea daily not only helps you stay alert and relaxed but also benefits your liver. However, for young people, this habit might seem a bit old-fashioned, as sitting and drinking green tea looks a bit like the elderly.

Next, we come to another familiar fruit: grapefruit.

3. Grapefruit

Most people probably like grapefruit, but not as you might think; this grapefruit does not have milk. Grapefruit contains two very good antioxidants: maringenin and naringin. These substances help reduce inflammation and protect liver cells. Another study also indicated that these antioxidants could help reduce the progression of cirrhosis. As you know, when you have cirrhosis, the liver's function is diminished, meaning its ability to metabolize and detoxify is also impaired, making your body more susceptible to illness and weight loss. So, eat more grapefruit, and remember that grapefruit grows on trees.

4. Cruciferous vegetables

The fourth beneficial food often appears in your meals is cruciferous vegetables. Vegetables in the cruciferous family, such as broccoli, cabbage, and kale, are all good for the liver. These vegetables are rich in fiber, and researchers have found that they contain some compounds that alter detoxification processes and protect the liver from harmful compounds. Experiments on mice showed that those fed broccoli developed fewer tumors or had less fatty liver than other mice.

5. Grapes

To protect the liver, choose grapes for dessert. Grapes, especially red and purple grapes, contain many beneficial plant compounds for liver health. The substances in grapes help reduce inflammation, prevent cell damage, and increase antioxidant levels, which naturally limits cancer risk.

6. Garlic

We cannot forget the contribution of a very familiar figure, a character known as a folk remedy. Let me introduce you to garlic. Many studies have shown that consuming garlic powder for 15 weeks significantly improves the condition of fat accumulation in the liver and reduces the risk of associated diseases in people with non-alcoholic fatty liver, especially liver cancer. A study in the populous country of China showed that those who eat garlic have a much lower rate of cancer compared to those who eat little or no garlic.

7. Berries

Finally, we come to berries. Generally, berries are fruits with thin skins and juicy flesh, such as blueberries, blackberries, oranges, lychees, etc. You can use Google to learn more about different types of berries. Regarding the effects of berries on the liver, researchers have found that the compounds in berries help reduce liver damage and aid in faster liver recovery. Additionally, berries also help reduce liver fibrosis, control age-related liver diseases, and improve liver dysfunction.

Thus, we have explored 7 types of foods considered to be miraculous for the liver, including coffee, green tea, garlic, grapefruit, cruciferous vegetables, berries, and grapes.

I hope this article is helpful to you; thank you for reading. Goodbye and see you again.

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